Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

Never mind that we were paying $600 & $700/mo rent 4 years ago, and now pay
$1600-$2000. Never mind that gas more than doubled, and prices are STILL GOING UP. :doubt:
A persons rent for the existing place they live, did NOT go from $700 to $2,000.
That is a FLAT out LIE.

And gas prices are NOT double.
You so badly want to count the COVID low price, and at the same time give trump credit for these low prices during COVID.

By most counts in my area, gas was $2.50 after COVID and is now $3.50.
Up, but NOT double.
OPEC+..........trumps deal to fuck Americans.
Ther go the liberals blabbering about "data" agaim Tye go data shopping anf when they find just the numbers thst suit them, they toss them around and expect everybody to go along. Never mind that we were paying $600 & $700/mo rent 4 years ago, and now pay
$1600-$2000. Never mind that gas more than doubled, and prices are STILL GOING UP.
You have your dogma, but offer no actual data to support it, just an anecdote.

On Jan. 20, 2021, the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide was approximately $2.39.

After idling over the Labor Day weekend, the national average for a gallon of gas resumed its pace of daily declines by falling six cents since last week to $3.30. The price is still going down.

Obviously, $3.30 is not double $2.39.
Another significant index is the unemployment rate under Trump having climbed to 6.4%.

It fell substantially since, 4.2% last month.

Trump's fake claim of a successful presidency is exposed by his 34% approval at the time he was booted.

Trump Admin's Jobs Record and COVID-19​

The Trump administration oversaw growth in the U.S. labor market in every published jobs report from early 2017 through February 2020. Then, in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic became a major reality for the U.S. and much of the rest of the world. The early pandemic period in 2020 led to millions of American job losses, causing a historic drop in the job market under Trump.

In February 2017 — Trump's first full month in the White House — there were 145,848,000 nonfarm jobs reported in the U.S. By February 2020, that number had grown by nearly 6.5 million jobs, to 152,309,000. However, by the time the April labor market report came out and the world was experiencing the pandemic, the number had fallen dramatically to 130,421,000 jobs.

A persons rent for the existing place they live, did NOT go from $700 to $2,000.
That is a FLAT out LIE.

And gas prices are NOT double.
You so badly want to count the COVID low price, and at the same time give trump credit for these low prices during COVID.

By most counts in my area, gas was $2.50 after COVID and is now $3.50.
Up, but NOT double.
OPEC+..........trumps deal to fuck Americans.

During Biden's presidency gas prices certainly did more than double at times in many places around the country.
I proved you wrong didn't I? I could go further but you'd just blow it off. Next time be accurate and stop assuming you're to be taken seriously. You're not

If Trump is the savior of the economy and Harris is the big bad Communist why isn't corporate America sounding the alarm and lining up behind Trump?
The last time a majority of the American public thought things were heading in the right direction was in January of 2004.

At least the empirical data confirms that they are better off now than they were four years ago.

Yeah, right up to the point where they find there is more month left at the end of their money.

If Trump is the savior of the economy and Harris is the big bad Communist why isn't corporate America sounding the alarm and lining up behind Trump?

In America 2024, you think a corporation would line up behind Trump?!!! The man is continually demonized and compared to Hitler, the KKK, etc etc. No corporation is going to take a chance on publicly lining up with him in this atmosphere.
If Trump is the savior of the economy and Harris is the big bad Communist why isn't corporate America sounding the alarm and lining up behind Trump?

Probably because 'corporate " America is like you leftists, yeah you Shrimp, they're in it for themselves

Now why don't you stop pretending you're anything but a little left loon and your TDS probably prevents you from being non partisan.

You're really totally transparent in a horrid way
I'm pretty sure that most assisted living inmates are low income. If you want her to move into the nicer gov subsidized place, surely you're smart enough to find a loophole.
First, how are most assisted living inmates low income? The rate, with all the add-ons and “levels” are $8,000 to $10,000 a month!

And no…..there is no “loophole” for a middle-class elderly citizen who has built a (rapidly depleting) retirement fund to move into the state-of-the-art place that is for low-income.

But you didn’t answer: don’t you see something wrong with giving low-income people a BETTER assisted living place than middle-income people can afford on their own? That is what lib policies are: people who never saved end up living better than responsible people who have!

Move most of her money out of the bank, where her monthly payments are directly routed from. In a nation of cons and grifters, you don't even need to feel bad about that.
No can do. Her RMD plus her SS add up to more than the income cut-off. Now, if my parents had been irresponsible and barely saved, THEN her RMD would be low and she could have the nice place.

More upside-down world of leftists.
He led our nation. For four years. And we were all better off than the past four years under your Vapid Twit. Not even a close call.
Oh Dear Lord.

