Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

Total lie. Paycheck to Paycheck families have increased 6% alone in the last year.

Prices are up and wages HAVE NOT caught up for many.
You do not excel as contesting empirical data.

A cult's dogma often demands that it dismiss irrefutable empirical data.
No emperical anything, you asked, I answered and I don’t blame or credit a President if I do better or not. Just being honest, something you should try instead of blaming your good or bad times on Presidents.
No, it kills me that people who were responsible, lived beneath their means to fund a nice retirement are “rewarded” with having to pay $8,000 a month for an OK place vs the people who spent everything they earned and never gave a thought to or made a sacrifice for their future end up in nicer places at a third of the cost!

What is the incentive to be responsible and save for your old age when you know that people who do not WILL BE LIVING IN NICER PLACES because other people subsidize them?

Are you libs so stupid that you don’t realize that discouraging people from saving for their future - and “bribing” them to spend every cent and be unable to support themselves - would be disastrous if every did it?

You idiots are going to be the death of this once-great country.
Do not call me names.
Now show the statistics as Death Rate........not total number.

Doubt the relatives of the dead under Harris care much about your statistical games. Trump handed her three vaccines and yet more people died on her watch than did under Trump
Wait, I'll do it for ya.

450,000/1,200,000 = in 8 months is....... 56,250 per month under trump.
750,000/1,200,000 = in 44 months is .....17, 045 per month under biden.

And EASILY those that died in Feb/Mar 2021, should fall under trumps count rather than bidens count.

There ya go......Real Data. 3.3 times as many people died per month under mister "No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." trump, than biden/Harris.
Not taking responsibility for what happens on her watch? Tsk Tsk Tsk,
And you know why, right.

a trump deal that lowered foreign oil production.
Are you going to deny this fact ^^^^ ?
OPEC+......a trump signed agreement that lowered supply and raised prices.

Next you will try to tell me that biden cancelling leases that weren't being used and were NEVER going to be used, raised prices.
Or you will try to tell me that shutting down KeystoneXL raised prices.

Name the biden policy that raised gas prices.

FACT: 40 year high inflation rate, 20 year high mortgage rates, HIGHEST EVER gas prices, all on your dear leader's watch.

But go right ahead, believe Americans have had it better under Biden, the man responsible for inviting the third-world to flood our country.
Doubt the relatives of the dead under Harris care much about your statistical games. Trump handed her three vaccines and yet more people died on her watch than did under Trump

Not taking responsibility for what happens on her watch? Tsk Tsk Tsk,
so 44 months to 8 months is a "statistical game" to you?

3.3 times as many deaths per month under trump than biden.

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