Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

It's not that we're giving too much free stuff. It's that we're letting people get away with abusing a system and we're encouraging laziness, weakness and irresponsible people breed and grow.

The welfare system is fine, it's the majority of people using it that aren't fine.

It should be like instance fraud. If you collect insurance for a disability or a work injury and you're found that you're out playing basketball or working a job for cash under the table your insurance benefits are stopped and you're going to court.

Welfare is an abused system that we allow to be abused which just makes others abuse it when they know others get away with it. And politicians won't do anything about it because they want votes.

Our society and system creates and perpetuates lazy, weak, soft, irresponsible and ambitionless people. Our system and society needs to foster the opposite and welfare would barely be used because most would be able to take care of themselves.
It's not that we're giving too much free stuff. It's that we're letting people get away with abusing a system and we're encouraging laziness, weakness and irresponsible people breed and grow.

The welfare system is fine, it's the majority of people using it that aren't fine.

It should be like instance fraud. If you collect insurance for a disability or a work injury and you're found that you're out playing basketball or working a job for cash under the table your insurance benefits are stopped and you're going to court.

Welfare is an abused system that we allow to be abused which just makes others abuse it when they know others get away with it. And politicians won't do anything about it because they want votes.

Our society and system creates and perpetuates lazy, weak, soft, irresponsible and ambitionless people. Our system and society needs to foster the opposite and welfare would barely be used because most would be able to take care of themselves.
This is all true. The Democrats, starting with LBJ, have allowed the government to become the “financial husband” of women who have child, after child, after child, after child instead of requiring the fathers to provide for their own children.

And the welfare mothers find it easier - they don’t have to deal with the lowlifes who impregnated them - and just get the monthly checks from taxpayers. If we didn’t give them all this monthly, they would have to go after the fathers to support their own children.
I knew you would hinge on that. It’s obvious these are not upper-middle class parents.

And you are ignoring that poor people are able to buy the ridiculously expensive toy when middle clsss people CANNOT!
Middle class people can just charge it on one of their credit cards, that isn't maxed out yet.
Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

If you gave a homeless person $10, it'll likely go on booze, their choice I suppose. So when I've helped others in the past, I gave them food and even put £10 on their electric meter (meter card in the UK).

So to help the family, if you wish, deliver some grocery items.

My mother was born 1941 and one Christmas, her dad carved out of wood with his pen knife a small rhinoceros. So to be buying kids toys or adults gifts when they have hardship, not something I would do.
If you gave a homeless person $10, it'll likely go on booze, their choice I suppose. So when I've helped others in the past, I gave them food and even put £10 on their electric meter (meter card in the UK).

So to help the family, if you wish, deliver some grocery items.

My mother was born 1941 and one Christmas, her dad carved out of wood with his pen knife a small rhinoceros. So to be buying kids toys or adults gifts when they have hardship, not something I would do.
We have community food banks in this area where anyone can go in and collect groceries for free--there are answers and forced government public assistance isn't the proper answer.
We have community food banks in this area where anyone can go in and collect groceries for free--there are answers and forced government public assistance isn't the proper answer.

Works when you have a wealthy community donating and relatively small number collecting
We have community food banks in this area where anyone can go in and collect groceries for free--there are answers and forced government public assistance isn't the proper answer.
We have food banks too, various folk like doctors have to give you a note in order to use them. As long as folk have a roof over their head and food, material items such as toys are not a priority.
If you gave a homeless person $10, it'll likely go on booze, their choice I suppose. So when I've helped others in the past, I gave them food and even put £10 on their electric meter (meter card in the UK).

So to help the family, if you wish, deliver some grocery items.

My mother was born 1941 and one Christmas, her dad carved out of wood with his pen knife a small rhinoceros. So to be buying kids toys or adults gifts when they have hardship, not something I would do.
I HAVE had homeless people asking me to give them money for food, and instead I’ve given them food.
I HAVE had homeless people asking me to give them money for food, and instead I’ve given them food.
Best way.

The best thing a country can do is put a roof over their head, that will get them on the road to securing a job. I know not homeless folk want help, but most do. Once they get back into society and earning, they should be prioritised into social housing (council houses) to pay rent and work.

Asylum seekers, illegals etc.. should be booted out and not entertained.
Best way.

The best thing a country can do is put a roof over their head, that will get them on the road to securing a job. I know not homeless folk want help, but most do. Once they get back into society and earning, they should be prioritised into social housing (council houses) to pay rent and work.

Asylum seekers, illegals etc.. should be booted out and not entertained.
One time a homeless guy asked me for $1 so he could buy lunch at McDonald’s. I asked him what in the world you could buy for $1, and he rattled off the entire $1 menu. I decided to be a sport and buy him a whole meal, for which he was very appreciative.

But I did not want to just give him cash. Very likely it goes toward booze.
One time a homeless guy asked me for $1 so he could buy lunch at McDonald’s. I asked him what in the world you could buy for $1, and he rattled off the entire $1 menu. I decided to be a sport and buy him a whole meal, for which he was very appreciative.

But I did not want to just give him cash. Very likely it goes toward booze.

Most of the homeless I see donate the money you give them to Israel
Nearly $70,000 per year for a family of four and that doesn't count food.... do you all know how many poor families of four Harris let into our country?...
Most of the homeless I see donate the money you give them to Israel
That would be wonderful if they did…..but they don’t.

But not sure what your stupid sarcastic taunt about Israel has to do with this topic. Oh wait……you’re a liberal. Can never means a chance to make some sarcastic remark about Israel.
To be clear Lisa, you think Republicans should be against policies like the child tax because in your imagination it might allow someone on welfare to buy their child an expensive toy?

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