Why Has Trump Had Two Assination Attempts This Election?

When in 2016 and 2020 I don't believe that he had any? I do believe that it's because unlike in 2016 and 2020 the democrats believed that they could win the election and through COVID and election fraud in 2020 they were right.

They know that their same tricks from last time aren't going to work this election though so trying to prison or murder Trump is the only solutions that they currently got. Thankfully Trump has God and the true American patriots on his side.

Which is really good news because even though I'm hoping that Sunday was the last attempt on his life, I don't think that it's over yet. Even after he wins the election I'm afraid that it won't be over. In fact I do believe that that's when the left is going to try even harder.
His former followers are pissed off.

Justifiably so I think.

Then you throw in the whole MAGAnut gun culture thing, the fact that republicans in general aren't really the most stable beings on the planet, add in tRump's repeated calls for violence. mix well...
If you were a secret agent plotting in some DC basement, what kind of patsy would you choose? Islamic terrorist? Minority ex-convict? Deranged feminist fanatic? Never Trump Republican?

How about this: You find a really dumb white supremacist. You promise him everything if he’ll point a gun at Trump. Your hidden agent kills Trump. The white supremacist is blamed. You betray and kill him.
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When in 2016 and 2020 I don't believe that he had any? I do believe that it's because unlike in 2016 and 2020 the democrats believed that they could win the election and through COVID and election fraud in 2020 they were right.

They know that their same tricks from last time aren't going to work this election though so trying to prison or murder Trump is the only solutions that they currently got. Thankfully Trump has God and the true American patriots on his side.

Which is really good news because even though I'm hoping that Sunday was the last attempt on his life, I don't think that it's over yet. Even after he wins the election I'm afraid that it won't be over. In fact I do believe that that's when the left is going to try even harder.

In 2016 and 2020, his crazy and violent supporter really believed Trump was their saviour. Now that they have realized that Trump was just a con artist and a liar this whole time, and that he's now selling out for billions of dollars from autocrats and billionaires.

The crazy MAGA Cult, who were the true believers, are now seeing that Trump is selling out the country and the people, in favour of dictators and billionaires. He did NOTHING for them and he let them die of covid. They're doing what angry spurned guys with guns do. They go after the one who broke their hearts.

When you unleash the crazy militia types to "save the country", and they start realizing that it's YOU they need to be saving the country from, watch out! Plus all those Proud Boys who believed in him last time, are still in jail. He could have pardoned them like he did his rich buddies, but he didn't. The phrase "won't get fooled again" comes to mind.
In 2016 and 2020, his crazy and violent supporter really believed Trump was their saviour. Now that they have realized that Trump was just a con artist and a liar this whole time, and that he's now selling out for billions of dollars from autocrats and billionaires.

The crazy MAGA Cult, who were the true believers, are now seeing that Trump is selling out the country and the people, in favour of dictators and billionaires. He did NOTHING for them and he let them die of covid. They're doing what angry spurned guys with guns do. They go after the one who broke their hearts.

When you unleash the crazy militia types to "save the country", and they start realizing that it's YOU they need to be saving the country from, watch out! Plus all those Proud Boys who believed in him last time, are still in jail. He could have pardoned them like he did his rich buddies, but he didn't. The phrase "won't get fooled again" comes to mind.
Since Kamala is funded by many billionaires, wouldn’t these guys be shooting at her?

Did you know more people died of Covid under Biden?
His former followers are pissed off.

Justifiably so I think.

Then you throw in the whole MAGAnut gun culture thing, the fact that republicans in general aren't really the most stable beings on the planet, add in tRump's repeated calls for violence. mix well...
Trump's threats, serious or not, some patriotic Americans are going to take them seriously!
I would suggest the FBI and SS should focus on ............................................ a patriotic ....................................
Both agencies will be aware of a real attempt coming.

The biggest reason is the suspicion that Trump will interfere with the war against Russia.
When in 2016 and 2020 I don't believe that he had any? I do believe that it's because unlike in 2016 and 2020 the democrats believed that they could win the election and through COVID and election fraud in 2020 they were right.

They know that their same tricks from last time aren't going to work this election though so trying to prison or murder Trump is the only solutions that they currently got. Thankfully Trump has God and the true American patriots on his side.

Which is really good news because even though I'm hoping that Sunday was the last attempt on his life, I don't think that it's over yet. Even after he wins the election I'm afraid that it won't be over. In fact I do believe that that's when the left is going to try even harder.
Mayorkas and his deputies need to be investigated
Happened 50 feet away from me

Then I say that you defied death as you could have been killed too. Which even though I can't stand you I still wouldn't wish that upon you. Which makes me different from democrats.

Yeah, that's part of it. Except that he didn't come close to killing Trump. It was pig's blood.

Bullshit! If Trump hadn't turned his head he'd be six feet under by now.
Absolutely serious. There's no other theory that can work so well in both cases.

Some people are just not accepting that innocent lives wouldn't be sacrificed for a future dictator's rise to power. Hitler sacrificed dozens.

I'm just mostly concerned now that Jack Ruby's son or brother won't try to get Routh!
You are the problem! Hitler? you need to be relegated to the kiddy table as talk like yours is what has fueled the fire for would be assassins.

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