NYC students to receive lessons on reparations, abolishing the police

NYC being NYC; this is nothing new. The mistake we make is thinking this is nationwide, because it's not.

I mean

We act like a school in the US is EVERY school. That's stupid. Imagine that in food. Do you go to a swanky LA hot spot and order biscuits, gravy and grits?

Or to a diner in South Carolina to get the best vegan dishes?

We all understand we are a diverse nation with many regions but not in schooling. If they're doing it in NYC they must be doing it in North Dakota too.

What is happening in the New York city public schools should not be happening anywhere in the United States.
What the heck are you talking about? :confused-84:

JoeB131 wants his opinions to be enforced violently, because they cannot prevail in civil and rational debates. He has stated his approval of reeducation camps. He wants the restrictions of political correctness to be taken to the next level.
A lot of people pretend to disagree with race realism. They behave as though they agree with it. White liberals avoid sending their children to schools with more than a small number of Negroes in them. They avoid black neighborhoods, especially after dark.

They do not behave that way with Orientals and Oriental neighborhoods.

Actually,the only people who agree with it are hard core racist incels like you.

I wouldn't go to Chicago's Chinatown after dark. Neither would my wife, and she's Chinese.
NYC being NYC; this is nothing new. The mistake we make is thinking this is nationwide, because it's not.

I mean

We act like a school in the US is EVERY school. That's stupid. Imagine that in food. Do you go to a swanky LA hot spot and order biscuits, gravy and grits?

No, Islamophobic Twat, but I can get biscuits and gravy at any diner here in Chicago. I can also get Chinese, Italian, Thai, Greek, Polish or any other variety of food that I like, because, heck, diversity is wonderful.
JoeB131 wants his opinions to be enforced violently, because they cannot prevail in civil and rational debates. He has stated his approval of reeducation camps. He wants the restrictions of political correctness to be taken to the next level.

Absolutely. There's a certain point where you don't give oxygen to flat earthers, conspiracy theorists, or race realists.
Never said that, and never would. But to even infer this is happening everywhere is ludicrous
That’s the lib nutcases for you. Cry about the “oppressed” blacks who are getting hired and picked for jobs due to their skin color while enabling and even encouraging violence and riots against Jews.

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