Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

How do you think it is not lying when Democrats misquote Trump and take his comments out of context?

For example, the media reported Trump saying the following in Charlottesville:

They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.

He did in fact say that, however, this is the next thing he said which was not reported because it would have ruined the false narrative they so desperately wanted to create.

So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group.

Many still believe the false narrative to this day, which in part why there is so much unfounded hatred for Trump. People were lied to by the mainstream media on many occasions. People were duped. Maybe you are one of them.
The fact that he called them "Very fine people" at all was the problem, not that he signalled out the Nazis as bad because they were Nazis. It also doesn't help that he invites Nick Fuentes to Mar-a-Lago.
The fact that he called them "Very fine people" at all was the problem, not that he signalled out the Nazis as bad because they were Nazis. It also doesn't help that he invites Nick Fuentes to Mar-a-Lago.

There were plenty of non-Nazi and white supremacists who were not in favor of taking down that statue. There were also some non-violent types on the other side that just felt strongly that the statue should be taken down, not just violent extremists. In other words, there were some bad people on both sides and some "fine" people on both sides. What don't you understand about that?
There were plenty of non-Nazi and white supremacists who were not in favor of taking down that statue. There were also some non-violent types on the other side that just felt strongly that the statue should be taken down, not just violent extremists. In other words, there were some bad people on both sides and some "fine" people on both sides. What don't you understand about that?
Nobody who wants to glorify the Confederacy is a fine person.

No one.

The Confederacy is something we should be DEEPLY ASHAMED OF, the way modern Germans are embarrassed by the Nazis if you bring that up around them.

No "fine person" would look at a statue that was put up purely as a "Fuck You" to black people as something that needs to be preserved.

Are we clear on this now, Cleetus?
I'm stopped reading your BULLSHIT the moment you defended Donald Trump's past weasel word statements and state he was "misquoted".

Here is Trump's press conference about Charlottesville. The violence in Charlottesville started on Friday night, continued all day Saturday, and ended with death of a young woman on Sunday. Trump didn't mention it until Tuesday.

Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming in front of the cameras to even mention what happened. And then he walked all of it back when the press called him on his failure to condemn the white supremacists.

And yet they ended up mis-quoting him using what he said in the press conference where he was supposedly was walking everything back, not any of his previous comments. You guys are deluded to the fullest extent.
And yet they ended up mis-quoting him using what he said in the press conference where he was supposedly was walking everything back, not any of his previous comments. You guys are deluded to the fullest extent.

There was no misquoting.

Trump was trying to make racists feel better about their racism.

Thankfully, we are taking down the statues, and we are renaming the facilities named after these traitors. (Two of which I was stationed at during my career!) and naming them after true patriots who are people of color.
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Nobody who wants to glorify the Confederacy is a fine person.

No one.

The Confederacy is something we should be DEEPLY ASHAMED OF, the way modern Germans are embarrassed by the Nazis if you bring that up around them.

No "fine person" would look at a statue that was put up purely as a "Fuck You" to black people as something that needs to be preserved.

Are we clear on this now, Cleetus?

No we aren't clear on it. Some of my relatives died fighting to preserve states rights. They were not bad people for trying to protect their families. They were not slave holders. There is plenty to like about the South both then and now. I know, you are living in the lap of luxury in the ghetto, but some of us have higher standards.
Nobody who wants to glorify the Confederacy is a fine person.

No one.

The Confederacy is something we should be DEEPLY ASHAMED OF, the way modern Germans are embarrassed by the Nazis if you bring that up around them.

No "fine person" would look at a statue that was put up purely as a "Fuck You" to black people as something that needs to be preserved.

Are we clear on this now, Cleetus?

They were put up when the Confederate veterans were dying off, and part of the peace was to allow them to mourn their losses.

Sorry, but slavery and genocide aren't the same thing, especially slavery done when plenty of the world still did it vs. genocide when people should have known fucking better.
The fact that he called them "Very fine people" at all was the problem, not that he signalled out the Nazis as bad because they were Nazis. It also doesn't help that he invites Nick Fuentes to Mar-a-Lago.
Progs have hosted and/or befriended major despots for decades. Trump was good as President and was not a traitor. He also had to honor other agreements whether he made a noise about them or not. I can never look at Hollywood again in the same way with American Patriot entertainment. Many of them go to the studios in Communist uniforms and then put American uniforms on. They actually hate the American military. They do the entertainment to make it look like they are patriots to the constitution and freedom. They are not unless vetted.
There was no misquoting.

Trump was trying to make racists feel better about their racism.

Thankfully, we are taking down the statues, and we are renaming the facilities named after these traitors. (Two of which I was stationed at during my career!) and naming them after true patriots who are people of color.

Sure there was misquoting. They intentionally left off the part with him explicity condeming Nazis and white supremicists. They did that to trick fools like you. You low IQ folks fell for it. What else can be said?

You are an imbecile.
No we aren't clear on it. Some of my relatives died fighting to preserve states rights. They were not bad people for trying to protect their families. They were not slave holders. There is plenty to like about the South both then and now. I know, you are living in the lap of luxury in the ghetto, but some of us have higher standards.

States rights was a bullshit excuse they came up with after the war when the blacks didn't murder them all in their sleep like they were afraid they would, and then they ended up looking even stupider than they already did.

They were ALL bad people. The ones who didn't own slaves personally still benefited from the institution and, more importantly, didn't want to compete with blacks for those lower-level jobs.

Also, they didn't want those black people fucking their sisters. That was their job!

They were put up when the Confederate veterans were dying off, and part of the peace was to allow them to mourn their losses.

We should have been more concerned with Justice than reconciliation. We are still dealing with our losing the peace after winning the war.

Sorry, but slavery and genocide aren't the same thing, especially slavery done when plenty of the world still did it vs. genocide when people should have known fucking better.
Yup, here we go again, trying to justify the unjustifiable.

Actually, Germany had better reasons to go to war in 1939 than the South did in 1861. Lincoln wasn't even going to ban slavery, just not let any new slave states in the Union.
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States rights was a bullshit excuse they came up with after the war when the blacks didn't murder them all in their sleep like they were afraid they would, and then they ended up looking even stupider than they already did.

They were ALL bad people. The ones who didn't own slaves personally still benefited from the institution and, more importantly, didn't want to compete with blacks for those lower-level jobs.

Also, they didn't want those black people fucking their sisters. That was their job!

We should have been more concerned with Justice than reconciliation. We are still dealing with our losing the peace after winning the war.

Yup, here we go again, trying to justify the unjustifiable.

Actually, Germany had better reasons to go to war in 1939 than the South did in 1861. Lincoln wasn't even going to ban slavery, just not let any new slave states in the Union.

Actually the harsher initial terms that happened after Lincoln was assassinated probably led more to the failure of Reconstruction than anything else.

Going to war and exterminating 6 million jews are two different things. They could have done the first without dedicating resources to the 2nd.
Actually the harsher initial terms that happened after Lincoln was assassinated probably led more to the failure of Reconstruction than anything else.

Going to war and exterminating 6 million jews are two different things. They could have done the first without dedicating resources to the 2nd.
assassinating Lincoln meant the demofks could control the narrative and we still have that today!!!

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