The Trump Show looks like it's coming to an end

Be careful what you wish for folks… the end of Trump will leave a vast void in the Republican Party. Nature abhors a vacuum, and I can’t see the MAGA folks supporting a RINO to fill that void. The end of Trump could very easily mean a shift even further to the RIGHT, rather than back towards the center. That or a complete and permanent split in the Republican Party
it could result as you say. just as likely : a few fanatical dead enders lying in a pool of their own blood on account of this madman's lies. we are not going back. we are not deserting nato and we sure as hell aren;t giving him a dictatorship for a day, hour or minute.

you can kill me. but NEVER enslave me.
Lol. Flail harder.


^ Fake crowd for a fake candidate
it could result as you say. just as likely : a few fanatical dead enders lying in a pool of their own blood on account of this madman's lies. we are not going back. we are not deserting nato and we sure as hell aren;t giving him a dictatorship for a day, hour or minute
I can’t see the Right wing of the Republican Party ever rejoining the Never-Trump and RINO wings of the party. I would hope that those two factions would go where they belong, the Democrats and leave the Republican Party to the true Conservatives.
you can kill me. but NEVER enslave me
Your plan is acceptable.
I can’t see the Right wing of the Republican Party ever rejoining the Never-Trump and RINO wings of the party. I would hope that those two factions would go where they belong, the Democrats and leave the Republican Party to the true Conservatives.

Your plan is acceptable.
You stole that from MIB!

Except of course he said proposal, not plan.
Be careful what you wish for folks… the end of Trump will leave a vast void in the Republican Party. Nature abhors a vacuum, and I can’t see the MAGA folks supporting a RINO to fill that void. The end of Trump could very easily mean a shift even further to the RIGHT, rather than back towards the center. That or a complete and permanent split in the Republican Party
There's already a plan.
Be careful what you wish for folks… the end of Trump will leave a vast void in the Republican Party. Nature abhors a vacuum, and I can’t see the MAGA folks supporting a RINO to fill that void. The end of Trump could very easily mean a shift even further to the RIGHT, rather than back towards the center. That or a complete and permanent split in the Republican Party
Good. I have no problem with not seeing another republican in the WH in my lifetime.
I can’t see the Right wing of the Republican Party ever rejoining the Never-Trump and RINO wings of the party. I would hope that those two factions would go where they belong, the Democrats and leave the Republican Party to the true Conservatives.

Your plan is acceptable.
the never trumpers are prepared to re take their party and restore normalcy, just as soon as our coalition is finished dealing with the maga treason.

i disagree with the lincoln guys about nearly everything, but they are actually conservative .
People will only watch so many re runs. Seems that people are leaving Trump rallies in large numbers before they end. TV shows only have a certain amount of life before they are taken off the air. The Trump Show looks like it's coming to an end.

Trump supporters walk out on MAGA rally before it ends​

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took the stage in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, and was greeted by a roaring crowd. Then something unusual happened, Trump didn’t retain the crowd he started with.

As is typical with his rallies, it began with a packed house of supporters holding signs and wearing Trump gear. By the end of his one hour and 45-minute speech, many had already left. Photos appeared to show entire sections of the 8,000 seat arena nearly empty, something unheard of for a MAGA event in 2020 and 2016.

Reporting from The Guardian explains why some attendees moved for the exits.

“He reminded me why I’m not going to vote for him this time,” Jenny, a local business owner, told the outlet. “I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in the front yard. I voted for him again in 2020 but didn’t put the flag out that time."

“But after listening to that, I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that but he seems worse, more unstable,” she added.

MAGA rallies are quintessential Trump. His ability to work a crowd helped him turn Luzerne County red in 2016 and 2020 after voting for Obama twice.

“Trump’s got to focus on the message and not get distracted by personal attacks,” said Frank Scavo, a supporter who attended the rally. “These rallies fire up the base to go out there and knock on doors. But if we don’t get people out there knocking on doors, Trump’s not going to win Luzerne county.”

It appears Trump doesn’t want to listen. At a rally in North Carolina on Aug. 21, Trump conducted a poll of his supporters in the crowd. He asked two questions: Should I get personal? Should I not get personal?

The crowd cheered the former and booed the latter.

“My advisers are fired,” Trump joked.

While strategy can be debated, this can’t: Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 and won the election, he lost Pennsylvania in 2020 and lost the election.

Pennsylvania will be equally important in 2024 and he’s currently losing. The 538 average has Vice President Harris up by 1.5 points, more than the 1.2 points Trump lost by in 2020, so every tenth of a point matters.

I cant see how they rebuild. The normal folk hace been kicked out and there are no obvious leaders,
I can see a long period in the wilderness for them. Same as the tories over here.
There is obviously room for a conservative party but it has to have greater appeal than these clowns. Amdrican conservatism is an extreme dogma that just divides prople.

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