Mexicans in LA, Somalis in Minneapolis, Haitians in Springfield…Placed by politicians in swing states. Are they improving the communities they inhabit

The place where I live is loaded with Anglo-Saxons ready to berserk at any moment when filled with alcohol.
How terrible…so you reside in a place that’s safe and clean…a place where people are likeminded, speak the same language, worship the same God and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?
Sounds like a total hell-hole.

Harry Dresden is this post RACIST or factual?
How terrible…so you reside in a place that’s safe and clean…a place where people are likeminded, speak the same language, worship the same God and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?
Sounds like a total hell-hole.

Harry Dresden is this post RACIST or factual?
whats funny is since i called you racist the other day i noticed you are not mentioning skin color in your latest wont be able to keep it up.....and what did you mean by this?....and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?.....why cant you do that now?...
whats funny is since i called you racist the other day i noticed you are not mentioning skin color in your latest wont be able to keep it up.....and what did you mean by this?....and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?.....why cant you do that now?...
Is the post RACIST?
whats funny is since i called you racist the other day i noticed you are not mentioning skin color in your latest wont be able to keep it up.....and what did you mean by this?....and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?.....why cant you do that now?...
I don’t speak Arabic or Mandarin….do you?
Venezuelan sanctions: Executive Orders 13808 and 13884 (look them up) hit Venezuela with sanctions that crippled their oil industry and cut them off from international financial markets. But yeah, let’s pretend that had no impact on their economy, right? The U.S. basically declared economic warfare on Venezuela because they dared to nationalize their own resources and tell the U.S. or perhaps I should say, the American ruling capitalist class, to fuck-off. I say the "US", "we did this" or "we did that", but really it's not the American public that's at fault, it's the American ruling class, the big money plutocrats, the American oligarchy. Most Americans are too busy, working like mules, paycheck to paycheck.

Here’s your bedtime reading:

Bolivia: Remember Evo Morales? Probably not.

The U.S. backed a right-wing coup in 2019 that overthrew Morales because he wouldn’t play ball with their neoliberal agenda. The Organization of American States (OAS), which, surprise, surprise, is funded by the U.S. State Department, cried fraud in an election without solid evidence. Morales was exiled, and Jeanine Áñez, the U.S.-friendly puppet, stepped in. But you think that's “restoring democracy,” . You're a clown. The socialists managed to take back power in the last election.

  • More facts for your blindspot: Bolivia Coup

Brazil: Lula, the man they couldn't break.

The U.S. wasn’t happy with Lula da Silva—a populist who lifted millions out of poverty—so what did they do? They collaborated with Brazilian prosecutors to trump up corruption charges. It wasn’t until 2021 that Lula was exonerated, after the damage was already done. The right-wing hack Bolsonaro took power and Brazil’s economy became an even bigger playground for U.S. corporations. But sure, let’s pretend it’s just another case of “socialist failure.”

A Long List of U.S.-Backed Coups

  1. Honduras (2009) – The U.S., under your girl Hillary Clinton’s State Department, backed a coup that ousted President Manuel Zelaya. Why? Because Zelaya wanted to reform the constitution in ways that wouldn’t align with U.S. corporate interests. Clinton even admitted this in her memoir, but let’s sweep that under the rug, right?

  1. Chile (1973) – The U.S. and CIA orchestrated the coup that ousted democratically-elected socialist Salvador Allende and installed dictator Pinochet, who went on to murder and torture thousands. That’s capitalist "liberation" for you.
  2. Guatemala (1954) – The CIA toppled Jacobo Árbenz because he dared to challenge the almighty United Fruit Company by redistributing land. Can't have that in a free market, can we?
  3. Nicaragua (1980s) – The U.S. funded and armed the Contras to destabilize the Sandinista government because they didn't want Nicaragua following the Cuban model. Never mind the massacres and war crimes committed by U.S.-backed forces.
  4. Haiti (1915-1934) – The U.S. occupied Haiti, sucked it dry for decades, and left behind a corrupt system that’s been screwing the country ever since.

