Donald Trump Is a Threat to Democracy, and Saying So Is Not Incitement

lol. I'm sorry, but he's not. He's controlled opposition.

After Trump's famous "drain the swamp" claim, he appointed some of the Swampiest Swamp Creatures of all.

Wilbur Ross, Alex Azar, John Bolton, just to name a few. And tons of lobbyists and insiders.

I know this is an unpopular thing to say on this site, but Trump is not a conservative or a true patriot, I've been saying since the start that he's playing a role. Sadly, these days no one is allowed to the highest office of the land without being "in the club."
/—-/ If he was in the club, the Swamp won’t have persecuted for 8 years and it’s still going on.
/—-/ If he was in the club, the Swamp won’t have persecuted for 8 years and it’s still going on.

Politics these days is like pro wrestling. They put on a good show, but that's mostly what it is... a show. But you can believe what you want. To me it's clear that presidents these days are puppets, or spokespeople, and it doesn't even matter who gets "elected" because overall the direction we're going in remains the same, no matter who is president.

Politics these days is like pro wrestling. They put on a good show, but that's mostly what it is... a show. But you can believe what you want. To me it's clear that presidents these days are puppets, or spokespeople, and it doesn't even matter who gets "elected" because overall the direction we're going in remains the same, no matter who is president.

The far right, QAnon, the extreme religionists of the Abrahamic sects are crazy.

They are all puppets on the string of people like Trump.
Here is a cell block inconsistency.

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