Leftists are VERY upset that Israel just killed a bunch of Hezbollah terrorists

Another of your lying Arab brags

who cannot even pronounce 'P - alestine"...


Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations

The story has absolutely nothing to do with Arabs, but everything to do with Jews.

The Israelis spied and stole US nuclear weapons plans. Kennedy refused to allow Israel to develop such weapons, Kennedy was then assassinated.

The man who exposed Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal, Mordechai Vanunu (aka John Crossman), said in 2004 that Kennedy was assassinated due to “pressure he exerted on Israel’s then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona’s nuclear reactor.” (Quote at end of Reuter’s piece “Vanunu warns Israel of ‘second Chernobyl’ risk” and longer quote here, the comments were apparently originally made to Al-Wassat.)

Perhaps this is why key documents are still being withheld from the American public, even Trump was too scared to release them after boasting that he would.

How would Americans react to discover that this supposed "ally" is nothing more than an opportunistic racist state that kills and destroys any obstacles that get in the way of the grand plan.

I'm surprised you don't know about this already, just reach out though if you need any further help with the history of Israeli state criminality.
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If only they could get this upset about dead Americans.

Oh, well. Good work, Israel!

Note that despite the oft repeated claims that the press is "Pro Palestine" no Western news outlet dares call this what it is, a terrorist attack by the state of Israel, it is Israeli terrorism.

If the press/media was as pro-Palestine as the Zionists often whine about then why would the media balk at calling this Israeli terror?

The answer to that, is that the media is actually very pro-Israel, the lobbyists see to that and when this kind of thing happens you can see the truth, even if only fleetingly.
Would you prefer 500 lb bombs?

This is the most surgical attack on the bad guys yet

A new low of collateral damage
I often wondered how a Hezbolla terrorist could be identified. No problem now I guess.
Note that despite the oft repeated claims that the press is "Pro Palestine" no Western news outlet dares call this what it is, a terrorist attack by the state of Israel, it is Israeli terrorism.

If the press/media was as pro-Palestine as the Zionists often whine about then why would the media balk at calling this Israeli terror?

The answer to that, is that the media is actually very pro-Israel, the lobbyists see to that and when this kind of thing happens you can see the truth, even if only fleetingly.
Can I page you?
I do not give a fuck how you all choose to label me for holding that view.
You bemoan the injuries and loss of life of terrorists, but not those they kill.

The simplest term to call you is a terrorist sympathizer as that describes exactly what you are doing now. You are sympathizing with them.
I'm wondering who even uses pagers anymore. I had one back in like 2020
Saw on the other thread that the leader of Hezbollah ordered the use of them as they believed the IDF was tracking cell phones.
They are basically considered burner pagers, pun coincidental.
Not sure if they were just hacked to overload or were sabotaged before Hezbollah members received them.
I often wondered how a Hezbolla terrorist could be identified. No problem now I guess.
I can only surmise that Israel has fantastic intelligence

Which they demonstrate time and again

At the same time Iran has surrounded Israel with a true ring of fire and the pressure is immense

This seems to be building to a climax
I can only surmise that Israel has fantastic intelligence

More of an assumption on your part.

They tell you they only did this to actual terrorist and you believe them, it would never occur to you in 1000 years to question the official story.
I can only surmise that Israel has fantastic intelligence

Which they demonstrate time and again

At the same time Iran has surrounded Israel with a true ring of fire and the pressure is immense

This seems to be building to a climax
From what I have read, Hezbollah leaders told their followers not to use cell phones because Israelis might track them. He told them to use pagers and Hezbollah bought brand new pagers from a 'new' company (unnamed but possibly connected with Mossad). Speculation is that Mossad placed pencil eraser sized explosives in these pagers before they were boxed up. Here: “It's unlikely that hacking was involved, as it's likely that explosive material had to be inside the pagers to cause such an effect,” says Lukasz Olejnik, an independent consultant and visiting senior research fellow at King’s College London’s Department of War Studies. “Reports mention the delivery of new pagers recently, so perhaps the delivery was compromised.”
Note that despite the oft repeated claims that the press is "Pro Palestine" no Western news outlet dares call this what it is, a terrorist attack by the state of Israel, it is Israeli terrorism.

If the press/media was as pro-Palestine as the Zionists often whine about then why would the media balk at calling this Israeli terror?

The answer to that, is that the media is actually very pro-Israel, the lobbyists see to that and when this kind of thing happens you can see the truth, even if only fleetingly.
Actually, what Israel did is precise targeting of members of a terrorist organization, designated on the U.S. state dept. and many European countries govt.’s officially as a terrorist. Brilliant technological move. Guess who’s applauding most of the Sunni world.

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