Zone1 What is your philosophy of life?

This is a somewhat loaded question, too difficult to narrowly define. One could write a novel about their beliefs on life.

If I were somewhat short: be a good human being, especially towards those in need or vulnerable. Don't exploit or push down, but inspire and lift up. Follow G-ds rules and try and contribute to the success of those who most believe in human rights and freedom.

I'd love to have the resources to start a company and reach more in need. The having fun part would require a healthy situation and body. Preferably sharing my success with others who need help and want to improve our species future. I've always taken pleasure in "winning", but that term is again broadly defined. When I have enough money in my pocket to hand another person in need a $5 bill, I am winning, doing G-ds work. So are they in that moment. I wish to be able to help more with more.

If we don't leave humanity in a better place than when we were born we have collectively failed.
Live and learn, mainly about yourself. Be selfish, but in a good way. You are the most important person on earth. Take care of you.
Hunt, fish. Golf till the dirt nap. I am to old and tired to worry about much more.

Don't worry about the future. It doesn't exist. You never reach the future. You can't go to the future just like you can't ever go to the past. When you get there you're in the now so it doesn't really exist. So don't worry about it. You are stuck in this moment perpetually. In the now. So enjoy the moment until you can't.

BUT, consider this. We never worry about future us like we should. If we cared as much about future us as future us cares, we would not eat that, not drink so much and save a lot more. A LOT more.
Don't worry about the future. It doesn't exist. You never reach the future. You can't go to the future just like you can't ever go to the past. When you get there you're in the now so it doesn't really exist. So don't worry about it. You are stuck in this moment perpetually. In the now. So enjoy the moment until you can't.

BUT, consider this. We never worry about future us like we should. If we cared as much about future us as future us cares, we would not eat that, not drink so much and save a lot more. A LOT more.
"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday." :omg:
Unless you're a jerk. Then you should be concerned.
I wanted to comment on their comment so I'm glad you did and I saw.

I have cousins who grew up not caring what others thought and they are white trash today. One cousin in particular, the biggest example, grew up and loved to run around. Of course her parents were divorced so fatherlessness was a big reason why. But her mother was just like her and she had a father. She was just wild. My aunt got knocked up before being married. Humiliating for her father. She didn't care what people thought. Her daughter didn't care either. So she ran off with a drug addict, had a son and my aunt helped raise him. He grew up to not care what people thought. Married a stripper, got racist white pride tatoos, etc.

I think people should care what others think. If they don't it's weird.
If we don't leave humanity in a better place than when we were born we have collectively failed.
Live and learn, mainly about yourself. Be selfish, but in a good way. You are the most important person on earth. Take care of you.

howabout, leaving the garden at least how we found it ... the heavens said to remember the sabbath to be kept holy - their creation.
I think barn owls are highly secretive birds. More common than people think because they only hoot loudly when they're fighting or horny. They mostly eat mice and rats. Fine. Until one begins proselytizing.. WTF?

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