Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

So what you are saying is that America is better off despite everything being 20% more expensive, along with 20 million or so illegals that have crossed the border

Understood. Just don't expect sane Americans to agree.

Thanks for playing.
Play along here....OK?

No one (no consumer) is happy that prices have risen 20%......This is a Fact.

Now, better off or not is the question........right?

Plenty of people are struggling as they struggled before trump too.

So let me ask, are there posters here on this board that are making 30% more, 50% more, etc.
This would make THEM better off.......Right?

Answer to the Question: Are you better off today than 4-8 years ago.
Some are, some are not.

Answer to your Question: Is America better a whole, it is as it has always been....The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer.

So quit saying,,,,,everyone is worse off, because that is NOT the case for everyone.
And it reveals just how much the media has brainwashed people into believing that Trump is “a dangerous threat to democracy”: 73% of voters think America is going in the wrong direction, and yet 50% are going to vote for Harris, who is heading even more rapidly in that wrong direction.

In August/September 2020, it was 85% of the country that America is going in the wrong direction, yet the MAGA weirdos still want us to believe Trump won that election.

So, you know, maybe your assumptions are all screwed up.
1) the liberal elite, with incomes of $300,000+, who are not impactrd
IYO, are there Right Wing elites, with incomes of $300,000+........asking for a Rich Friend?
Well, at this point, if you haven't figured out whose policies are better for the country, you are fucked.
Policies. You keep telling me that gas prices were LOWER under trump, that is partially true.
Compared to post COVID biden.....true
Compared to Obama Trend........false.

Back to policy....What was the trump policy that lowered gas prices to under $2 for a short period of time?
IYO, are there Right Wing elites, with incomes of $300,000+........asking for a Rich Friend?

Policies. You keep telling me that gas prices were LOWER under trump, that is partially true.
Compared to post COVID biden.....true
Compared to Obama Trend........false.

Back to policy....What was the trump policy that lowered gas prices to under $2 for a short period of time?
Dude, deal with it. People think that Harris has fucked us over the past 4 years and hasn't proposed anything that will fix the fuckups she's created.
70% of the country Einstein. Going to be your cult's downfall
I doubt it is 70%, but whatever your Made-Up number is, it was the same fake number when trump was POTUS.

There has always, ALWAYS, been proor people, and the poor struggling people of today are the SAME poor struggling people when trump was POTUS.

Gas Policy, what exactly was trumps policy that lowered gas prices to under $2 for a short period of time?
Why won't you answer?
You should see how the rates spiked on my mother’s assisted living facility! They said that everything is up - food, utilities, wages, etc., etc. - and have no choice.
My Daddy resides in one of those places. His is super expensive too.
Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

I am, but I can only speak for myself.
I am as well, and I would bet than none of the right wingers here will admit to hurting either.

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