Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Here’s a shocker for you. Cain and Abel weren’t the first children of Adam and Eve. The Bible doesn’t say this. In fact, in order for Cain to have gone to a city where he would feel welcomed, hundreds of years would have had to pass by. That’s the normal logical and biblical reasoning.
If thats normal logical and biblical reasoning to you, all I can say is copra sanctum! You're screwed
Seriously? As Catholics strip away women rights. You could have just said that you are insane.

Oh, wait a minute! You just did. And have been with every single post. Thanks for sharing.

And some people don't believe in curses imagining they can defy the law of God with impunity because they celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus, and solemnly eat him in the form of a matzo.

Imagine that!

Women play significant roles in the life of the Catholic Church, although excluded from the Catholic hierarchy of bishops, priests, and deacons. In the history of the Catholic Church, the church often influenced social attitudes toward women. Influential Catholic women have included theologians, abbesses, monarchs, missionaries, mystics, martyrs, scientists, nurses, hospital administrators, educationalists, religious sisters, Doctors of the Church, and canonised saints. Women constitute the majority of members of consecrated life in the Catholic Church: in 2010, there were around 721,935 professed women religious.[1]

Motherhood and family are given an exalted status in Catholicism, with The Blessed Virgin Mary holding a special place of veneration.

Biblical perspective​

Prominent women in the life of the church have included Old Testament figures, the Jesus' mother Mary, and female disciples of Jesus of the Gospels.

Motherhood is given an exalted status within the Catholic faith, with Mary the Mother of Jesus officially known as Queen of Heaven. The special role and devotion accorded to Mary and Marian devotion has been a central theme of Catholic art. Conversely, the role of Eve in the Garden of Eden and other biblical stories affected the development of a Western notion of woman as "temptress".

The fact that The Catholic Church is an offshoot of the Abrahamic Religions - ALL STRICTLY PATRIARCHAL - and to what it has become - venerating Mary as "The Queen of Heaven" and honoring thousands of women saints and religious leaders - shows that it has done more for women than any other "Abrahamic Religion".

And for what it is worth - personally, I feel women should be granted any role a man has within the church - including priesthood and higher ranks.
The fact that The Catholic Church is an offshoot of the Abrahamic Religions - ALL STRICTLY PATRIARCHAL - and to what it has become - venerating Mary as "The Queen of Heaven" and honoring thousands of women saints and religious leaders - shows that it has done more for women than any other "Abrahamic Religion".
Sure, what could have done more for women than the Malleus Maleficarum and all those many loving persecutions specifically targeting women perpetrated by an all male celibate (yeah right) clergy, all done in the name of Christ of course. But only to save their souls. Shit, even Catholic members of the Supreme Court have demonstrated their deep and abiding love for women by deciding to take away their rights. I'm sure that mother Mary is very impressed by their veneration

I am.

Tomás de Torquemada [sic] would be proud they are perpetuating his legacy in the United States!

I hate to break the news to you sonny, but your mind is quite defiled and contaminated by bullshit.
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No, hidden manna represents the deeper meaning of the figurative words and hidden subjects of the law. No one who sets aside the law of God and seeks spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands is enlightened. In fact they are the exact opposite of enlightened, accursed.

Thats is, if scripture is true.

The more you proceed towards eternal life in your unrestrained imagination by doing the exact thing that scripture teaches results in death, the further you recede from eternal life in actuality.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
You look into the "deep" the Abyss for answers.

I supply the seed for what is here but not seen or understood by many - "The Garden - The Earthly Paradise".

From there, it is up to the person - they can sow the seed and through faith and works - the seed will flourish and reveal to them what even the heroes of old could not reveal or understand. This is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Truth.

In order to change a world full of discord, hate, war and so forth - you must change the way people think - not only in their minds but in their "hearts, souls, AND minds".

They MUST believe - they must have faith - for faith itself is safeguarded in its own spiritual dimension - the power of true faith (as Jesus testified 2000 years ago) can indeed...move mountains.

Jesus instructed many years ago that we must end the cycle of retaliation as a "first step" in leaving this world - and entering the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 5:

38 Retaliation.[k]

“You have heard that it was said: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you: Offer no resistance to someone who is wicked. If someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn and offer him the other cheek as well. 40 If anyone wishes to sue you to gain possession of your tunic, give him your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him for a second mile. 42 Give to anyone who begs from you, and do not turn your back on anyone who wishes to borrow from you."

This may be quite simply the single most difficult teaching for humankind to understand and follow. It is against the very nature of mankind to do so. That said - IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO BREAK THE CYCLE OF HATRED AND WAR.

  1. Matthew 5:38 The Old Testament commandment of an eye for an eye (see Lev 24:20) was intended to moderate vengeance—seeking to ensure that the punishment not exceed the injury done. Jesus calls for further moderation and liberality by giving suggestions for breaking the infernal circle of hatred and disputation.

