Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

There’s nothing wrong with auditing people who claim they can’t afford to eat and afford housing… but only are so because they aollocate those funds to iPhones, iPads, luxury cars, etc….

That’s fraud
I know a poor family.
Their kids wear Rolex Watches, diamond necklaces, eat caviar and lobster and have designer clothes

I think we give our poor people too much

If it was up to me, they would live in tents, eat Road Kill and have to work sweeping our streets with tooth brushes.

That would build character
There's a problem with your 'solution.' They won't work.
No, he’s a liberal who hates Israel and knows I’m Jewish. Thus, on a totally unrelated topic, he makes a sarcastic remark to irritate a Jewish woman.

(That’s how the Dems are these days - hostile to Jews while calling the other side bigots and racists.)
He is a leftist.

True liberals speak up for a tiny minority that is being ganged up on by a large majority.
It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.
No, by definition, assuming someone is on welfare because they “look low income” is making an UN-fair assumption.

Plus, we all know that you really mean when you say they look “low income”. You’re not nearly as clever as you seem to think you are
He is a leftist.

True liberals speak up for a tiny minority that is being ganged up on by a large majority.
You should start a discussion on the difference between a liberal and a leftist. I have been told the opposite of what you are saying here…..that the liberals are destroying the leftists.
When businesses cry about "I can't find workers" I tell them that they are total failures attracting workers. 150 percent on the employer.
A strong work ethic will get one I to the scraping by category.
So then you need a little job training, at a minimum.

Also, I find elitists to define “scraping by” as living in a small house, sharing a bathroom with the family, having one car, maybe a window air-conditioner, one or maybe two TVs, no eating out except for birthdays, and then only at something along of the lines of Applebees.

You know….what used to be called middle class in the 60s.
There’s nothing wrong with auditing people who claim they can’t afford to eat and afford housing… but only are so because they aollocate those funds to iPhones, iPads, luxury cars, etc….

That’s fraud
The largest recipients of welfare are the elderly and the young.
So then you need a little job training, at a minimum.

Also, I find elitists to define “scraping by” as living in a small house, sharing a bathroom with the family, having one car, maybe a window air-conditioner, one or maybe two TVs, no eating out except for birthdays, and then only at something along of the lines of Applebees.

You know….what used to be called middle class in the 60s.
There were no Applebee's in the 1960's. In the 1960s we lived in a three-bedroom house with central heat and air and had two cars in the driveway, my sister and I had our own bedrooms.
So then you need a little job training, at a minimum.

Also, I find elitists to define “scraping by” as living in a small house, sharing a bathroom with the family, having one car, maybe a window air-conditioner, one or maybe two TVs, no eating out except for birthdays, and then only at something along of the lines of Applebees.

You know….what used to be called middle class in the 60s.
Scraping by is no existence. Get up, go to work, never really get ahead. Deny corporate heads their laborers. A good start.
The largest recipients of welfare are the elderly and the young.
And there would be more for them if we stopped giving money for illegals and the millions of young, non working people. The handicapped are worst affected and veterans. Hell, we have to have a private corporation to help these handicapped vets. "Tunnel To Towers" With the billions this regime and bureaucracy literally fritter away there is no excuse for not taking care of our handicapped vets.
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Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

nope, the republicans want to cut off all welfare in the US, unless yer rich.
Nope, no Republican will cut welfare, that's a well-worn Democrat scare tactic. I say close down the 'green' bureaucracy and give the $$$ to handicapped vets. Institute or strengthen 'welfare to work' programs for the able bodied. You should have to work to get money if you are not handicapped and able bodied.
Nope, no Republican will cut welfare, that's a well-worn Democrat scare tactic. I say close down the 'green' bureaucracy and give the $$$ to handicapped vets. Institute or strengthen 'welfare to work' programs for the able bodied. You should have to work to get money if you are not handicapped and able bodied.

I am legally handicapped and still work.​

Republicans Force Democrats Reduce Spending & Embrace ...

Congressman Daniel Webster (.gov) › republicans-force-democrats-...

May 31, 2023 — 3746 the Fiscal Accountability Act of 2023 which requires Congress to spend less this year than it did last year and institutes welfare reforms ...
Background to put this discussion in perspective:

I know a young woman with four children - no husband, and different fathers - and I buy birthday gifts for each one, since I know money is tight and she is on public assistance. I told her I would have a gift for her son next week, and she suggested a toy I can buy him (he’s 6).

I went to the Walmart, and I found the toy - with about six different versions - ranging in price from $80 to $120 (for the super-deluxe). I opted for a similar type of toy that I think he will like (because I give to her other three and don’t want to set a high bar going forward), but I noticed the obviously low-income people around me grabbing these expensive toys off the shelf. It is a fair assumption that most are on some sort of welfare.

So….the question is: since we give these people food stamps, free health care, subsidized rent, and even cash, is it safe to think that maybe it’s TOO much since they are buying stuff that the self-supporting people cannot afford themselves?

“If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys…”

They’re not.

The thread premise is yet another example of the right’s ignorance concerning public assistance and conservatives’ contempt for low income Americans.

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