Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

You don’t think calling Trump a threat to Democracy is riling up the loons?
I want to imprison Trump for his attempts to defraud the country and deprive Americans of their constitutional rights to vote his ass out of office. Not incitement.

Saying he’s a threat to democracy does not call for violence in any way whatsoever. It is protected speech.
Yeah, but that's all your BULLSHIT NARRATIVE

OFF TO JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All they said was that the Russian Laptop looked l like a Russian Laptop.

Obviously they were attempting to create a false narrative. It obviously worked on the low IQ folks that support Democrats.

Biden and Harris got Trump inflation under control.

Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office in Jan. 2021. 16 MONTHS into his term it was 9.1%. Biden and Harris are the problem.

A young man finds himself under attack in a mob riot. He shoots several people who were attacking him. Even though there's no evidence of such, headlines shriek that he is a racist and went hunting for black people to kill that night. Untold numbers of trained seals on debate boards repeat the false information and do everything they can to inflame racial animosity against the young man and anyone who supports him. Racial violence breaks out and someone gets hurt.


Should the trained seals on the debate boards be held responsible for inciting violence because they repeated false information after they knew it was false?
The difference is dems are loons, hence why the second assassination attempt on trump and none of xiden.

Trump followers know the way to win is at the ballot box, not the end of a rifle
Good question, should harris be prosecuted for the misinformation at the debate? Like when she said no US troops were in combat zones?
Harris does appear to have carefully chosen her wording — “active duty in a combat zone in any war zone” — though this may not be a particularly meaningful distinction for troops facing an incoming drone attack. One could also get further in the weeds and point out that the US hasn’t formally declared a war since World War II, and that US troops in Iraq and Syria are still operating under legal authorizations passed in the wake of 9/11.

Beyond the legal hair-splitting, Harris made the comment in the context of a defense of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, and it is true that under Biden, the US military posture overseas has significantly shrunk from what it was under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations.

(Trump has falsely claimed in the past that his presidency was the first in 72 years that “didn’t have any wars,” despite the fact that he oversaw four years of combat in Afghanistan as well as major military escalations in Iraq, Syria, and Somalia. At least 65 US troops died in hostile action under Trump’s presidency.)
Harris does appear to have carefully chosen her wording — “active duty in a combat zone in any war zone” — though this may not be a particularly meaningful distinction for troops facing an incoming drone attack. One could also get further in the weeds and point out that the US hasn’t formally declared a war since World War II, and that US troops in Iraq and Syria are still operating under legal authorizations passed in the wake of 9/11.

Beyond the legal hair-splitting, Harris made the comment in the context of a defense of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, and it is true that under Biden, the US military posture overseas has significantly shrunk from what it was under the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations.

(Trump has falsely claimed in the past that his presidency was the first in 72 years that “didn’t have any wars,” despite the fact that he oversaw four years of combat in Afghanistan as well as major military escalations in Iraq, Syria, and Somalia. At least 65 US troops died in hostile action under Trump’s presidency.)
Yep she lied. Horrible
Um, Trump is being shot at by his former supporters. This is what happens when you appeal to the crazies.

It wasn't the word peaceful that was the problem, it was three months of organizing an angry mob in coordination with Nazis that was the problem.

Kind of like when a mob boss says, "It would be shame if something were to happen to your nice store."

Possibly but now they're insane libs doing the shooting.
Um, Trump is being shot at by his former supporters. This is what happens when you appeal to the crazies.

It wasn't the word peaceful that was the problem, it was three months of organizing an angry mob in coordination with Nazis that was the problem.

Kind of like when a mob boss says, "It would be shame if something were to happen to your nice store."
Bullshit. This nutbag was one of yours, moron.

I want to imprison Trump for his attempts to defraud the country and deprive Americans of their constitutional rights to vote his ass out of office. Not incitement.

Saying he’s a threat to democracy does not call for violence in any way whatsoever. It is protected speech.
Funny shit coming from a member of the Cult that just disenfranchised 14 million voters and installed a moron who didn't get a single vote.
Does this Democrat realize the implications of her statements? She's calling for the prosecution of Americans
for political speech. She is a tyrant.

Yep it's a stupid idea and basically eliminates the possibility of anyone having an opinion. Can't be done, totally unconstitutional. The damn law wouldn't survive a month.
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