Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

I really can't give your side a pass for that, given you guys insist the reason why civilians need weapons of war (like both of these clowns had despite their mental health issues) is to fight whatever you perceive as tyranny.

yes, we have a long history of crazy people taking shots at presidents or candidates - Hinkley, Moore, Fromme, Oswald, Giteau. They are almost never well people.
Life is a mutually assured existence with no guarantees. I know that there is a school of thought thinking that society will become safer with a repealed second amendment. I seriously doubt that that's true. I know people like to compare statistics to other civilized countries as proof of this. I don't think the statistic sets are necessarily complete either.

I also don't think any comparisons are perfect and the United States is just the United States.

Of course we'll never know until we try.... But you're probably never going to see it happen because there's almost certainly going to be an in-between period where things get much worse before they get better, if they get better.
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I would remind Hillary that the biggest pushers of misinformation are politicians, out of office politicians and the media. So if she wants to go down this road fine maybe she can reserve Jeffery Epstein’s old cell for herself. Yes I know Republicans including Trump engage in it as well.
And that's just it....the definition of the word lie is very loose and subject to the user's point of view.

I am the Queen of England. Is that a lie or just a different point of view?

I have a gun in my pocket but when the officer asks if I have a gun I tell him no, is that a lie or just a different point of view?

More often than not people accuse alternative opinions of being lies when really all they are is alternative opinions.

Sometimes and sometimes they are lies.
Hillary said this weekend that people who spread misinformation should be thrown in jail.

I think that's a great idea, beginning with Hillary.

After all.........she paid someone to spread the fake Russian Collusion hoax.

Start with her then. She's a master of it.

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