Don Lemon demonstrates the depth of hatred the Democrats have for Donald Trump.

First of all, it is human to hate a hateful person and Trump is all of that. By nature, the normal human being has morals, ethics, principles and humanity and Trump has none (zero) of those.

Secondly, I did not hear Don Lemon say anything on the video that is hateful. I saw him mocking Melania's statement but then again, it was likely that Melania was paid or forced to give that statement given that for the past 3 years, it does not seem that Melania has cared one iota for Donald. She has not been around with Trump but on just a couple of occasions and it is evident that they are estranged.

Last but not least, you are a total hypocrite because if there is one person that brings hate to the table is Trump and yet you never mention his hate, in fact you support it.

Here is but a small sample of the hate he brings. These are all quotes from Donald's mouth.

View attachment 1012316
You loons hate the people your leaders tell you to hate and hate will kill you from the inside out. That's why I don't hate anyone.

The real leader of your party, proof from the hate that comes from you loons.
Irrational disgusting and hateful people who can;t even acknowledge the horror of a near assassination attempt.
you mean the folks that did this>


yeah they all stood by waiting for it too Mike

what they're really PO'ed about is how it backfired so badly

He got a scratch on his ear. Didn't even leave a scar. How much longer do you think he's gonna try to milk it?
He took a bullet. If any of your Democrat gods were even shot at, you’d be blaming Trump as well. The reality is that Trump hatred by the Left has been fomenting since Trump took office in 2016 and has not stopped on a daily basis even after he left office in 2021. Should Harris win, I’m certain the Left is ready to keep Trump hate for years to come to mask their failures.
You loons hate the people your leaders tell you to hate and hate will kill you from the inside out. That's why I don't hate anyone.
View attachment 1012354
The real leader of your party, proof from the hate that comes from you loons.
No one tells me anything. I am the one telling people as what I present are facts, data and statistics and not stupid opinions (like yours) that have nothing to support them.

This post of yours is misinformed to begin with.
No one tells me anything. I am the one telling people as what I present are facts, data and statistics and not stupid opinions (like yours) that have nothing to support them.

This post of yours is misinformed to begin with.
Everyone in Hollywood and politicians loved Trump till he became a republican. You have proved on here many times you're a democrat tool. You loons thought Biden was sharp as a tack, then your leaders said he isn't and all a sudden you love Harris. The one that was in last place in the 2020 presidential race. Now move along and let the adults talk.
Everyone in Hollywood and politicians loved Trump till he became a republican. You have proved on here many times you're a democrat tool. You loons thought Biden was sharp as a tack, then your leaders said he isn't and all a sudden you love Harris. The one that was in last place in the 2020 presidential race. Now move along and let the adults talk.
Of course Hollywood loved Trump. Doing the Apprentice, he brought them a lot of profits. Nonetheless, he was FIRED from the apprentice for making racist remarks. The Apprentice saved Trump from economic catastrophe. He was going down the drain but when NBC decided to hire Trump, it made him a household name and put millions of dollars in his pocket.

Second of all, when you talk about ME, do not use general terms. I never though Biden was "sharp as a tack" but I did think he was better than Trump and he was. He beat Trump in 2020.

The same thing with Harris. I do not love her. She is just a better option than Trump. In addition, she brings smiles and positive thoughts while Trump only brings hate, and more hate and more hate.

As as your comments about let adults talk, what are your credentials for us thinking that YOU are an adult. Adults can see facts, data, and statistics but you have provided none of that (all you provide is words and words are used by everyone after about 2 years of age)., In addition, all your comments are assumptions (you love Biden and Harris), meaning you make statements without knowing whether they are true or not (for your information, 95% of my posts here have not been about Biden or Harris but about Trump). As such, you seem to be the one talking like a child (not me).

In this post, you provided no proof of your statements. That is a child talking...............not an adult.
Of course Hollywood loved Trump. Doing the Apprentice, he brought them a lot of profits. Nonetheless, he was FIRED from the apprentice for making racist remarks. The Apprentice saved Trump from economic catastrophe. He was going down the drain but when NBC decided to hire Trump, it made him a household name and put millions of dollars in his pocket.

Second of all, when you talk about ME, do not use general terms. I never though Biden was "sharp as a tack" but I did think he was better than Trump and he was. He beat Trump in 2020.

The same thing with Harris. I do not love her. She is just a better option than Trump. In addition, she brings smiles and positive thoughts while Trump only brings hate, and more hate and more hate.

As as your comments about let adults talk, what are your credentials for us thinking that YOU are an adult. Adults can see facts, data, and statistics but you have provided none of that (all you provide is words and words are used by everyone after about 2 years of age)., In addition, all your comments are assumptions (you love Biden and Harris), meaning you make statements without knowing whether they are true or not (for your information, 95% of my posts here have not been about Biden or Harris but about Trump). As such, you seem to be the one talking like a child (not me).

In this post, you provided no proof of your statements. That is a child talking...............not an adult.
Yeah Harris campaign motto, joy.

Hitler ran with that also. Oh and quote the exact thing that Trump said that was racist. The word for word quote, not one you put words in to make it sound the way you like.
Okay I'm going to ask you to give me a quote from Trump that is racist. No removing or adding words to alter his quote. I'll give you one of Biden's, if you don't vote for me you ain't black.
Yes Trump wants to deport the illegals, what's wrong with that? He welcomes legal immigration.
What's wrong with making America Great again for all Americans? Hitler wanted a great society for white Germans and hated the jews. Hey, your party hates the jews you got something in common. Even Harris wouldn't meet with the leader of isreal when he came over a month or so ago.
He isn't anti Muslim, he just doesn't want their hate for gays and anyone else who disagrees with them. Hey another thing you have in common with, you loons HATE anyone that doesn't agree with you. Just ask Clarence Thomas.
Trump doesn't blame immigrants for America's failures. Enough blame is to go around for the democrat party for that.
Never heard Trump state that he wants Muslims to wear special id's. Can you show me the quote?
Okay I'm going to ask you to give me a quote from Trump that is racist.
You know very well that he has none to give.
Yes Trump wants to deport the illegals, what's wrong with that?
If a criminal is a national you can put him in jail. If he is a foreigner you can toss him out. Simple.
He welcomes legal immigration.
Probably, yes.
What's wrong with making America Great again
Only those who hate America don't want to Make America Great.
Trump doesn't blame immigrants for America's failures.
That's right.
Don Lemon shows us what Trump haters have become. Irrational disgusting and hateful people who can;t even acknowledge the horror of a near assassination attempt. It really has become a form of mental illness.
Donald Trump has displayed his hatred for
LGBTQIA, blacks, Natives and liberals for years.
Any hatred he receives he brought upon himself.

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