You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

There are thousands of people in Washington and Universities, academia, scholars, working for think tanks, that aren't right-wing or pro-swamp, so what you're suggesting whether you recognize it or not, is that he's incompetent. He lacks the creativity and competence to hire the right people. He hires a bunch of the most rabid, right-wing neocons and anti-working-class people in the country. No matter of rhetorical tap dancing will ever justify that.
You do recognize that Washington is full of people that are or have become globalist right ?

You do realize that either you are in or you are out when it comes to the closed society within our American society right ?

You do realize that there is a war to gain and hold the high grounds in all things government right ?

You do realize that group's are doing everything in order to gain control of government power in order to push their personal agenda's.

You do realize that their agenda's are foreign to most Americans who in contrast believe in an America where their traditions and cultures are supported instead of them being seen as enemies.
Oh so you have no answer. I should have figured as much. You people aren't fooling the masses anymore, and hey you people actually caused J6 with your leftist agenda and attacking Trump for 4 years + over it, but you figure that no one has the ability to put 2+2 together, and that is absolutely ridiculous.

How can anyone answer the questions that live in your fantasy world. You are the only one that knows the rules set them up yourself and they are fantasy, meaning it is impossible to answer them.

In your fantasy world, Trump never lies, always does things right, everyone that disagrees needs to be put in jail, he is moral, ethical, principled and humane, everyone is White (except a token Black here or there), no one eats cats, and the crowds are always huge.
How can anyone answer the questions that live in your fantasy world. You are the only one that knows the rules set them up yourself and they are fantasy, meaning it is impossible to answer them.

In your fantasy world, Trump never lies, always does things right, everyone that disagrees needs to be put in jail, he is moral, ethical, principled and humane, everyone is White (except a token Black here or there), no one eats cats, and the crowds are always huge.
Projection reigns supreme in your world of idiocy, and that is the problem with your leftist strategy. It's old now.
Projection reigns supreme in your world of idiocy, and that is the problem with your leftist strategy. It's old now.
The sad and proven reality

Trump had a failed business, and that makes him any different than any other businessman or woman that tried creating a business that didn't make it ????

If he did something wrong, then why wasn't he locked up for it ?
Are you sane, can you read correctly? This meme was not about his business failures! This meme was about his character and personality!!!!!!

Oh and by the way, for the first 3 on the meme, he did pay for it. He was fined $25 million for the University scam, fined $2 million for his charity scam and he was found guilty in 154 cases of scamming his partners, his contractors, his employees and his clients. In every single case, he paid. He was not put in jail because none of this was criminal. just legally and morally wrong.

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