Debunking MAGA Immigrant Lies

Haiti is the way it is because it is full of Haitains. They will do to everywhere they go what they d8d to their 9wn island.
See, you are a racist and deflecting your racism on others.
And yes the sneaker joke is a stereotype except the fact that all men wear sneakers(even shoe wearers, especially on dirt roads in Haiti) including us white African Americans that Talib considers people of color(my Moms grandmother's family is from Africa). Of course all this doesn't matter except to people who are RACIST!
Hence you are... come on you know this answer.....
And here we see a neo nazi Jew talking stupid.
i wasnt even being sarcastic. I know Hatians who live On the Island of Tortue... two brothers who live there are both engineers and run a foundation. I personally know them. When either one of them travels across the channel to the Port on mainland for anything, they dont go without a large entourage...and they are HATIAN.

My American friend who also USED to go there hasnt gone in over 4 years because even with a large group of men surrounding her who are Haitian its just not safe. If you have anything of value no matter who you are you stand a great chance of getting rolled. And if they hear your American accent... you will be kidnapped.
Ive also been directly involeved with that organization for years..... doesnt mean I know everything, but I know something....even though im go screw yourself asshole.
I could care less. I know there is danger in Haiti especially if I find myself in the wrong part of town. That applies to the US just as much. My American accent won't get me kidnapped because I'm smart enough to make sure I'm informed on the laws and the dangers. Idiots like you told me the same thing about Africa after I had traveled to Africa and faced none of the things I was told.. Somehow according to whites, I as a black man, would not be able to survive among other black people who live in primarily black countries. It's sickening how paternalistic you guys are.

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