Racist Judge "termporarily" suspends trial of BLACK woman who killed 3 year-old WHITE boy.

Stop focusing on race??? That's what this is all about, you nitwit. Reverse the races and this would be the lead story on TV for weeks, Instead they have buried it. Fortunately we have the internet.
No it wouldn't. Cases like this are in courts all over America and they don't get anything more than the same local coverage the one you posted did. Stop crying.
Stop crying. Whites have gotten away with killing us for most of the 248 years America has been a country. White cops are doing it now.
You live in an alternate dimension from what's real, dude.
Black people have been a loved and integral part of American heritage for over 400 years.
Fuck off with your silly bullshit.
And no, they weren't all slaves, and fuck you. :fu:

What was Crispus's last name?
Black people have been a loved and integral part of American heritage for over 400 years.
Blacks can't do anything but crime, welfare, entertainment, and sports. Very few become engineers or businessmen or scientists. Black lives do not matter.

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