What Democrats are trying to do

I thought you'd realize I was kidding Harry. Does it matter that I'm not 100% green?

How Green do I have to get before you say okay you'll do it too? You won't? Okay, so like Gore said, it has to be mandated.

Trust me, you'll love your solar panels.
so you dont walk the walk when its not convenient to do so?....at least you are honest....just stop talking the talk,you are turning people against going green....
1. So what?
2. So what? Keep trying. Keep going greener. Every new home with solar panels on the roof is good right?
3. So what? We are new to this EV/Hybrid thing. We need to get there.
4. So what? So what China and India now pollute just as much as we used to? When we solve this, they'll buy our green technology. Or steal it.
You seem to not understand. So let me put it in more simple terms.
We are unable to create enough power through so called green technology to cover more then 20%of our needed energy. And that energy need is going to go up. So what is your plan here? To just do away with all but 20% of everyone’s energy?
Do you have any idea what solar panels cost? You do know you need to replace them every so often right? So do you plan to replace them before you sell a house or let the buyer drop the price of the house to cover the replacement cost? I am not even going to go into the rest of the setup.
So what? How do you plan for people to get from point A to point B? Right now I can go from one point to another in driving time and maybe 20 minutes to refuel. We are talking hours to refuel and having to plan the trip so that you can refuel. Will not even go into the extra it costs for tires, the problems of dealing with battery fires or the non green part of mining and disposal.
Do you have any idea how much non green 40 coal fired power plants will produce?
I get it you want to chase the shiny penny all while tripping over millions.
China's and India's per capita emissions are well below US per capita emissions. And China is spending significantly more on renewable energy than we are.
The reason theirs is below in per capita is that not too far out of the large cities you step back in time to what amounts to the Wild West in America. Large portions of the country have no power no good roads.
It is easy to say you are making an investment in renewable energy if you are powering only a few items for as long as the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. If you have no reliable electricity source and are not use to it.
It is a totally different story here where we are used to electricity even in out of the way locations.
is get the environment to it's best place. It's a difficult thing to do and we're not there yet. If we could have 100% solar and wind we would but we can't. Germany tried. They got rid of all the coal plants and had to re open them. BUT, they are back up to over 50%.

Democrats aren't anti fracking. We're just trying to get the environment to it's best place.

Democrats aren't anti fracking. We're just trying to get the environment to it's best place.

Every illegal alien Democrats let in releases much more CO2 here than they did back home.

Boot 20 million illegal aliens, for the better environment.

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