Why is Kamala depicted as a Native American woman on the Time Cover?

There has never been an left actor president.
90% of memes on this board are right.
Repubtards can't govern.
Democrats elect serious legislators.
Republicans only increase deficits punch bowl sugar high.
lol....serious legislators.....oh wait you actually believe that....explain who brought the quality of life down like it has in California?...yea their serious democrat legislators did that
lol....serious legislators.....oh wait you actually believe that....explain who brought the quality of life down like it has in California?...yea their serious democrat legislators did that
100% of congressional Republicans signed a pledge to drown the US Dollar & Government in Debt & they have succeeded.
LOL every dem President has increased the debt so you don't get to claim only republicans do that.
BS! - Democrats reduced the massive WWII debt from 1946 until Republicans Reganomics began destroying this country. Since then Republicans increased debt the most by far.
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you kissass claimed only republicans raised the debt your chart proves that is a lie as well as any check of history.
Debt ratio reduced under Democrat presidents since then. Republicans can suck it. Read it an weep.

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