Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

Pay no attention to the 40 year high inflation rate, the highest EVER gas prices, the 20 year high mortgage rates. Nope, nothing to see here!
sorry that you are worse off.

Can we send some thoughts and prayers your way?
You could send MONEY. :biggrin:

Please send me cash. You, Bro and any other cultist that believes America is better off after having Harris at the helm.
Especially since Biden supporters/voters/cheaters CAUSED this economic catastrophe, by putting putting that dunce/lunatic in the White House.
I am better off, despite the Trump caused inflation.
I am much worse of BECAUSE of the Biden caused inflation. Stop lying. Inflation was very low or zero durng the Trump years. 1.4% when he left office.

Amazing the idiotic things liberals say, and have the stupidity to sign their name to it.
This is the gaslight for all gaslights. You are better off now than when gas and groceries were affordable and criminal aliens weren't making your lives miserable or as democrats say "Improving your city beyond all dream of JOY!

If you don't agree, your're a lying fascist.
I am as well, and I would bet than none of the right wingers here will admit to hurting either.
Another significant index is the unemployment rate under Trump having climbed to 6.4%.

It fell substantially since, 4.2% last month.

Trump's fake claim of a successful presidency is exposed by his 34% approval at the time he was booted.
The last time a majority of the American public thought things were heading in the right direction was in January of 2004.

At least the empirical data confirms that they are better off now than they were four years ago.
Ther go the liberals blabbering about "data" again. They go data shopping, and when they find just the numbers thst suit them, they toss them around, and expect everybody to go along. Never mind that we were paying $600 & $700/mo rent 4 years ago, and now pay
$1600-$2000. Never mind that gas more than doubled, and prices are STILL GOING UP. :doubt:
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Another significant index is the unemployment rate under Trump having climbed to 6.4%.

It fell substantially since, 4.2% last month.

Trump's fake claim of a successful presidency is exposed by his 34% approval at the time he was booted.
For 3 YEARS Trump had unemployment between 3.5% and 4.6%. It was 3.5% when the Democrat pandemic hit in Feb. 2020. Unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics, & Asians
were lowest in US history.
During the Trump administration unemployment was never 6.4%.

Seriously. How can anyone listen to this vapid twit and say "That's the one I want leading the country"
Seriously, have you listened to trump.
Just listen to this, and confirm that you think trump should lead our Nation.
His speaking ability is that of a 5th grade child.

I am much worse of BECAUSE of the Biden caused inflation. Stop lying. Inflation was very low or zero durng the Trump years. 1.4% when he left office.

Amazing the idiotic things liberals say, and have the stupidity to sign their name to it.
I am so much better off. Inflation was low at the end while and because UE was 9.2%.
Seriously, have you listened to trump.
Just listen to this, and confirm that you think trump should lead our Nation.
His speaking ability is that of a 5th grade child.

He led our nation. For four years. And we were all better off than the past four years under your Vapid Twit. Not even a close call.

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