Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

That’s the kind of snide condensation that really resonates with most Americans today.

I am not here to resonate with anyone. If you are not better off now than you were in 2020 then you need to look long and hard at your life choices and quit waiting for the resident of the White House to swoop in and save you
Well, you're the only one that counts. I'm voting for Harris becasue Bro is better off.
Tell us WHY you are struggling?
Everyone has to pay more for gas, electricity, groceries, rent/housing, cars, insurance…

A lot more.
Gas was LOW for 2 reasons.
1). Obama had them low, trumps term keep them the same, then COVID hit.
2). Gas prices lowered to under $2 for a short time, strictly because of Supply and Demand.

Geez, it's NOT that hard.
Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

So what you are saying is that America is better off despite everything being 20% more expensive, along with 20 million or so illegals that have crossed the border

Understood. Just don't expect sane Americans to agree.

Thanks for playing.
I am not here to resonate with anyone. If you are not better off now than you were in 2020 then you need to look long and hard at your life choices and quit waiting for the resident of the White House to swoop in and save you
I’m eager for the day when the Federal government is reduced to its Constitutionally allowed powers and it doesn’t make a difference who’s in the WH
Nope, no cash only Ts and Ps.

As for America being better off, there is no better off for America no matter who wins in Nov, we are fucked either way.

All one can do is make sure they are ready to ride out the waves that come.

One bit of free advice for you...quit waiting for the resident of the White House to make your life better.
Why don’t you say that about the welfare recipients voting for the socialist to give them $6k for their next newborn, in ADDITION to the food stamps and Medicaid?
What this Liberal dim wit is trying to sell is this nonsense------Don't be concerned if for the past 3 1/2 years the Biden administration has caused you to lose $100 because his wonderful leadership has just given you back $20. We are still losers and this ultra-liberal cult has to go.
The last time a majority of the American public thought things were heading in the right direction was in January of 2004.

At least the empirical data confirms that they are better off now than they were four years ago.
Well, "empirical data" doesn't vote. People do. And they think Harris has been steering the ship in the wrong direction.
So what you are saying is that America is better off despite everything being 20% more expensive, along with 20 million or so illegals that have crossed the border

Understood. Just don't expect sane Americans to agree.

Thanks for playing.
The only three groups not impacted by an increase in 20% prices are:

1) the liberal elite, with incomes of $300,000+, who are not impactrd
2) government workers and retirees, whose income is tied to inflation
3) welfare recipients, whose handouts also rise along with inflation

These are also the three groups who vote D.
The only three groups not impacted by an increase in 20% prices are:

1) the liberal elite, with incomes of $300,000+, who are not impactrd
2) government workers and retirees, whose income is tied to inflation
3) welfare recipients, whose handouts also rise along with inflation

These are also the three groups who vote D.
Yes, the DNC has become the part of the extreme poor and the extreme rich, as the Middle Class continues to die every day.
Why don’t you say that about the welfare recipients voting for the socialist to give them $6k for their next newborn, in ADDITION to the food stamps and Medicaid?

I do. but there are not many of them running around on this forum
Well, "empirical data" doesn't vote. People do. And they think Harris has been steering the ship in the wrong direction.
And it reveals just how much the media has brainwashed people into believing that Trump is “a dangerous threat to democracy”: 73% of voters think America is going in the wrong direction, and yet 50% are going to vote for Harris, who is heading even more rapidly in that wrong direction.

Nope, no cash only Ts and Ps.

As for America being better off, there is no better off for America no matter who wins in Nov, we are fucked either way.
Well, at this point, if you haven't figured out who's policies are better for the country, you are fucked.
All one can do is make sure they are ready to ride out the waves that come.

One bit of free advice for you...quit waiting for the resident of the White House to make your life better.
Thanks Gramps I cherish free advice from ignorant, hate filled, anonymous morons on the Internet.
Well, at this point, if you haven't figured out who's policies are better for the country, you are fucked.

neither. Both are bad for the country.

When your choices are being shot or being stabbed, there is no better choice.

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