Why Has Trump Had Two Assination Attempts This Election?


The reason being, Left Wingers are violent by nature.
thoughts and prayers.

more kids have been shot in their classrooms than have ever been "turned tranny" by their teachers.

trump creates an environment in which skepticism is warranted.
Although your post is brainless and not on topic, at least it fails as a deflection effort rumpfart

The TOPIC remains:

The two (so far) failed assassination attempts against President Trump.

It is not your typical bullshit spin about school shootings or local school efforts to conceal from parents what their own children are doing.
Then I say that you defied death as you could have been killed too. Which even though I can't stand you I still wouldn't wish that upon you. Which makes me different from democrats.

Bullshit! If Trump hadn't turned his head he'd be six feet under by now.
God turned Trump’s head for Him.
Crazy people are drawn to other crazy people. Trumps fear mongering and lies have also been ramped up to all new levels. Look at the chaos that continually surrounds Trump. He says something about Haitians eating pets and there's over 30 bomb threats to schools in Ohio, and when asked to disavow the threats of violence he shrugs off the question, plays dumb and says I don't know, and then goes back to demonizing Haitians in his next sentence. Remember when Paul Pelosi was bashed over the head with a hammer? What did Trump immediately do after, he went around publicly making fun of the situation. When Trump lost the election, he went on a crazed rant about stolen elections and then he went to the capitol and told a rally of tens of thousands they need to fight or they won't have a country anymore and look at what happened next. He's normalizing chaos so of course, all the crazies are going to come out of the woodwork and focus on where the crazy is coming from. This is a making of his own doing.
Crooks: He may have acted alone. The SS didn’t do their job.

Routh: He had Ukrainian and Democratic connections. He may have been the intended patsy while another shooter took out Trump. He was spotted by a non-compromised SS agent.

Just speculating.
If the SS wanted Trump dead, he'd be dead.
It's pretty obvious some top Democrat had something to do with both assassination attempts.
I enjoy watching magicians work because I know for a fact that what they show us is pretense and the truth just is not what matters.
Democrats operate as magicians.
Are left wingers making over 30 bomb threats to schools in Ohio because Trump said Haitians are eating cats and dogs?
There's a difference between thinking and doing.
Have they blown up schools?
Have they shot at Trump?

I'm in the UK btw so I'm not familiar with you guys eating cats. Heard something briefly on the news but wasn't much interested in it.
When in 2016 and 2020 I don't believe that he had any? I do believe that it's because unlike in 2016 and 2020 the democrats believed that they could win the election and through COVID and election fraud in 2020 they were right.

They know that their same tricks from last time aren't going to work this election though so trying to prison or murder Trump is the only solutions that they currently got. Thankfully Trump has God and the true American patriots on his side.

Which is really good news because even though I'm hoping that Sunday was the last attempt on his life, I don't think that it's over yet. Even after he wins the election I'm afraid that it won't be over. In fact I do believe that that's when the left is going to try even harder.
Republicans hate him. That can be the only explanation.

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