What is the cause of housing shortages?

There are nearly 8 million people that can't find a job. Millions of others are underemployed. They survive by taking resources from others. Back in the day there were more jobs than people to fill them. Today, just the opposite.
I see far too many who aren’t interested in working. Many in my wife’s family.

My employer posted a new job in my department back in February. They finally offered the job to an individual this week. Many respondents didn’t meet the basic qualifications. Others refused to take the online test (basically a short (IQ test). One failed a mandatory drug test. Another failed the background check. It’s utterly ridiculous.
I honestly don't think that the climate cult wants more houses due to carbon emissions to heat and cool them

No, I think they want people to move into small row houses or apartments instead.

Perhaps this is all be design.

But how can we blame it all on Trump?

The greenie cult has had this goal all along. It starts with kicking the logging industry out of National forests because when logging was going on, the loggers kept their bulldozers nearby for help in firefighting. They did not want their 'inventory' to burn up. Today, the Feds have all but abandoned federal BLM land and have a 'let it burn' policy. All that being said, I'm sure the Democrats, the media, Washington and the DOJ can come up with more fake charges regarding wild fires and Trump.
The real reason is overpopulation.
The over regulation, high cost of materials and the 'green' regulations have truncated the building of new housing. The open border has let in millions that will need housing if we don't kick them out. It's not overpopulation, we are being invaded.
Overpopulation is a quality-of-life issue. As population increases quality of life decreases.

Well, good thing there is no "overpopulation," and there never will be.

Care to address the quality-of-life issue in regard to population? Even some tourist destinations are saying "no more tourists".

Sure. Fewer people means a shrinking economy and fewer resources. Capitalism maintains itself on growth. A shrinking economy means everyone who invested previously is now losing on their investment because when you invest what you're essentially betting on is growth.

Overpopulation keeps wages down and home prices up.

You're an academic, you should know this. ;)

I'm out all the time, and I've been in some of the most crowded places in the world. You were just fed a false "crisis" 100 years ago and you can't let go of it.
Woodznutz Be A Globalist 101 programs all globalists to believe that “overpopulation” can never and will never happen.
Three hours to travel 45 miles
4 weeks to get a doctors appointment
12 hours in the ER to be seen for a broken arm
Stagnant wages and a middle class that can’t get ahead or save a dime
Living so close that you hear your neighbor fart

Nope, none of it due to overpopulation…Ask any fucked in the head retarded-ass globalist.
I see far too many who aren’t interested in working. Many in my wife’s family.

My employer posted a new job in my department back in February. They finally offered the job to an individual this week. Many respondents didn’t meet the basic qualifications. Others refused to take the online test (basically a short (IQ test). One failed a mandatory drug test. Another failed the background check. It’s utterly ridiculous.
I have a grown daughter who won't work unless it's fun.
Listening to the Presidential debate will never inform you about anything, let alone the housing shortage.

All you will hear is Kamala saying she will build more and give money away, but never addressing the causes of the housing crisis other than blaming Trump.

LOL. What useless morons we have in government.

In fact, giving money to first time home buyers will probably just cause prices to go up.

Here are a few articles that shed light into the problem

A shortage of land, lending, labour and materials since the financial crisis in 2008 are the main causes of the US housing shortage, the Moody’s study finds.
This has driven up costs and cut the profit margins builders can make. They have less incentive to build more homes, “particularly lower-priced housing with lower margins,” Moody’s Analytics says.
COVID-19 is considered to have made the housing crisis worse, as buyers and renters looked for more space during lockdowns. Historically low-interest rates in many countries, which make it cheap to borrow money, have fueled this phenomenon.

And this article

Reforming zoning rules to allow for more density is key for more homes to be built. Experts overwhelmingly agree that relaxing zoning laws is one of the best ways to improve affordability, and these types of measures have broad support among homeowners and renters. Even adding a modest amount of density in the country's biggest markets could create millions of new homes.
Harris has promoted the idea of easing regulatory restrictions to building more homes.
I have a grown daughter who won't work unless it's fun.
Yep. I’ve run into that too. It’s not fun. Can’t make their own hours. Can’t set own pay scale. Don’t have vacation time immediately.

In our situation it just boggles my mind. The requirements are listed in the job posting… drug testing, background check, union membership, online testing, etc… if you won’t do these things or can’t pass them, why are you applying?
High demand and low supply. Econ 101
We have an older small development of a couple dozen small houses not too far from everything. Rents are lower because of their small size. The waiting list time to get in is several years. I know this because a tenant of mine finally got in after waiting two years, and this was many years ago before rents went wild.

A friend of mine bought up a whole neighborhood of apartment buildings. The crime was so bad that the owners were virtually giving them away. He and his Mexican wife began moving the blacks out and moving Mexican families in. He hires some of them to work for him. Some of the apartments have more than one family living in them. It's not legal but he doesn't care as long as they pay the rent and don't wreck the place. So far it's been successful. I also rented to Mexicans and was very happy with them.
Yep. I’ve run into that too. It’s not fun. Can’t make their own hours. Can’t set own pay scale. Don’t have vacation time immediately.

In our situation it just boggles my mind. The requirements are listed in the job posting… drug testing, background check, union membership, online testing, etc… if you won’t do these things or can’t pass them, why are you applying?
She has trouble committing to anything, but her main problem is her counterculturist attitude. She believes that if she lives a conventional life she is "selling out" to the establishment.
She has trouble committing to anything, but her main problem is her counterculture attitude.
I’m not a parent myself so feel free to tell me to go to Hell; but thst sounds like the type of child that my parents would have kicked to the curb and thst I probably would as well.
I’m not a parent myself so feel free to tell me to go to Hell; but thst sounds like the type of child that my parents would have kicked to the curb and thst I probably would as well.
She has way too many good qualities to deserve that. I don't mind helping her financially from time to time. I couldn't give her much when she was a child so I'm happy to sort of make up for it now.

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