Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

You should start a discussion on the difference between a liberal and a leftist. I have been told the opposite of what you are saying here…..that the liberals are destroying the leftists.
MinTrut used to say that, but the creature is SEVERELY mentally ill.
It is remarkable the GLEE with which liberals anticipate seeing the self-supportimg middle class’ retirement portfolios wiped out, isn’t it?

You sound exactly like all the tards who lost their asses in every bubble since the 1790's. "It wasn't my fault!!! It wuz those lazy poor people who made me go bankrupt betting on bubbles!!!" lol

I am legally handicapped and still work.​

Republicans Force Democrats Reduce Spending & Embrace Welfare Reform

Republicans Force Democrats Reduce Spending & Embrace Welfare Reform

Republicans Force Democrats Reduce Spending & Embrace ...

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Congressman Daniel Webster (.gov) › republicans-force-democrats-...

May 31, 2023 — 3746 the Fiscal Accountability Act of 2023 which requires Congress to spend less this year than it did last year and institutes welfare reforms ...
So, 'expanded work requirements' is somehow a bad thing? Trying to stay within spending limits is somehow a bad thing? Glad you can work but, it ain't all about you Moonie. :itsok:
Taxpayers do pay. Folks on welfare pay taxes too.
They are not paying federal income taxes - and that’s where their welfare comes from. They are net takers, sometimes by as much as $40,000 a year depending on how many illegitimate kids they have.

These people need to start working.
They are not paying federal income taxes - and that’s where their welfare comes from.
Pretty broad statement to make with zero citations. But if you’re right, they are just like many large US corporations.

They are net takers, sometimes by as much as $40,000 a year depending on how many illegitimate kids they have.
Most red states are net-takers too. Is it because of of all of the illegitimate kids they have in possum holler?

"For example, Hale County, Alabama. Nearly one in four working age people are not working, because they're disabled. One in four. What is going on there? Well, last fall, this reporter, Chana Joffe-Walt, who's with Planet Money, she went to Hale county to try to figure out what was going on there. And her experience there was the beginning of a six-month-long obsession with our nation's disability programs."

These people need to start working.
Again, quite a broad statement to make with zero citations.

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