Mexicans in LA, Somalis in Minneapolis, Haitians in Springfield…Placed by politicians in swing states. Are they improving the communities they inhabit

Mexican's have been in LA before you were born and Ohio is not a swing state but rather red.
Again…more pesky truth.
Outside of Springfield, we’ve heard of those cities. People visit those cities. They are prosperous cities.

Homogeneous former confederate states have been backward enclaves for about 150 years now. When was the last time you (or anyone else) thought about Arkansas?

Since this, as with all of your threads is about race, have these nearly all-white states (comparatively speaking) improved in 150 years?

San Francisco brings in more in tourist dollars than the ENTIRE BUDGET for the state of Mississippi. Let that sink in.
San Francisco USED to bring in Tourist dollars. Now it's avoiled.
I’m starting to think I expose your foolishness too often…for that you want to believe I’m a “phony”.
“This just can’t be true”
your story about Mexico gave you away....all those threads in the past and not one fucking time did you ever mention your "closeness" with those you cant stand.....not starting to think you dont even live in S.Cal.....
your story about Mexico gave you away....all those threads in the past and not one fucking time did you ever mention your "closeness" with those you cant stand.....not starting to think you dont even live in S.Cal.....

his stories about where he lives depends on the topic he is discussing
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