The reality is simple: Every time a Latin American country tries to rise up and escape U.S. control, your precious capitalist overlords swoop in to sabotage it. Then you have the nerve to point at the mess and say, “See, socialism doesn’t work!” It’s like burning down someone’s house and then blaming them for being homeless.

If all Americans were like you, I wouldn't care if all of Latin America migrated to the US illegally and turned it into a Spanish-speaking country, because that's what America would deserve. But most Americans aren't like you, so we should fix our foreign policy, stop meddling in Latin American politics, letting those countries develop. If they choose to have mixed economies, i.e. capitalism with socialism, then so be it. Let's stop sabotaging them, and that would stop more than half of the illegal immigration because these people would stay in their own countries. They wouldn't want to leave.

Wrong bitch those executive orders were did not incove sanctions on venezuela LOOK IT UP. The nation of venezuela and its oil industry was destroyed by SOCIALISM and your bald faced lie is a childish evasion

Morales was overthrown by his oen people FULL STOP

yes Brazil more socialist failure fact not pretense

Zelaya was a failure who was overthrown by his own people

In CHile the US had nothing to do with the coup. It was a righteous coup\

The Us armed and organized the contras AGAINST the sandinistads who were started an insurgency war

The US helped and Hati under the occupation which was the best thing that ever happened to that nation

They are a failed socialist state

Face it BOY your entire list of stories is left wing propaganda and PROVEN FALSE

Wrong bitch those executive orders were did not incove sanctions on venezuela LOOK IT UP. The nation of venezuela and its oil industry was destroyed by SOCIALISM and your bald faced lie is a childish evasion

Morales was overthrown by his oen people FULL STOP

yes Brazil more socialist failure fact not pretense

Zelaya was a failure who was overthrown by his own people

In CHile the US had nothing to do with the coup. It was a righteous coup\

The Us armed and organized the contras AGAINST the sandinistads who were started an insurgency war

The US helped and Hati under the occupation which was the best thing that ever happened to that nation

They are a failed socialist state

Face it BOY your entire list of stories is left wing propaganda and PROVEN FALSE


SoupNazi is confused:
  • Executive Order 13808 (2017) specifically prohibited dealings with Venezuela's new debt and equity issued by the government and its state oil company, PDVSA. That hit their oil industry directly, cutting them off from international capital markets.
  • Executive Order 13884 (2019) froze all Venezuelan government assets in the U.S., effectively putting the country under a full economic embargo.
Venezuela’s economy wasn’t destroyed by socialism, it was crushed by U.S. economic warfare. Here’s a real source since SoupNazi is allergic to facts:
Even the US government identifies its actions against Venezuela as ECONOMIC SANCTIONS. SoupNazi is either extremely ignorant or he's a liar. The later is most likely the case.


His people did not overthrow Morales he was the victim of a right-wing coup backed by U.S.-funded institutions like the OAS. The evidence is clear: the OAS prematurely cried fraud without proof, leading to political turmoil that ousted Morales. When the dust settled, the Bolivian people voted his party back into power. If Morales was so hated, why did his party win again in 2020? Because the people rejected American imperialist neoliberal puppets.

Latest Bolivian coup in 2024, defeated by the socialist government:


As for Brazil, SoupNazi still hasn’t addressed the U.S. role in Lula’s imprisonment. The U.S. colluded with Brazilian prosecutors to bring baseless corruption charges against Lula, one of the most successful left-wing leaders in Latin America. Lula was exonerated, and the right-wing regime of Bolsonaro, a puppet of the US, on the lap of U.S. business interests, was part of a broader plot to dismantle socialist movements. Another coup was attempted in 2024 by right-wing, pro-US imperialist elements, and that failed:


Zelaya was not overthrown by his people; it was a U.S.-backed coup in 2009 under the watchful eye of your darling, Hillary Clinton. The goal? To prevent Honduras from enacting constitutional reforms that would’ve benefited the people but hurt U.S. corporate interests. Even Clinton admitted it in her memoirs.


And now for Chile. The U.S. absolutely had a role in the 1973 coup. The CIA worked hand in hand with the Chilean military to oust democratically elected Salvador Allende and install the dictator Augusto Pinochet, who went on to slaughter thousands. But sure, let’s pretend that didn’t happen. The CIA declassified the documents admitting their involvement. Look it up.


