Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Actually, your side has ZERO EVIDENCE that adding Co2 to the atmosphere causes warming.


highly correlated satellite and balloon data
Actually, warming is caused by more than humans simply "adding Co2 to the atmosphere." Human extraction of long sequestered carbon in any form creates problems. Yes, burning, refining, producing, transporting so-called natural gas, gasoline, ethanol, diesel, jet fuel, plastics, etc., etc.

Excess carbon on or above Earth's surface inevitably leads to excess surface warming, not to mention increased waste, pollution, and climate change.
Actually, warming is caused by more than humans simply "adding Co2 to the atmosphere." Human extraction of long sequestered carbon in any form creates problems. Yes, burning, refining, producing, transporting so-called natural gas, gasoline, ethanol, diesel, jet fuel, plastics, etc., etc.

Excess carbon on or above Earth's surface inevitably leads to excess surface warming, not to mention increased waste, pollution, and climate change.

Your side has NO WARMING outside of the surface of growing urban areas.

That is why you cannot show one single photo of ocean rise.
That is why the record decade for canes is still the 1940s.

Attempting to blur the Co2 Fraud into "waste and pollution" is also BS. The Co2 FRAUD misdiagnoses real problems like the fires, which are caused by too many humans sucking too much fresh water from finite land based sources. Solutions like desalination are blotted out by the Co2 FRAUD, which cheers the fires as "evidence" of "warming"... except that's not what happens on planet Earth...

During the Jurassic Period, the Earth's climate was much warmer and wetter than it is today.

This is because Earth today has 9 million cubic miles of ice, 97% on the two ice ages of today, Greenland and Antarctica, and during Jurassic there was little to no land near the poles, so there was a lot less than 9 million cubic miles of ice on Earth.

A warmer Earth is a wetter Earth and hence there would be LESS FIRES NOT MORE, YOU RETARDED SCIENCE INVALID MORON!!!
Excess carbon on or above Earth's surface inevitably leads to excess surface warming, not to mention increased waste, pollution, and climate change.
Incremental surface warming, not excess surface warming. It's 1C per doubling of CO2. Hardly anything.

No to increased waste, pollution, and climate change, so don't mention it. :)
Apu likes to watch. :lol:
I've refuted your lies/delusions Literally thousands of times.
80% of them under 10 word trolls/repeated trolls.
Your one-lines are certainly not worth anything but a feedback click.

If someone or something new comes along (like that Samfort guy) I might give it some attention/a 2-3 post factual gutting. Otherwise I spend much more time on Mensa's groups now.

I'm done with you again now OCD Boy. This place needs serious moderation/a 75% trimming.
Last line away. Bye
I don't mind them preaching about global warming. I do mind a hell of a lot their alarmism over what amounts to very tiny bits of salt in a virtually empty salt shaker.
Now you’re a global warming supporter ? Ha ha
Now research what global warming is really about dufus !
very tiny bits of salt in a virtually empty salt shaker.
All is relative. Our Sun takes up approximately 0.5% of the sky, as it appears to be about half a degree across when viewed from Earth. Yet
After accounting for the fact that 71% of incident solar radiation is deposited into the earth system, the Sun provides a total energy to Earth that is still more than 2600 times larger than the sum of all other external sources.
We'd be popsicles without that bit of salt in our vastly empty spatial salt shaker. Same without those pesky greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Incremental surface warming, not excess surface warming. It's 1C per doubling of CO2. Hardly anything.

No to increased waste, pollution, and climate change, so don't mention it. :)

That is deliberately lying about Urban Heat Island Effect and blaming it on Co2.....

In reality, Co2 does NOTHING....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

and so the climate "scientists" FUDGED that data to show "warming" THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
All is relative. Our Sun takes up approximately 0.5% of the sky, as it appears to be about half a degree across when viewed from Earth. Yet

We'd be popsicles without that bit of salt in our vastly empty spatial salt shaker. Same without those pesky greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

So how did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME???
I've refuted your lies/delusions Literally thousands of times.
80% of them under 10 word trolls/repeated trolls.
Your one-lines are certainly not worth anything but a feedback click.

If someone or something new comes along (like that Samfort guy) I might give it some attention/a 2-3 post factual gutting. Otherwise I spend much more time on Mensa's groups now.

I'm done with you again now OCD Boy. This place needs serious moderation/a 75% trimming.
Last line away. Bye

Can you answer basic climate questions yet???

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

Everyone who cannot answer these should be tossed... because they are pushing a treasonous fraud easily outed as such.
I've refuted your lies/delusions Literally thousands of times.
80% of them under 10 word trolls/repeated trolls.
Your one-lines are certainly not worth anything but a feedback click.

If someone or something new comes along (like that Samfort guy) I might give it some attention/a 2-3 post factual gutting. Otherwise I spend much more time on Mensa's groups now.

I'm done with you again now OCD Boy. This place needs serious moderation/a 75% trimming.
Last line away. Bye
You haven't refuted anything. You're an idiot.
All is relative. Our Sun takes up approximately 0.5% of the sky, as it appears to be about half a degree across when viewed from Earth. Yet

We'd be popsicles without that bit of salt in our vastly empty spatial salt shaker. Same without those pesky greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
What amazes me is Alarmists exist. Why do they keep telling us we are in danger from this salt you agree is in a virtually empty salt shaker. I like to use true numbers which is a bit more than 400 ppm and point out how small that amount is. It is not tenths or hundredths, it is part of a million parts. Tiny as that salt I mentioned before.
Now you’re a global warming supporter ? Ha ha
Now research what global warming is really about dufus !
Not me dummy. I don't mind you agree with the fraud. It does not change my life at all.
What amazes me is Alarmists exist. Why do they keep telling us we are in danger from this salt you agree is in a virtually empty salt shaker. I like to use true numbers which is a bit more than 400 ppm and point out how small that amount is. It is not tenths or hundredths, it is part of a million parts. Tiny as that salt I mentioned before.
Since that sort of thing alarms you so much here's another crap analogy for you to bunch your panties over..
WTF, a human to a bee sting by volume? No comparison!
Here is Google AI's statement of AGW theory.

The theory of anthropogenic global warming states that the current rise in global temperatures is primarily caused by human activities, like burning fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the planet to warm significantly; essentially, the majority of observed climate change is directly attributable to human actions.

The OP asks if this is falsifiable. The obvious answer is yes. Does anyone still disagree?

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