🚨President Trump just dropped the RECEIPTS on every single Democrat who has contributed to the hateful rhetoric against him

I know it makes me a bad person, but it warms my heart knowing you will go to your grave believing this and knowing you were too impotent to anything about it.
And you'll DIE knowing it's true as you just ADMITTED TO.
You're NOT going to have enough unfolded and unmailed ballots this time........ :evil:
"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

Great, another nazi who hates personal freedom and liberty.
Your people.


First one was one of yours.
Seriously, the 2024 election is an obnoxious NY American dude vs. Commie Evil shadow government puppet
regime bastards. Harris is their latest puppet wannabe. Biden was a good puppet, but his usefulness is over.
And there's no way there's any kind of major enthusiasm for Harris. That is straight media gaslighting.
I guarantee Harris is polling in the high teens, max. :rolleyes-41:
I'm voting for The American Way, and it ain't what's been going on for the past 3 1/2 years.
Things like this is why I don't sign on all the time. Every day you shitlibs lie just like this. Every. Day.
Then you get caught at it and run from it until there's a new lie the next day, and there's always a new lie the next day.
Every day you fuckers lie and it gets old.

It's not s lie. He voted for Trump in 2016.
There were millions of ballots with no people behind them, tard.

Nobody voted overwhelmingly for no-enthusiasm Biden. Democrats cheated the 2020 election, in effect they stole it.

Now, you may not know the laws of karma in this world and how they work, but I do.

If you steal something, you lose twice as much as what you steal. It's the way the world works. :dunno:

Democrats now get double the losses for stealing the election in 2020.


Your delusions are noted and laughed at.
And you'll DIE knowing it's true as you just ADMITTED TO.
You're NOT going to have enough unfolded and unmailed ballots this time........ :evil:

Then what's gonna be your excuse this time if Trump loses again?
Your link say some Republican activist plead guilty to a misdeamor for failing some false documents…not about going to Washington as a fake elector sent by trump

Holy shit. Retard, that was a plea deal to plead guilty to a lesser charge. That wasn't the original charge.
Holy shit. Retard, that was a plea deal to plead guilty to a lesser charge. That wasn't the original charge.
Yeah the govt could prove the other charge, hence why they worked out a deal to what they could get.

Again nowhere is it claimed she went to Washington on trumps orders as you claimed
Yes, it is.

That would be Trump and his cult.

Trump Steps Up Threats to Imprison Those He Sees as Foes

View attachment 1013549
The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Sep 9, 2024 — ... lock her up” about Hillary Clinton. ... Mr. Trump's portrayal of people he perceives as his political opponents as election criminals is ...

He has been laying the groundwork to claim that there was large-scale voter fraud if he loses, a familiar tactic from his 2016 and 2020 playbooks, but this time coupled with threats of prosecution.
Those who may face criminal scrutiny for purported efforts at election fraud, Mr. Trump has declared, will include election workers, a tech giant, political operatives, lawyers and donors working for his opponent.

Over the past month, he has shared a post calling for former President Barack Obama to be subject to “military tribunals” and reposted fake images of well-known Democrats clad in prison garb.

He has threatened the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg with a life sentence for helping state and local governments fund elections in 2020. He stoked fears of voter intimidation by urging police officers to “watch for the voter fraud” at polling places because some voters may be “afraid of that badge,” and warned that people deemed to have “cheated” in this election “will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” Mr. Trump wrote on his website Truth Social on Saturday.
This is why they keep trying to off Trump Fancy.....~S~
Your subverted demoralized zombie ass doesn't have a leg to stand on accusing others of being DELUSIONAL.
GTFOH :eusa_hand:

Imbecile, there was no widespread election fraud in 2020 that would have changed the outcome of the election.

Funniest part is how much projection emanates from your post but you're too brainwashed to realize it.
The vagueness of your answer tells me you know nothing about the two would be assassins. The second of which voted for trump and then regretted it when he realized Don is a clown.

how much you think the American people--who are not crazed Leftists--believe this? Believe that Trump supporters are shooting at.....Trump?
Imbecile, there was no widespread election fraud in 2020 that would have changed the outcome of the election.

Funniest part is how much projection emanates from your post but you're too brainwashed to realize it.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *
You're not good at this.
I'm a Trump guy and I'd be careful with bringing God into the conversation about why Trump has survived 2 assassination attempts.

Let's go back in history. There was a fellow named Adolf Hitler, who had as many as 42 attempts on his life, including major ones on 3/13/43 and 7/20/44.....both of which failed due to very bad luck.

Yeah the govt could prove the other charge, hence why they worked out a deal to what they could get.

Again nowhere is it claimed she went to Washington on trumps orders as you claimed


Moron, it's electoral votes that go to Washington to be counted. Not the electors themselves. Her signature was on the fake certificate of ascertainment. That established her as a fake elector.

As far as the plea deal, the government does that all the time in exchange for the defendant's agreement that they will testify on behalf of the prosecution.

I swear, you get dumber by the post.

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