🚨President Trump just dropped the RECEIPTS on every single Democrat who has contributed to the hateful rhetoric against him

Bullshit. Harris and the Dems can't be blamed for the actions of the kinds of nuts trump and Repubs want to arm with weapons of war. Especially after doing nothing but speaking the truth about the threat he poses to the world. The Putin wannabe has spewed so much hatred and lies over the years it's both disingenuous and hypocritical for him to manipulate the rubes this way.
More of The Narrative.
Poor Stalinberg80 :itsok:
We know the only "god" you would worship would essentially be, as the Bible puts it, "your stomach". In other words a Pez dispenser in the sky.

Btw it doesn't make you special; having your stomach be your god is the default human position
Why worship anything?

Anyway, keep praying and ignoring your responsibility to yourself and the people you inhabit this world with. It helps you sleep at night.
Ok, nazi. :itsok:
"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."
The vagueness of your answer tells me you know nothing about the two would be assassins. The second of which voted for trump and then regretted it when he realized Don is a clown.
Things like this is why I don't sign on all the time. Every day you shitlibs lie just like this. Every. Day.
Then you get caught at it and run from it until there's a new lie the next day, and there's always a new lie the next day.
Every day you fuckers lie and it gets old.
Things like this is why I don't sign on all the time. Every day you shitlibs lie just like this. Every. Day.
Then you get caught at it and run from it until there's a new lie the next day, and there's always a new lie the next day.
Every day you fuckers lie and it gets old.
Every day you folks deny the demonstrable truth. It's a threat to the country.

Although the investigation is still underway, social media posts and past interviews paint the 58-year-old alleged gunman as a vocal Trump supporter-turned-critic who was particularly passionate about defending Ukraine in its war against Russia and sought to recruit volunteers to fight in Ukraine. Public records show he also has a history of criminal convictions, some of which would have barred him from owning a gun.

According to what appears to be a self-published e-book in 2023, Routh previously thought about the idea of a Trump assassination. In a section about Iran, Routh apologized to the Middle East nation for having previously voted for Trump, whom Routh described as a “retarded child” and said “ended up being brainless” for dismantling the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal.

“I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake,” Routh wrote. “You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment.”

“No one here in the U.S. seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work,” he added, “or even unnatural selection.”

What We Know—and Don’t Know—So Far About the Trump Golf Course Shooter
why is it on forums like this, the most hateful people are also the loudest in proclaiming their piety
And Orange man got schlonged in the last election.
There were millions of ballots with no people behind them, tard.

Nobody voted overwhelmingly for no-enthusiasm Biden. Democrats cheated the 2020 election, in effect they stole it.

Now, you may not know the laws of karma in this world and how they work, but I do.

If you steal something, you lose twice as much as what you steal. It's the way the world works. :dunno:

Democrats now get double the losses for stealing the election in 2020.
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why is it on forums like this, the most hateful people are also the loudest in proclaiming their piety
If anyone is just a citizen of the nation on the forum, and not a shill they have to live in this country too. For the most part what you get from those not Progressives, is a rebuttal on agendas done wrong from your party. You do not even want Americans affected negatively from Prog legislation to get some relief from the inflation you caused. And a fair percentage are your own voters up to now.
why is it on forums like this, the most hateful people are also the loudest in proclaiming their piety
You mean like Mac1958 The Pious? He belongs to the religion of "Hating Make America Great Again".

Which if you think about it: Why would anybody hate that? I'd like to see everybody doing better than

they are currently. It has historically been better, a LOT better in America in the past.

But you can slough all that off and "be unburdened by what has been" and be led nose-first into a New Red

Tomorrow with Joy and Happiness!

And everyone will be practically enslaved and it'll be just about like The Feudal days again n stuff.

Oh! And lots of murdering of people for ideologies and political rivalry.

Because Communists always do that. Oh! And fuck up the food supply so millions of people starve.

They've done it time and time again, and that's what's on the ballot in 2024.

Truly it's something that should NEVER be in America.
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There were millions of ballots with no people behind them, tard.

Nobody voted overwhelmingly for no-enthusiasm Biden. Democrats cheated the 2020 election, in effect they stole it.

I know it makes me a bad person, but it warms my heart knowing you will go to your grave believing this and knowing you were too impotent to anything about it.

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