You actually admit the U.S. armed and organized the Contras? You do realize that makes my point, right? The Sandinistas were the legitimate government, and the U.S. armed brutal death squads to overthrow them. The Contras were responsible for horrific human rights abuses, but hey, anything goes as long as it serves U.S. interests, right?


The U.S. occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934, looted its resources, and set up a puppet government that served American corporate interests. Haiti never recovered from the exploitation it suffered during that time. The U.S. didn’t help Haiti, it exploited it.

SoupNazi's attempt to rewrite history to defend U.S. imperialism is laughable. It's due to pro-imperialist Americans like him, that there are so many Latin Americans leaving their countries and coming here illegally. If most Americans thought like him, I would be for illegal immigration, because I would see it as karma. The universe making America pay the piper, serving it its just desserts. But I don't believe America deserves what is happening to it. Most Americans don't think like SoupNazi, so the solution is to reform our foreign policy towards Latin America, lift economic embargoes, and stop meddling in the internal affairs of these countries. Doing this will allow Latin America to develop and improve the standard of living for its people. They'll stay over there, and they won't come here.
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SoupNazi is confused:
  • Executive Order 13808 (2017) specifically prohibited dealings with Venezuela's new debt and equity issued by the government and its state oil company, PDVSA. That hit their oil industry directly, cutting them off from international capital markets.
  • Executive Order 13884 (2019) froze all Venezuelan government assets in the U.S., effectively putting the country under a full economic embargo.
Venezuela’s economy wasn’t destroyed by socialism, it was crushed by U.S. economic warfare. Here’s a real source since SoupNazi is allergic to facts:
Even the US government identifies its actions against Venezuela as ECONOMIC SANCTIONS. SoupNazi is either extremely ignorant or he's a liar. The later is most likely the case.


His people did not overthrow Morales he was the victim of a right-wing coup backed by U.S.-funded institutions like the OAS. The evidence is clear: the OAS prematurely cried fraud without proof, leading to political turmoil that ousted Morales. When the dust settled, the Bolivian people voted his party back into power. If Morales was so hated, why did his party win again in 2020? Because the people rejected American imperialist neoliberal puppets.

Latest Bolivian coup in 2024, defeated by the socialist government:


As for Brazil, SoupNazi still hasn’t addressed the U.S. role in Lula’s imprisonment. The U.S. colluded with Brazilian prosecutors to bring baseless corruption charges against Lula, one of the most successful left-wing leaders in Latin America. Lula was exonerated, and the right-wing regime of Bolsonaro, a puppet of the US, on the lap of U.S. business interests, was part of a broader plot to dismantle socialist movements. Another coup was attempted in 2024 by right-wing, pro-US imperialist elements, and that failed:


Zelaya was not overthrown by his people; it was a U.S.-backed coup in 2009 under the watchful eye of your darling, Hillary Clinton. The goal? To prevent Honduras from enacting constitutional reforms that would’ve benefited the people but hurt U.S. corporate interests. Even Clinton admitted it in her memoirs.


And now for Chile. The U.S. absolutely had a role in the 1973 coup. The CIA worked hand in hand with the Chilean military to oust democratically elected Salvador Allende and install the dictator Augusto Pinochet, who went on to slaughter thousands. But sure, let’s pretend that didn’t happen. The CIA declassified the documents admitting their involvement. Look it up.


You actually admit the U.S. armed and organized the Contras? You do realize that makes my point, right? The Sandinistas were the legitimate government, and the U.S. armed brutal death squads to overthrow them. The Contras were responsible for horrific human rights abuses, but hey, anything goes as long as it serves U.S. interests, right?


The U.S. occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934, looted its resources, and set up a puppet government that served American corporate interests. Haiti never recovered from the exploitation it suffered during that time. The U.S. didn’t help Haiti, it exploited it.

