What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

If we take a look on this century, I would name two wars Anerica launched and directly took part on false pretext - the Afghan war (yes, the attacks on New York; but your war not only didn't eradicate the problem, but made it worse), and the Iraq war (totally false).

Another two wars you instigated and took part via your proxies - the civil wars in Libya and Syria. If your goal was to cause chaos in these countries, then yes, you succeeded.

These are for the last 25 years. Should I extend for another 25 years?

Yes, they are. And above I wrote why I applause the Georgians. Should I write this again?
A. Al Queda was IN Afghanistan and the Taliban was sheltering them. That was totally justified

B. Iraq was NOT justified and Dems were against it. REPUBLICANS were all in.
It was done with basis in international law and concencus from other countries, unlike Russia's barbaric land grabs.

The war started when Russia descided it's ok for it to violate all these principles and just take whatever territory it feels like taking from a sovereign neighboring country. That is distabalization that hits at the very foundations of post WW2 agreements for peace sustainability.
International law was used as a try to justify it. To lay down some basis. But false evidence and distorting nullify this basis.
Come on, think, think. Do you actually believe that Putin meant that if the newly acquired territories....
  1. Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)
  2. Luhansk People's Republic (LPR)
  3. Zaporizhzhia
  4. Kherson
Are attacked or invaded by Ukrainian forces, which equates to Ukraine firing American missiles at Moscow or important military and civilian infrastructure within Russia proper?

No dumbass, he clearly meant, and was understood by everyone except you maybe, internationally recognized Russian Federation territories.

Not a single inch of Ukranian territories is recognized to be Russia by anyone except it itself and a few periah states dependant on Russian bread crumbs.
No dumbass, he clearly meant, and was understood by everyone except you maybe, internationally recognized Russian territories.

Not a single inch of Ukranian territories is recognized to be Russia by anyone except it itself and a few periah states dependant on Russian bread crumbs.
Putin is using the "ETHNIC RUSSIANS" excuse---just as Adolf used the ETHNIC GERMAN excuse of the invasion of Austria---he even resorted to ("well ----they really want to be germans) for his invasion of Poland")
No dumbass, he clearly meant, and was understood by everyone except you maybe, internationally recognized Russian territories.

Not a single inch of Ukranian territories is recognized to be Russia by anyone except it itself and a few periah states dependant on Russian bread crumbs.
Exactly and Zelensly isn't planning to use those long-range, American missiles just in:
  1. Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)
  2. Luhansk People's Republic (LPR)
  3. Zaporizhzhia
  4. Kherson
He's going to launch those missiles into what I clearly identified as "Russia-Proper", but because you're the actual dumbass, unable to comprehend what you read, due to all of that vodka in your brain, you thought I meant something else. Duh.
A. Al Queda was IN Afghanistan and the Taliban was sheltering them. That was totally justified

B. Iraq was NOT justified and Dems were against it. REPUBLICANS were all in.
A. Taliban was never defeated and got back to power stronger and emboldened. The main perpetrator had close ties with Saudi Arabia (the main US ally in the region) and was in a hide in Pakistan (an American ally at that time).

B. And who outside of the US cares about that? Your duopoly system causes chaos and exports instability around the globe.
A. Taliban was never defeated and got back to power stronger and emboldened. The main perpetrator had close ties with Saudi Arabia (the main US ally in the region) and was in a hide in Pakistan (an American ally at that time).

Not true, say what you will about Taliban but they learned what they need to do to keep foreigners out and themselves alive - don't fuck around with terrorist attacks.
For the record----for CENTURIES Ukraine has served as a buffer between Europe and the GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE. That Ukranians want to express their "individuality" inopposition to DA RUSSIANS is nothing new---
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?

Putin endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Seems fishy, right?
In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?
for an understanding of the Russian/Ukraine thing review the history of the Ukraine with special attention to the COSSACK phenomenon. In some ways COSSACKs, historically, can be
compared to HAMAS. ALSO review the GENOCIDE of Ukrainians by STALIN. The fight is nothing new.
You're unable to refute me so you push for censorship. Typical little tyrant unable to handle criticism.
You’re garbage has been refuted time and again and you simply keep pushing your Kremlin propaganda

No one is fooled and it makes Trump look bad… so…
Not true, say what you will about Taliban but they learned what they need to do to keep foreigners out and themselves alive - don't fuck around with terrorist attacks.
What they learned is how to use Western military equipment your new country left behind. It was not Taliban who stood behind 911 attacks. The Bushes and company's fairytales aren't very convincing. The threat that radical Islam presents hasn't been diminished, to put it mildly. The War on terror was a great scam.
What they learned is how to use Western military equipment your new country left behind. It was not Taliban who stood behind 911 attacks. The Bushes and company's fairytales aren't very convincing. The threat that radical Islam presents hasn't been diminished, to put it mildly. The War on terror was a great scam.

Taliban hosted and supported Al-Quida who planned and executed 9/11 attacks.

This is what they learned to not do.
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You’re garbage has been refuted time and again and you simply keep pushing your Kremlin propaganda

No one is fooled and it makes Trump look bad… so…

If my "garbage" has been refuted time and time again, then why call for me to be censored? Let me continue making a fool of myself, right? Isn't that what a smart person would do? Just let the idiot continue making a fool of himself, with his stupid garbage. But no, you're an idiot calling for censorship because....

Taliban hosted and supported Al-Quida who planned and executed 9/11 attacks.

This is what they learned to not do.
Al Qaeda was created in Afghanistan with an approval nodding of your new country. It existed in Afghanistan long before Taliban came to power in the late 1990s. Al Qaeda and Taliban are rivals, not allies. Anything else is just your wishful-thinking that you are trying to use to whitewash a great scam the War on terror turned out to be.

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