Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

Nope, no cash only Ts and Ps.

As for America being better off, there is no better off for America no matter who wins in Nov, we are fucked either way.

All one can do is make sure they are ready to ride out the waves that come.

One bit of free advice for you...quit waiting for the resident of the White House to make your life better.
That is advice that you do not take. I think non-Progs have a pretty good bead on things. Many are arming themselves to the teeth. Perhaps just being careful. For some reason the stupid ones in which you think it is all just cannot understand how the Progs who are 100% intellectual from their own spiels, can have all of that violence. And the DEI, Affirmative Action, Quotas and Diversity is just a rue. A hoax that really does not exist.
Ask the middle and lower class if they are. Not that I believe you're anything more than middle class

What is middle class these days? Is it bad to not be more than "middle class", you say that like it is an insult.

Between the wife and I we will come close to 300k this year, is that middle class?
I get so fucking tired of people trying to tell someone else they are better off than whatever time in history. These gas lighting jerks have NO IDEA how people are or were.

There are always people doing poorly and always people doing well.

It is the nature of life
You are sitting there saying everyone is better off and you have no idea what they are going through, or what they were used to.
You look at numbers and jerk off. You ignore the individuals. It makes you look like an asshole.
By the way, don't you just love it when people like the OP and other Dim operatives DECIDE FOR YOU, that you're 'better off' now than you were in the past?!

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