SoupNazi's attempt to rewrite history to defend U.S. imperialism is laughable. It's due to pro-imperialist Americans like him, that there are so many Latin Americans leaving their countries and coming here illegally. If most Americans thought like him, I would be for illegal immigration, because I would see it as karma. The universe making America pay the piper, delivering it its just desserts. But I don't believe America deserves what is happening to it. Most Americans don't think like SoupNazi, so the solution is to change our foreign policy towards Latin America, lift economic embargoes, and stop meddling in the internal affairs of these countries. Doing this will allow Latin America to develop and improve the standard of living for its people. They'll stay over there, and they won't come here.

Yoiu are a liar and i am stating facts

The US placed sanctions on individuals in venezuela not on the nation and those sanc tions took palce after the nation and its oil industry were destroyed by socialism

Yes it was strictly and exclusively SOCIALISm which impoverished and destroyed that nation

The right wing coup against morales was in fact his own people not the US it is hystericallly stupid that you claim it was the US. The words right wing does not preclude it from being his own people DUMBASS

LUla was a failed socialist pig and his pwn nation imprisoned him

Your claim is a bald faced lie about Zelaya he was overthrown by his own people

Chile overthrew Allende on their own andyour claim is a mindless conspiracy theory

The US did more for haiti than any other nation untilo it embraced socialism . The US occupation helped that naton but socialism destroyed it

Exploitation does not mean harm moron

Your lame conspiracy theories are laughably weak and DISPROVEN

I have stated facts so suck it up and face reality
Yoiu are a liar and i am stating facts

The US placed sanctions on individuals in venezuela not on the nation and those sanc tions took palce after the nation and its oil industry were destroyed by socialism

Yes it was strictly and exclusively SOCIALISm which impoverished and destroyed that nation

The right wing coup against morales was in fact his own people not the US it is hystericallly stupid that you claim it was the US. The words right wing does not preclude it from being his own people DUMBASS

LUla was a failed socialist pig and his pwn nation imprisoned him

Your claim is a bald faced lie about Zelaya he was overthrown by his own people

Chile overthrew Allende on their own andyour claim is a mindless conspiracy theory

The US did more for haiti than any other nation untilo it embraced socialism . The US occupation helped that naton but socialism destroyed it

Exploitation does not mean harm moron

Your lame conspiracy theories are laughably weak and DISPROVEN

I have stated facts so suck it up and face reality
Your response is, once again, nothing but bluster and baseless assertions.

1. "The US placed sanctions on individuals in Venezuela, not the nation."

Fact check: Dead wrong. The U.S. has absolutely sanctioned the Venezuelan state and its oil industry. Yes, individuals were targeted, but the broader sanctions, especially under Executive Orders 13808 and 13884, were aimed at Venezuela’s economy as a whole, crippling its ability to trade oil and access international markets. You conveniently ignore the fact that PDVSA, Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, was hit hard by these sanctions, directly cutting off its lifeblood, oil revenue.

Here’s your evidence, since you clearly need it:

So no, it wasn’t “strictly socialism” that destroyed Venezuela—it was U.S. economic warfare. Provide actual evidence for your claim that socialism destroyed Venezuela. I’m waiting.

2. "The right-wing coup against Morales was his own people, not the U.S."

This is either willful ignorance or intentional deceit. Sure, Bolivians were involved, but don’t act like the U.S. didn’t have a hand in it. The Organization of American States (OAS)—heavily funded by the U.S.—was the one to cry election fraud without substantial evidence. This accusation sparked the unrest that led to Morales’ ousting. If it were simply “his own people,” explain why Morales’ party won the 2020 election in a landslide after the coup.

Here’s a source for you:

Again, provide actual evidence for your claim that the U.S. wasn’t involved. I’ll wait.

3. "Lula was a failed socialist pig and his own nation imprisoned him."

Lula was framed by corrupt prosecutors with help from the U.S. Department of Justice. The fact that Lula was exonerated in 2021 proves the charges were politically motivated. He lifted millions out of poverty during his time in office, which is the real reason U.S.-backed forces wanted him out. They don’t like it when socialist policies succeed. Lula’s imprisonment was part of a broader strategy to dismantle the left in Brazil, clearing the way for Bolsonaro to take power.

Once again, your claims are baseless. You’re the one lying, not me.

4. "Zelaya was overthrown by his own people."

