Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

That seems to be ridiculous. But hey, wtf do I know?
All they have left is ridiculous. The scores of poor people buying their children $100 toys so we have to end welfare isn't really that different of an argument than we need to stop letting Haitians in because they're eating pets.
I always get cheered up by a good church burning story. The latest came out of Canada where they burned Catholic churches to the ground over their treatment of native children. I believe they practiced their choir boy diddling skills on those little Indians.
I'm American Indian and nothing like that happened to me, anyone I know, or people in my family. But I am sure you have some evidence, right?
Are you on crack?
No, he’s a liberal who hates Israel and knows I’m Jewish. Thus, on a totally unrelated topic, he makes a sarcastic remark to irritate a Jewish woman.

(That’s how the Dems are these days - hostile to Jews while calling the other side bigots and racists.)
No, he’s a liberal who hates Israel and knows I’m Jewish. Thus, on a totally unrelated topic, he makes a sarcastic remark to irritate a Jewish woman.

(That’s how the Dems are these days - hostile to Jews while calling the other side bigots and racists.)
Why do you hate the homeless?

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