The Trump Show looks like it's coming to an end

Because it's reality. Magaturds aren't going to be invited to join anything. They will be derided and can live on their fringe, under rocks and twist in the wind.
Actually what I can foresee happening is the MAGA crew actually moving further Right, embracing the hardcore ideals of people like me and forming their own party. They might even be able to draw in some of the other small, right-wing parties.

This would leave the RINO and Never-Trump types to live under a center-left banner, possibly pulling in some of the more centrist Democrats and leaving the Progressives on their own at the left end of the spectrum.

At that point you have a three party situation where presidential elections are going to become even more of a shit show than they are now.
Actually what I can foresee happening is the MAGA crew actually moving further Right, embracing the hardcore ideals of people like me and forming their own party. They might even be able to draw in some of the other small, right-wing parties.
Probably not. Fringes are usually a tiny, yet vocal minority. Herding cats.
Actually what I can foresee happening is the MAGA crew actually moving further Right, embracing the hardcore ideals of people like me and forming their own party. They might even be able to draw in some of the other small, right-wing parties.

This would leave the RINO and Never-Trump types to live under a center-left banner, possibly pulling in some of the more centrist Democrats and leaving the Progressives on their own at the left end of the spectrum.

At that point you have a three party situation where presidential elections are going to become even more of a shit show than they are now.
That is actually a good scenario you picture, I agree with this 100%, and I think we need not only 3 parties, but 4 parties.

Let the two extremes, yourself and the leftists, march under their own banner, and you will start to get coaltion parties, where cooperation will be necessary. With only a third party, this party will cost its partner election wins, so it would have to be a true independent, with no attachment. Not easy to survive otherwise, unless another, 4th party emerges.
That is actually a good scenario you picture, I agree with this 100%, and I think we need not only 3 parties, but 4 parties.

Let the two extremes, yourself and the leftists, march under their own banner, and you will start to get coaltion parties, where cooperation will be necessary. With only a third party, this party will cost its partner election wins, so it would have to be a true independent, with no attachment. Not easy to survive otherwise, unless another, 4th party emerges.
I’m not a believe in coalitions, compromises or working with the enemy. Three or four really makes no difference so far as one it, so long as that centrist party draws from both existing parties.

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