Wrong again. The coup in Honduras (2009) was backed by the U.S. under Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Zelaya was trying to reform the constitution to benefit the people, which threatened U.S. corporate interests. Clinton even admitted to her involvement in her own memoir. You’re spitting out fiction at this point.

Here’s the evidence:

Your claim that he was overthrown by “his own people” without U.S. interference? Where’s your proof? I’m still waiting for a credible source.

5. "Chile overthrew Allende on their own; the U.S. had nothing to do with it."

This is pure fantasy. Declassified CIA documents reveal that the U.S. played a central role in the 1973 coup that overthrew democratically-elected Salvador Allende and installed the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The CIA funded opposition groups and encouraged the Chilean military to act. This is well-documented history, not a “conspiracy theory.”

Here’s your evidence:

Once again, you provide no sources, just your empty claims.

6. "The U.S. occupation of Haiti was the best thing that happened to them."

This is delusional. The U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915-1934) looted the country and left behind a corrupt system that served American corporations, not the Haitian people. The U.S. plundered their resources, forced them to pay debts to American banks, and left the country in economic ruins. Haiti didn’t embrace socialism, it was strangled by U.S. imperialism long before that.

Where’s your evidence that “socialism” destroyed Haiti? You’ve got none.

7. "Exploitation does not mean harm, moron."

This is the most absurd statement in your entire rant. The exploitation of human beings is by definition harmful. It involves extracting wealth, resources, and labor from people without fair compensation, leaving them impoverished while enriching the exploiters. The fact that you think the exploitation of people by other people, isn’t harmful says everything about your twisted worldview.

You’ve provided zero evidence, just more empty rhetoric and insults. You keep making claims with nothing to back them up, while I’ve given you actual sources. You’re the one spreading baseless propaganda, not me. Until you can provide credible sources for your wild claims, you’re just spewing hot air.

I’ll leave you with this: repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. So until you have actual facts to back up your points, stop pretending you know what you’re talking about.
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Your response is, once again, nothing but bluster and baseless assertions.

Fact check: Dead wrong. The U.S. has absolutely sanctioned the Venezuelan state and its oil industry. Yes, individuals were targeted, but the broader sanctions, especially under Executive Orders 13808 and 13884, were aimed at Venezuela’s economy as a whole, crippling its ability to trade oil and access international markets. You conveniently ignore the fact that PDVSA, Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, was hit hard by these sanctions, directly cutting off its lifeblood, oil revenue.

Here’s your evidence, since you clearly need it:

So no, it wasn’t “strictly socialism” that destroyed Venezuela—it was U.S. economic warfare. Provide actual evidence for your claim that socialism destroyed Venezuela. I’m waiting.

This is either willful ignorance or intentional deceit. Sure, Bolivians were involved, but don’t act like the U.S. didn’t have a hand in it. The Organization of American States (OAS)—heavily funded by the U.S.—was the one to cry election fraud without substantial evidence. This accusation sparked the unrest that led to Morales’ ousting. If it were simply “his own people,” explain why Morales’ party won the 2020 election in a landslide after the coup.

Here’s a source for you:

Again, provide actual evidence for your claim that the U.S. wasn’t involved. I’ll wait.

Lula was framed by corrupt prosecutors with help from the U.S. Department of Justice. The fact that Lula was exonerated in 2021 proves the charges were politically motivated. He lifted millions out of poverty during his time in office, which is the real reason U.S.-backed forces wanted him out. They don’t like it when socialist policies succeed. Lula’s imprisonment was part of a broader strategy to dismantle the left in Brazil, clearing the way for Bolsonaro to take power.

Once again, your claims are baseless. You’re the one lying, not me.

Wrong again. The coup in Honduras (2009) was backed by the U.S. under Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Zelaya was trying to reform the constitution to benefit the people, which threatened U.S. corporate interests. Clinton even admitted to her involvement in her own memoir. You’re spitting out fiction at this point.

Here’s the evidence:

Your claim that he was overthrown by “his own people” without U.S. interference? Where’s your proof? I’m still waiting for a credible source.

