Will russia win the ukraine war thanks to china?

I love and am proud of my children, yet I can still tell them when they are fucking up and being idiots. I do not have to ignore that just because I love them....in fact it is that love that makes me not ignore it.
I wont argue all the examples on you list

You would love to get list in the weeds over that

But you ignore the very real that of communist china because you didnt get your way on defense spending

You want to punish America by cheering for china
The Native Americans would like to have a word about killing people for territorial gain.

The Comanche’s drove the Apache out of Texas for territorial gain

Indians murdered and enslaved other Indians long before Columbus discovered the New World
I wont argue all the examples on you list

Are you going to pretend they did not happen?

But you ignore the very real that of communist china because you didnt get your way on defense spending

The real threat of China has nothing to do with their military. That is what people like you cannot understand.

China is a threat to end our domination of the world we have had for the last 50 years.

And most of it is our own fault. We do dumb shit like ignore a country like Panama that, I would think even you can admit, is massively important due to the canal. 4 years without an ambassador spanning 2 years of Trump and two of Biden. During that time they became closer China. Is that China's fault or ours?

China is building ports in Peru, what is the US doing in Peru?

Brazil is putting the leases for 6 ports up for bids, how many American companies do you think will even bid?

This ignores the money they have put into Africa. We in the US think of Africa and we just see savages living in grass huts. China seems a new generation of customers.
Are you going to pretend they did not happen?
I’m not going to hide behind them every time there is criticism of china

Some military interventions were necessary

IF the US guts our military as you propose the new dominant country will be china

And the chicoms will use their military superiority around the world just as they are in the South China Sea today
I’m not going to hide behind them every time there is criticism of china

Some military interventions were necessary

IF the US guts our military as you propose the new dominant country will be china

And the chicoms will use their military superiority around the world just as they are in the South China Sea today

We do not need to gut our military, I have never suggested that.

We need to stop spending trillions on wars that do nothing for our country but kill off our troops. We do not need to have bases in more than 65 countries.

Maybe you have not noticed, but as a country we are 35T in the whole. If we do not change something, nothing China does will matter a bit.

The Comanche’s drove the Apache out of Texas for territorial gain

Indians murdered and enslaved other Indians long before Columbus discovered the New World
I think there's a big difference between tribal squabbles over hunting areas and outright fucking genocide, which is what America did to these poor people.

Read up on how it was government policy to hunt the Bison to near extinction to deprive them of their primary food source.
We do not need to gut our military, I have never suggested that.
You have attacked every military intervention America has been involved in as s way of excusing chicom aggression

Nature hates a vacuum

Without the US china rules
I think there's a big difference between tribal squabbles over hunting areas and outright fucking genocide, which is what America did to these poor people.

Read up on how it was government policy to hunt the Bison to near extinction to deprive them of their primary food source.
The Comanche acted no differently than the white settlers
You have attacked every military intervention America has been involved in as s way of excusing chicom aggression

Nature hates a vacuum

Without the US china rules

There really does not have to be one single world power.

Lots of smaller countries (what are called "middle powers") are banding together to push back against the idea a super power is needed. I find this to be a good thing. The world will be a better place if there are no more super powers.

I did a thread on middle powers a couple months ago.
You have attacked every military intervention America has been involved in as s way of excusing chicom aggression

Nature hates a vacuum

Without the US china rules
How do military interventions make us "Stronger"?

Let's review, shall we.

Vietnam- Pointless
Grenada - Pointless
Lebanon - Pointless
Panama - Pointless
Kuwait - I guess we were holding up a principal there.
Bosnia - Pointless
Kosovo - Pointless
Afghanistan - Justified, but mishandled and ultimately pointless
Iraq - Pointless
Libya - Pointless.

(Hey, here's where you can chime in like a hippy how awesome Trump was because the military wouldn't let him start a new war with Iran!)

So while we've been alienating most of the world with pointless military adventures. China has been going around the world helping them build ports and schools. They were even talking for a while about building a sea-level canal through Nicaragua.
There really does not have to be one single world power.

Lots of smaller countries (what are called "middle powers") are banding together to push back against the idea a super power is needed. I find this to be a good thing. The world will be a better place if there are no more super powers.

I did a thread on middle powers a couple months ago.
Thats what America is doing in east asia

Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, in particular recognize the chicom threat and are allying with the US against china

But the US is the key partner

Without our military china rules
Thats what America is doing in east asia

Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, in particular recognize the chicom threat and are allying with the US against china

That is what those in East Asia are doing I agree. While we are offering them support, many are not wanting direct help from us as it often comes with too many strings attached.

Without our military china rules

Then perhaps we should quit wasting trillions on stupid ass fucking wars that gain our country nothing....
How do military interventions make us "Stronger"?

Let's review, shall we.

Vietnam- Pointless
Grenada - Pointless
Lebanon - Pointless
Panama - Pointless
Kuwait - I guess we were holding up a principal there.
Bosnia - Pointless
Kosovo - Pointless
Afghanistan - Justified, but mishandled and ultimately pointless
Iraq - Pointless
Libya - Pointless.

(Hey, here's where you can chime in like a hippy how awesome Trump was because the military wouldn't let him start a new war with Iran!)

So while we've been alienating most of the world with pointless military adventures. China has been going around the world helping them build ports and schools. They were even talking for a while about building a sea-level canal through Nicaragua.

Panama was not pointless, if fact it was necessary to clean up the mess we made by propping up and giving aide to the drug dealing dictator we allowed/helped to take over the country
How do military interventions make us "Stronger"?

Let's review, shall we.

Vietnam- Pointless
Grenada - Pointless
Lebanon - Pointless
Panama - Pointless
Kuwait - I guess we were holding up a principal there.
Bosnia - Pointless
Kosovo - Pointless
Afghanistan - Justified, but mishandled and ultimately pointless
Iraq - Pointless
Libya - Pointless.

(Hey, here's where you can chime in like a hippy how awesome Trump was because the military wouldn't let him start a new war with Iran!)

So while we've been alienating most of the world with pointless military adventures. China has been going around the world helping them build ports and schools. They were even talking for a while about building a sea-level canal through Nicaragua.
I dont disagree with you that the US made mistakes in foreign policy

Every great nation does

But our intentions were pure

China’s are not

Xi speaks often about getting even with tje western powers and japan for the humiliation of china during the 19th and 20th Century

Vengeance is not a good foreign policy

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