Pictures worth a thousand words. Maybe just two words.

Yeah where is the source for these picture. Like a link maybe and then someone might believe

Yet how do we know that they are real not some made up stuff, doctored photos, etc.

Because you believe your source but got no Idea where they got it from

Those are not slumbs , that is condemned housing. and the city is not letting anyone live in falling buildings.

Your source has no source. They claim something and you believe it because its what you want to believe.

It just some webstie

All your showing is abandoned building in Detroit. So they have abandon building. Well they have other building also that are not abandon and functional

So what defines the city

July 2013, the city finally filed for bankruptcy. after the motor industry that made it famous crashed and burned. Yeah republicans yelling it was democrat fault.

Well it was people who started purchasing foreign brand cars that caused the crash and burn

The building where they made the Model T and registered as an historic site. . Yes they have a lot of old building that no one is using

This is the story of how the city named the motor city and how it crashed when there prime business crashed

1950 the US provided 3/4 of the worlds automobiles at its height

China, Germany started making cars and there was competition

Detroit the motor king crashed. So yeah they are a lot of abandoned buildings

Still there are also modern buildings.

So yeah if you want to focus on the negative then its there For what purpose to elect Trump

Trump has nothing to do with it.

Detroit lived on the automobile image and competition came along and took a bite out it

Japan was making cheaper cars and some say more reliable.

US consumers purchased the foreign brand rather than the American Brand

So a city built on the automotive industry , died by the automotive industry. Buildings unused and falling apart.

So what is the point being made

Trump could have save them

Trump can barely save himself and was defeated in an election . So yes the might do fall
And businesses go out of business.

The pic is of the old Packard plant that quit making cars in 1957.

Yeah, but a good chunk of Detroit looks like that now. In fact, a few years back they were literally giving abandoned properties away for $1 and very few people bought them.

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