Why Has Trump Had Two Assination Attempts This Election?

Absolutely serious. There's no other theory that can work so well in both cases.

Some people are just not accepting that innocent lives wouldn't be sacrificed for a future dictator's rise to power. Hitler sacrificed dozens.

I'm just mostly concerned now that Jack Ruby's son or brother won't try to get Routh!
It's hilarious that right after the first attempt, I looked at my wife and said this would happen! Thanks for proving that the DNC talking points are very predictable
I would say that both were faked for Trump's political benefits. That theory works best.
With the latest one, the shooter only had to stay out of sight until Trump was 25 yards away and then pop out of the bushes and make 5 or 6 or 8 kill shots.

The shooter had to leave the rifle barrel visible because the SS agent needed something to see, obviously.

^^^Fucking weirdo conspiracy theorist.
Yeah but you are a self professed childless woman you don't matter to gop but vote away your disability check
Who? Women do matter to the GOP we want them to prosper and have families work if they want idf not that;s fine also democrats want you getting knocked up killing babies and in a miserable job
When in 2016 and 2020 I don't believe that he had any? I do believe that it's because unlike in 2016 and 2020 the democrats believed that they could win the election and through COVID and election fraud in 2020 they were right.

They know that their same tricks from last time aren't going to work this election though so trying to prison or murder Trump is the only solutions that they currently got. Thankfully Trump has God and the true American patriots on his side.

Which is really good news because even though I'm hoping that Sunday was the last attempt on his life, I don't think that it's over yet. Even after he wins the election I'm afraid that it won't be over. In fact I do believe that that's when the left is going to try even harder.
I don’t think the last shooter was a dem. I think I read a report that he was an unaffiliated voter who voted for Trump in 2016 nit who wasn’t happy with how he led
Donnie H is a pussy even by Commie Canuck standards.

But back ON TOPIC:

Trump has been targeted for assassination because despite all the sordid and illicit and contrived efforts to “get” him from seeking re-election, he still stands.

There have been two attempts because the first one failed.

It is kind of expected that there will be a third attempt. And our Secret Service, Homeland Security and associate agencies had best get very busy doubling or tripling down on his security.
thoughts and prayers.

more kids have been shot in their classrooms than have ever been "turned tranny" by their teachers.

trump creates an environment in which skepticism is warranted.
I don’t think the last shooter was a dem. I think I read a report that he was an unaffiliated voter who voted for Trump in 2016 nit who wasn’t happy with how he led

Actually I think that I remember reading that somewhere.

I hate white people that support the genocide of my people. They tend to be MAGA.

I rest my case. 🙄
You have no case to rest. My opinion of MAGA is no different than your opinion of Democrats

Wrong! I have a very high opinion of Slade3200 who tends to lean towards the left because unlike you he isn't an asshole and knows that politics are just politics and how to treat people.

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