COVID.....happened under trumps leadership.
For you.....ALL COVID blame gets cast upon anyone but trump. IE....Not trumps fault.
Well, he was POTUS and famously said..... "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL."
He said it, it's on VIDEO, and you will or already have, made excuses for him saying that.
Saying..."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." is weakness. Not what a Leader says.

Like this guy says ......

when the Democrat pandemic hit in Feb. 2020.
WTF...... Democratic Pandemic.......Dear Lord, take SOME responsibility.
But NO, it's the (D) fault.
During Biden's presidency gas prices certainly did more than double at times in many places around the country.
And you know why, right.

a trump deal that lowered foreign oil production.
Are you going to deny this fact ^^^^ ?
OPEC+......a trump signed agreement that lowered supply and raised prices.

Next you will try to tell me that biden cancelling leases that weren't being used and were NEVER going to be used, raised prices.
Or you will try to tell me that shutting down KeystoneXL raised prices.

Name the biden policy that raised gas prices.

Trump Admin's Jobs Record and COVID-19​

The Trump administration oversaw growth in the U.S. labor market in every published jobs report from early 2017 through February 2020. Then, in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic became a major reality for the U.S. and much of the rest of the world. The early pandemic period in 2020 led to millions of American job losses, causing a historic drop in the job market under Trump.

In February 2017 — Trump's first full month in the White House — there were 145,848,000 nonfarm jobs reported in the U.S. By February 2020, that number had grown by nearly 6.5 million jobs, to 152,309,000. However, by the time the April labor market report came out and the world was experiencing the pandemic, the number had fallen dramatically to 130,421,000 jobs.

Trump's being assigned a dismal 34% approval when he absconded captures the reality of his performance in office.

Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 5.10.12 PM.png

And that was before his goons' January 6 attack on Congress, and his being ruled a sexual abuser, a business fraud, and convicted on multiple felony counts while facing dozens more.

Oh Dear Lord.

COVID.....happened under trumps leadership.
And more people died from COVID under Harris' "leadership"
For you.....ALL COVID blame gets cast upon anyone but trump. IE....Not trumps fault.
Well, he was POTUS and famously said..... "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL."
He said it, it's on VIDEO, and you will or already have, made excuses for him saying that.
Saying..."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." is weakness. Not what a Leader says.
Integrity check - what was he not taking responsibility for?
Probably because 'corporate " America is like you leftists, yeah you Shrimp, they're in it for themselves

Now why don't you stop pretending you're anything but a little left loon and your TDS probably prevents you from being non partisan.

You're really totally transparent in a horrid way

Never heard of corporations lining up behind communists so that their wealth can be fleeced from them and redistributed to the poor masses, have you?
But you didn’t answer: don’t you see something wrong with giving low-income people a BETTER assisted living place than middle-income people can afford on their own? That is what lib policies are: people who never saved end up living better than responsible people who have!
Slice and dice mine

Everything else boils down to your Mom is a little too well to do, to move into the place across the street, but you could look around for a nicer place, somewhere else.

My answer: It kills you to see the lesser people, unfairly treated well, with $1,000 toys and stuff. Or the 10k for the center.

You couldn't be more elitist if you tried. I worked hard for mine, as has everyone else.
And more people died from COVID under Harris' "leadership"

Integrity check - what was he not taking responsibility for?
Now show the statistics as Death Rate........not total number.
Wait, I'll do it for ya.

450,000/1,200,000 = in 8 months is....... 56,250 per month under trump.
750,000/1,200,000 = in 44 months is .....17, 045 per month under biden.

And EASILY those that died in Feb/Mar 2021, should fall under trumps count rather than bidens count.

There ya go......Real Data. 3.3 times as many people died per month under mister "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." trump, than biden/Harris.
Slice and dice mine

Everything else boils down to your Mom is a little too well to do, to move into the place across the street, but you could look around for a nicer place, somewhere else.

My answer: It kills you to see the lesser people, unfairly treated well, with $1,000 toys and stuff. Or the 10k for the center.

You couldn't be more elitist if you tried. I worked hard for mine, as has everyone else.
No, it kills me that people who were responsible, lived beneath their means to fund a nice retirement are “rewarded” with having to pay $8,000 a month for an OK place vs the people who spent everything they earned and never gave a thought to or made a sacrifice for their future end up in nicer places at a third of the cost!

What is the incentive to be responsible and save for your old age when you know that people who do not WILL BE LIVING IN NICER PLACES because other people subsidize them?

Are you libs so stupid that you don’t realize that discouraging people from saving for their future - and “bribing” them to spend every cent and be unable to support themselves - would be disastrous if every did it?

You idiots are going to be the death of this once-great country.

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