Mexicans in LA, Somalis in Minneapolis, Haitians in Springfield…Placed by politicians in swing states. Are they improving the communities they inhabit

I hate to break this to yous but whites do dat shit also.
Then explain the excellent condition of all Northern cities in the centuries prior to the Great Migration Plague of Locusts...

Compared to how they are now, decades after Whites left in disgust and left them to Minorities to run into the ground...
Outside of Springfield, we’ve heard of those cities. People visit those cities. They are prosperous cities.

Homogeneous former confederate states have been backward enclaves for about 150 years now. When was the last time you (or anyone else) thought about Arkansas?

Since this, as with all of your threads is about race, have these nearly all-white states (comparatively speaking) improved in 150 years?

San Francisco brings in more in tourist dollars than the ENTIRE BUDGET for the state of Mississippi. Let that sink in.
The backward enclave now is San francisco and the other cities in californis which are third world cess pools

There is still mass exodus from that state where rich and poor alike are fleeing from massive taxes crime drugs and homelss encampments. Dollars are not the end all of what makes a livable state

They are NOtz prosperous cities they are criumbling decaying third world communities in the US
We could've kept them in their home countries if we hadn't imposed economic sanctions and bombed, invaded them. If we warmonger and abuse them financially, then they come here to the empire. So as a citizen of the empire and member of the aristocracy of labor, you should have a better foreign policy and take control of your government, rather than allowing wealthy capitalist plutocrats to continue ruling over you, under the guise of "liberal democracy". Rise up and take your country back before it destroys itself and the world.

Do you object? OK, well learn Spanish. Go eat a taco.

We never bombed Haiti.

Your entire sanctions and invasion trope is revisionist marxist crap

Haiti is a failed socialist state like all states and they failed because socialism is an evil and failed ideology. Much like venezuela wghich we never placed sanctions on.
Yeah left wing whites do dat shit like they are doing in California.
Exactly, here’s those white folks Moonglow is describing….a bunch of conservatives practicing American values.
Elaborate….we gotta hear this spin.

The Haitians in Springfield are here legally via their refugee status. They are not illegal, they did not sneak across the border.

Are you really this ignorant of the facts of the situation?
The Haitians in Springfield are here legally via their refugee status. They are not illegal, they did not sneak across the border.

Are you really this ignorant of the facts of the situation?
Which was granted AFTER they arrived illegally. Biden granted them protected status after their illegal entry

Then dumped them on springfield because the town was a stong Trump voting community
Look around the country and ask yourself, why do Democrats push policies and theories they know are detrimental to American society? Why do they gaslight us on the issue of diversity?
Face it, there’s really only one answer that makes any sense at all….VOTERSHIP!
The Haitians in Springfield are here legally via their refugee status. They are not illegal, they did not sneak across the border.

Are you really this ignorant of the facts of the situation?
Oh I see…you cherry-picked.
What about the 30 million Mexicans in Mexifornia and throughout the nation?
you can be anything you want on the internet.....including a guy who claims he aint a racist and hates no one for their skin color but yet refers to darker people as "cockroaches" in many of his posts....
Perhaps not because of their skin color but because of their culture.

We never bombed Haiti.

Your entire sanctions and invasion trope is revisionist marxist crap

Haiti is a failed socialist state like all states and they failed because socialism is an evil and failed ideology. Much like venezuela wghich we never placed sanctions on.
You can't deny that France punished Haiti for its revolution, demanding reparations that financially strangled the nation from birth. Haiti’s failure isn't because of "socialism"—that's just your lazy buzzword. It’s because of relentless Western intervention, exploitation, and isolation. After the revolution, the U.S. occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934, set up puppet governments, and used Haitian labor like a plantation. But sure, let’s keep pretending the West played no role in Haiti’s current state.

Now let’s talk about Venezuela, since you brought it up. You're wrong again—sanctions weren't placed on Venezuela? Really? The U.S. has been hitting Venezuela with sanctions for years, particularly after Chavez took office. Washington couldn’t stand the idea of a country with vast oil reserves daring to challenge its capitalist interests. The U.S. actively undermined Venezuela economically and politically through sanctions, freezing assets, and supporting the 2002 coup. So yeah, if Venezuela is struggling today, that's not because of "evil socialism"—it’s because the U.S. is choking them economically for daring to oppose American hegemony.

As for Cuba and Nicaragua, the pattern’s the same: economic sanctions, covert ops, attempted coups. The U.S. has orchestrated this game across Latin America for decades, but you dismiss all of that as "Marxist revisionism" because it’s easier to regurgitate capitalist talking points than face the truth. The real reason we have waves of illegal immigration is because American imperialism wrecks countries, making them unlivable for the people forced to leave. You can either admit that, or you can continue parroting Fox News headlines.

You call Haiti a “failed socialist state” but seem blind to the capitalist hellholes the U.S. props up around the world—where the elites get richer and the poor live in misery, kept under the boot of corrupt, U.S.-backed dictatorships. If we weren't destabilizing nations, plundering their resources, and manipulating their labor markets to enrich Western corporations, maybe—just maybe—they wouldn’t have to flee their homelands.

So yeah, before you spit out more revisionist garbage, understand this: U.S. imperialism is the root cause of much of the instability in Latin America. And until you acknowledge that, you're not debating in good faith, you're just echoing capitalist propaganda.

Now go enjoy that taco. You’ll be needing it after I just served you this reality check.

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