What is the cause of housing shortages?

more immigration, more workers, cheaper labor, cheaper houses.

This isn’t complicated.
And what about the legal workers who can't get jobs and are watching their pay scale fall?...
And you don't get cheap anything by hiring illegal aliens... especially in construction....
And what about the legal workers who can't get jobs and are watching their pay scale fall?...
And you don't get cheap anything by hiring illegal aliens... especially in construction....
The economy is always growing and always needing more labor.

If you want to kick the illegals and immigration, you’re driving up costs for things like housing.
The economy is always growing and always needing more labor.

If you want to kick the illegals and immigration, you’re driving up costs for things like housing.
The people who enter legally can handle the load just fine.... the dems had the house for years and could have redone our immigration laws so there could be work permits....
You are suddenly concerned about housing?.... contact your fellow democrat governors and legislatures who won't allow new housing projects in their states and counties...
There is always a fish bird or a snail they find to stop permits... even as their citizens are living in tents on the streets...
The open border is making that worse not better....
Legally none should be.... I supplied equipment and materials for large construction projects and the contractors and builders I worked with did a pretty darn good job of making sure their people can work here legally... where you get illegals is still in the crop fields and fast food mega companies like McDonalds....
You’re an idiot or a liar. They are in all the trades from masonry to carpentry to plumbing.
And what about the legal workers who can't get jobs and are watching their pay scale fall?...
And you don't get cheap anything by hiring illegal aliens... especially in construction....
In what field can’t you get jobs?
The people who enter legally can handle the load just fine.... the dems had the house for years and could have redone our immigration laws so there could be work permits....
You are suddenly concerned about housing?.... contact your fellow democrat governors and legislatures who won't allow new housing projects in their states and counties...
There is always a fish bird or a snail they find to stop permits... even as their citizens are living in tents on the streets...
The open border is making that worse not better....
Trump intends to make it very hard for people to enter illegally too. They don’t want immigration. Period.

As for permitting, it’s something we’ve been talking about for a while.

Honestly, we get as much or more resistance from conservatives with regard to this because they don’t want developments.

You’re an idiot or a liar. They are in all the trades from masonry to carpentry to plumbing.
Not true check again... licensed contractors get checked when they hire new employees... they have to sign them up for workman's compensation insurance and if the new hire is illegal it gets reported... now there are illegal unlicensed and uninsured contractors who hire illegals but they are short lived companies for the most part... people want legal companies to build their home or even do a remodel...
Trump intends to make it very hard for people to enter illegally too. They don’t want immigration. Period.

As for permitting, it’s something we’ve been talking about for a while.

Honestly, we get as much or more resistance from conservatives with regard to this because they don’t want developments.

Fake News...^^^^^
Trump has always said he wants a big beautiful door so people can enter for work and to start a new life but we have to know who they are... and make sure they don't illegally vote...
Not true check again... licensed contractors get checked when they hire new employees... they have to sign them up for workman's compensation insurance and if the new hire is illegal it gets reported... now there are illegal unlicensed and uninsured contractors who hire illegals but they are short lived companies for the most part... people want legal companies to build their home or even do a remodel...
Well then thee are cracks because it’s a fact. They are in every trade
Fake News...^^^^^
Trump has always said he wants a big beautiful door so people can enter for work and to start a new life but we have to know who they are... and make sure they don't illegally vote...
All we have to do is look at what he did last time:

He doesn’t want legal immigration either. Definitely not the low skill immigrants who would fill building trades.
All we have to do is look at what he did last time:

He doesn’t want legal immigration either. Definitely not the low skill immigrants who would fill building trades.
Those were high tech jobs that were not going to American citizens and the foreign workers were working for less under cutting our citizens... Trump is always about fairness first....
I didn’t ask what it “should be”.

Houses aren’t “large construction projects” either.

Building houses requires labor. Deporting a big chunk of that labor pool will cause that cost to go up, making housing even more expensive.

If a guy working on your house is also a bank robber, should he not be arrested because it will make your project more expensive?

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