At least two women in Georgia died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state

The new laws in certain states regarding abortion created the situation where doctor are afraid.

Remember ladies, the Dirty Don takes credit for robbing you of these once safe, life saving procedures.

Make sure you vote against the Neo-GOP's draconian policies.
Several people have already stated that abortion is not prohibited to save the life of the mother. Pro Publica duped you people, and you are too arrogant to acknowledge it.
Yes they are with medical exceptions that are so vague doctors in the state are afraid to do them.

It's clear cut. You chose to believe a very political piece you read without critical thinking.
I am NOT in hit pieces, I believe in the U.S. Constitution, YOU do not.
LOL bullshit. You’re a Biden voter. You support authoritarians that want to censor anyone that disagrees with the socialist agenda. You supported unconstitutional vax mandates. You support gun control.
The doctors didn't preform the procedure for fear of being prosecuted by the state.

"In July 2022, the state of Georgia banned abortion after six weeks of pregnancy and made the previously routine, and lifesaving, act of performing a dilation and curettage, or D&C, a felony in all but a few circumstances."
Exception being saving the life of the mother.
This is pitiful. A political piece duped a bunch of people who are too uneducated to simply think about what they are reading.

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