I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About


You prove again how fucked the head you are. I never said you couldn't use those terms, inbred. I said your too stupid to think up your own insults.



You prove again how fucked the head you are. I never said you couldn't use those terms, inbred. I said your too stupid to think up your own insults.


And who do you think I hate?

And who do you think I hate?
You hate Trump and the people that believe in him. You hate America and what we stand for here. You are a product of inbreeding obviously and are projecting. Is there another word I should call you? Inbred?

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About​

It's not really that complicated: it's all about money and power and the democrats do not want to lose either one. There are too many people who like the status quo under democrat rule, they get rich at the taxpayers expense.

I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About​

It's not really that complicated: it's all about money and power and the democrats do not want to lose either one. There are too many people who like the status quo under democrat rule, they get rich at the taxpayers expense.
Don't you have that switched , trump / the new maga republicans support corporate America above the American worker. Remember tax cuts for the rich. Forever. LOL ! Nothing in this world is forever.

Well there is this ^^^^^^.

Who the fuck says this but a deranged moron.
Trump is indeed that deranged moron.........and you support this criminal.

Dear Lord....Fuck ALL of you idiots.
Libs have zero sense of humor. You are such a pathetic person. GFY
All depends on.the person and the mood they're in. On here I'd say more of the MAGAS are in a bad mood thus not receptive to humor. Life isn't suppose to be this much trouble , we are doing this to ourselves. Break the cycle. Choose to have a good day. Life is too short to worry about what other people are doing or might be doing. And the only enemies we have are those we create.
This one's just relentlessly crazy. Don't waste your time on him.And a very poor liar , can't even come up with his own lies , uses others.

You're spot on. He's a troll. But it's fun fucking with him.

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