This, my friend, is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Start with this - and I assure you - EVERYTHING else will fall into line - and on that day, you will take your first steps into the "Kingdom of Heaven".

On that day you will "Fulfill" and Glorify THE LAW and THE PROPHETS.
You look into the "deep" the Abyss for answers.
No, I just have the amazing ability to comprehend a metaphor when I see one used in a fairy tale. A talking serpent should've been a dead giveaway. The authors couldn't have been more obvious.

I have been doing this ever since I was a child. Maybe you should humble yourself like a little child and approach the Bible as if it was a children's story, because it is a collection of children stories teaching hard learned lessons intended to be understood by the children of Bronze Age Hebrews.

Give it a try, if you dare. You already sold your soul to the devil, your birthright as a rational human being that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God, for a bowl of curdled fairy tale porridge.

What do you have to lose except for your delusions?

Don't feel bad. People far more intelligent, dedicated, and pious than you have been fooled too.

Prove your faith in the power of God. Get out of your deathbed, stand upright and walk like a man

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You are interjecting things that don’t exist. Not even logic helps you out.
Logic dictates that a talking serpent is a metaphor for a human archetype, a despicable crafty narcissistic con man that beguiles the gullible so they can be easily lied to and fleeced for life.

Stop being so stubborn and prideful.
Sure. Anything for you!

Where can I go to toss my mind into the trash so I can pay preachers to fill my head with lies?

No, I have the amazing ability to comprehend a metaphor when I see one used in a fairy tale.

I have been doing this ever since I was a child. Maybe you should humble yourself like a little child and approach the Bible as if it was a children's story, because it is a collection of children stories teaching hard leaned lessons intended to be understood by the children of Bronze Age Hebrews.

You already sold your soul for a bowl of fairy tale porridge. What do you have to lose except for your delusions?

If that is the way you feel about me, then I have failed. I am sorry to have failed you.

My soul has been wed eternally to the Spirit of Christ and to the Spirit of Truth. It is with me always - yet it is an unbreakable bond that lives within me and within the world around me. It is an eternal flame - never to be extinguished.

For if what you believe comes to fruition - that the billions and billions of Catholics within the Church will somehow suffer because of the sacrament that was instructed to them as a child - given by Christ at The Last Supper - then our Spirits will take on the consequences of their actions.

We read....

My God is a God of Justice, Compassion, and Mercy - through Justice he will see that they were "like children" not knowing right from wrong.

Through compassion he will see that the children and myself are only here to do good - no bad intentions.

Through Mercy he will rebuke the misunderstanding of the Law/ and Prophets and advise on the Gospels of Christ.

That said, The Spirit of Truth informs me that God is not a petty God - the suffering - death and resurrection has already accomplished by Christ, Jesus - "For The Sake of Many".

But if what you believe never comes into fruition - then do you stand condemned as a false accuser? NO - you do not.

For I not judge lest I be judged

If that is the way you feel about me, then I have failed.
Get used to it. There will never come a time when I accept the specious lies that you are peddling And the more you try to beguile me with your 'beliefs' the further you will descend into the abyss.

I am immune to the poison of serpents. Worry about yourself. A soul is a terrible thing to waste.

How is it that you don't know the right course to take? You haven't failed me. You failed yourself.
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Logic dictates that a talking serpent is a metaphor for a human archetype, a despicable crafty narcissistic con man that beguiles the gullible so they can be easily lied to and fleeced for life.

Sure. Anything for you!

Where can I go to toss my mind into the trash so I can pay preachers to fill my head with lies?

Our teaching jobs in our Church are lay callings without pay. So, my truth does not cost anything to you. Satan is considered the serpent. So, no need to go further with your attacks. Back to the original point. Logic dictates according to Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first of the fold of humans with the spirits of God given to them. All other human-like bones dug up are not of the fold of Adam and Eve or carbon dating is faulty, which is true. Therefore, according to Genesis, logic dictates Cain and Abel could not have need their first children. Logic dictates that a good 300 years past by or more before Cain and Abel. Duh!
No, I just have the amazing ability to comprehend a metaphor when I see one used in a fairy tale. A talking serpent should've been a dead giveaway. The authors couldn't have been more obvious.

I have been doing this ever since I was a child. Maybe you should humble yourself like a little child and approach the Bible as if it was a children's story, because it is a collection of children stories teaching hard learned lessons intended to be understood by the children of Bronze Age Hebrews.

Give it a try, if you dare. You already sold your soul to the devil, your birthright as a rational human being that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy God, for a bowl of curdled fairy tale porridge.

What do you have to lose except for your delusions?

Don't feel bad. People far more intelligent, dedicated, and pious than you have been fooled too.

Prove your faith in the power of God. Get out of your deathbed, stand upright and walk like a man

You have no clue what this metaphor meant. The serpent is Satan who his devilish like a snake. Full of deceit.

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