Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

Another tried an true Neo-GOP tactic. Accuse me of something I didn't do. I said there are laws against spreading false information, and I gave a recent example.
You did, and I responded:

Then, clearly, what Hillary suggests is unnecessary, as we already have the laws we need.

Certainly, you agree.

Not simply spreading information I personally disagree with. But you knew that.
That depends -entirely- on who defines "misinformation".
But you knew that.
The Neo-GOP has the best deny and deflect machine ever.

Can't wait to hear the reasons for Benedict Donald's defeat coming on Jan 6th
If you do the Jonny Cochran spiel on every Progressive who are just so innocent, it does not mean they are not guilty. OJ was still trying to find the killer up to his death. And Progressive intellectuals on the jury found him innocent. At some point, people on the other side may vote the same way for their survival. Of course, those Progressive stalwart statues of freedom will charge them as Insurrectionists as to put the dictatorial state of accusations on speed dial.
They’re inciting assassination attempts against President Trump. They should be charged with inciting violence.

And explain: why do you libs want to imprison Trump for saying to be peaceful, and then allow libs to incite violence? You’re such a hypocrite.
I want to imprison Trump for his attempts to defraud the country and deprive Americans of their constitutional rights to vote his ass out of office. Not incitement.

Saying he’s a threat to democracy does not call for violence in any way whatsoever. It is protected speech.
Does this Democrat realize the implications of her statements? She's calling for the prosecution of Americans
for political speech. She is a tyrant.

Where did she say Jail?

Don't have a huge problem with opening a discussion about this...

The 1st amendment is a right... People like Trump piss on that right by abusing it everyday. He sayas things that have got people death threats and interfered with other people freedom.
That is essentially wrong, we can't have individuals interfering with others peoples safety and freedom, if we do so then someone has too much power and legislation is needed to have both individuals to enjoy the same freedom.
Okay, as long as you accept the consequences.

If someone wrongfully accused you of a horrible crime, would you say, "Aw, shucks, that's just free speech!"

Let's say as a result of that false accusation, you lost your job, or someone committed an act of violence against you.

Would you say, "Aw, Shucks", or would you get a lawyer and do something about it?

You may not know how free speech works.
Trump doesn't get a pass for the 1/6 riot because after 3 months of riling up the loons with what he knew to be lies, he slipped the word peacefully in there when the riot started.

You don’t think calling Trump a threat to Democracy is riling up the loons? That is rhetoric is spewed by the current administration and yet you don’t want to hold them accountable for assasination attempts of Trump. Funny how that works.
Okay, as long as you accept the consequences.

If someone wrongfully accused you of a horrible crime, would you say, "Aw, shucks, that's just free speech!"

Let's say as a result of that false accusation, you lost your job, or someone committed an act of violence against you.

Would you say, "Aw, Shucks", or would you get a lawyer and do something about it?
Should Presidents, AGs, DAs etc all be prosecuted when they falsely accuse people of crimes?

For example when Obama and Smith falsely accused Bob McDonnell? Ruined his political career over non crimes?
Okay, as long as you accept the consequences.

If someone wrongfully accused you of a horrible crime, would you say, "Aw, shucks, that's just free speech!"

Let's say as a result of that false accusation, you lost your job, or someone committed an act of violence against you.

Would you say, "Aw, Shucks", or would you get a lawyer and do something about it?
Should Presidents, AGs, DAs etc all be prosecuted when they falsely accuse people of crimes?

For example when Obama and Smith falsely accused Bob McDonnell? Ruined his political career over non crimes?

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