This is pure fantasy. Declassified CIA documents reveal that the U.S. played a central role in the 1973 coup that overthrew democratically-elected Salvador Allende and installed the brutal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The CIA funded opposition groups and encouraged the Chilean military to act. This is well-documented history, not a “conspiracy theory.”

Here’s your evidence:

Once again, you provide no sources, just your empty claims.

This is delusional. The U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915-1934) looted the country and left behind a corrupt system that served American corporations, not the Haitian people. The U.S. plundered their resources, forced them to pay debts to American banks, and left the country in economic ruins. Haiti didn’t embrace socialism, it was strangled by U.S. imperialism long before that.

Where’s your evidence that “socialism” destroyed Haiti? You’ve got none.

This is the most absurd statement in your entire rant. The exploitation of human beings is by definition harmful. It involves extracting wealth, resources, and labor from people without fair compensation, leaving them impoverished while enriching the exploiters. The fact that you think the exploitation of people by other people, isn’t harmful says everything about your twisted worldview.

You’ve provided zero evidence, just more empty rhetoric and insults. You keep making claims with nothing to back them up, while I’ve given you actual sources. You’re the one spreading baseless propaganda, not me. Until you can provide credible sources for your wild claims, you’re just spewing hot air.

I’ll leave you with this: repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. So until you have actual facts to back up your points, stop pretending you know what you’re talking about.

The links you post prove me correct and you wrong

Socialists always use the weak and idiotic excuse of economic warfare when socialsim fails

but the fact remains there is no evidencve that the US caused these problems it is the sick and twisted ideology of socialism which destroyed venezuela

Your links prove that all the sanctions were on indiviuduals read it and weep

You do not even read your own links

Lula was righteously prosecuted not framed and the burden ius on you to prove US involvement YOU HAVE NONE. Bolivia wads a capitalist success story which your propaganda does nothing to challenge.

they failed under soclaims


The Coup in Honduras was internal and that is that you have no evidence to the contrary.

STOP asking evidence of a negative you fool . The burde in on you and you have none

You provide no evidence or sources for your claims

Expoloitation is normal and does not mean harm

Socialsim forces expoitation which by definition IS HARM

Capitalism makes expliotation voluntary and profitable for all which is not harm


Put up or shut up you chldish dishonest brat
The links you post prove me correct and you wrong

Socialists always use the weak and idiotic excuse of economic warfare when socialsim fails

but the fact remains there is no evidencve that the US caused these problems it is the sick and twisted ideology of socialism which destroyed venezuela

Your links prove that all the sanctions were on indiviuduals read it and weep

You do not even read your own links

Lula was righteously prosecuted not framed and the burden ius on you to prove US involvement YOU HAVE NONE. Bolivia wads a capitalist success story which your propaganda does nothing to challenge.

they failed under soclaims


The Coup in Honduras was internal and that is that you have no evidence to the contrary.

STOP asking evidence of a negative you fool . The burde in on you and you have none

You provide no evidence or sources for your claims

Expoloitation is normal and does not mean harm

Socialsim forces expoitation which by definition IS HARM

Capitalism makes expliotation voluntary and profitable for all which is not harm


Put up or shut up you chldish dishonest brat

1. "The links you post prove me correct and you wrong"

Reality Check: You claim my sources prove your point? How so? Be specific.
  • Executive Orders 13808 and 13884 are clear: they sanction the Venezuelan government and its state oil company, PDVSA, not just individuals. These orders crippled Venezuela’s ability to access international capital and trade its primary resource, oil.
Here’s the link again, in case you missed it:
You’ve offered zero evidence that these sanctions only targeted individuals. Read it yourself, it’s all there. Show me where it says the sanctions were only on individuals. Again, BE SPECIFIC. Stop with the games.

2. "There is no evidence the U.S. caused these problems, it was socialism."

Wrong again. I’ve laid out the U.S. role in destabilizing Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Honduras, Chile, and more. The U.S. imposes economic sanctions, orchestrates coups, funds opposition groups, and undermines any government that doesn’t align with its capitalist agenda. These are historical facts, backed by declassified CIA documents and credible sources.

Let me remind you of a few key pieces of evidence:

Where’s your evidence that socialism, and only socialism, is responsible for these problems? Again, you have none.

3. "Lula was righteously prosecuted, not framed."

Fact: The entire case against Lula was a political hit job. His prosecutors admitted to collaborating with U.S. authorities, and Lula’s 2021 exoneration proves that the charges were baseless and politically motivated. Where’s your evidence of a “righteous” prosecution?

Here’s the proof again:

Your claim? Still no evidence.

4. "The coup in Honduras was internal."

False. The 2009 coup against President Manuel Zelaya was backed by the U.S. and facilitated by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. I’ve already provided sources confirming this. Clinton herself admits it in her own memoir.

Here’s the source again:

Show me any credible evidence that the U.S. had nothing to do with it. If you can’t, then you’re just making things up.

5. "Chile overthrew Allende on their own."

This is perhaps the most easily disproven lie. Declassified CIA documents confirm that the U.S. was involved in the 1973 coup that ousted Salvador Allende and installed the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The CIA spent millions funding opposition groups and actively encouraged the Chilean military to act.

Here’s the proof:

Where’s your evidence that the U.S. “had nothing to do with it”? I’m still waiting. Debunk my evidence. Repeating your claptrap bullshit, doesn't constitute a refutation. Claiming that my sources support you without detailing exactly how that's the case, is just you blowing fart-gas off your keyboard. Your posts amount to worthless stinky fart gas. Provide evidence and an actual argument.

6. "The U.S. occupation helped Haiti."

This is pure fiction. The U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915-1934) looted the country, exploited its resources, and left behind a corrupt system that enriched American corporations at the expense of the Haitian people. Haiti was impoverished by U.S. imperialism, not socialism.

Here’s more evidence, since you seem to be ignoring it:

Where’s your evidence that the U.S. “helped” Haiti? And show me where socialism “destroyed” it.

7. "Exploitation does not mean harm."

This is easily the most absurd thing you’ve said. By definition, the exploitation of human beings is harmful. It involves unfair treatment, often through the extraction of labor, resources, or wealth without proper compensation. Your attempt to spin exploitation as “normal and voluntary” is laughable. Moreover, just because something is "normalized" doesn't make it ethical or good. Work or labor isn't voluntary, it's one of the requirements for existing. Without work, people die, hence your claim that labor is simply "voluntary", or that an empire expropriating the resources of another nation is "voluntary" is ridiculous.

Capitalist imperialism, thrives on exploitation, which is why countries like Venezuela, Chile, and Guatemala have been systematically destabilized by the U.S. to protect corporate profits. If you think exploitation isn’t harmful, maybe you should explain why workers around the world have been fighting against it for centuries. You actually deserve the illegal immigration in the US. I hope a bunch of illegals become your neighbors and start playing their salsa music really loud and open a taco stand in front of your home. I hope a pack of angry chihuahuas chases you when you go out for a walk. You deserve it.


Final Warning: Provide Evidence or Lose

I’ve provided ample evidence, references, and sources to back up my claims. You’ve provided nothing but empty insults and baseless statements. If you can’t provide actual evidence in your next response, specific sources, not just your personal opinion, then I’m done. I won’t continue wasting my time debating someone who refuses to back up their claims.

If you fail to provide evidence in your next response, you lose the debate, period. Your next move is up to you.
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How terrible…so you reside in a place that’s safe and clean…a place where people are likeminded, speak the same language, worship the same God and talk to one another while in line at the grocery store?
Sounds like a total hell-hole.

Harry Dresden is this post RACIST or factual?

Final Warning: Provide Evidence or Lose

lol it's always hilarious when these cranks try to order everybody else around when they're losing badly and then try to bully people, as if they're scary or something. Obviously they're too pampered from posting on their 'safe spaces' for their special brand of idiocy and anti-American gibberish.
lol it's always hilarious when these cranks try to order everybody else around when they're losing badly and then try to bully people, as if they're scary or something. Obviously they're too pampered from posting on their 'safe spaces' for their special brand of idiocy and anti-American gibberish.
I provide actual evidence, whereas you and your buddies do nothing but make baseless claims and insult people hiding safely and anonymously behind your computers.

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