Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

A theory is a hypothesis that has survived attempts to falsify it and has successfully made predictions. That does not mean that new knowledge might not falsify it. Pappadave1 is correct. Many theories have been falsified.
Theories aren’t falsified. No one of them has ever been. Why ? Because science theories are all subject to change and modifications. That’s why they are called THEORIES.
and according to highly correlated satellite and balloon data, the additional Co2 produced precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere.
Gee, you just admitted the atmosphere gets colder the higher you go. Of course that makes temperature measure pretty fking useless any where except near the surface, dufus.
Gee, you just admitted the atmosphere gets colder the higher you go. Of course that makes temperature measure pretty fking useless any where except near the surface, dufus.

It took tens of millions of years of Antarctica's continent specific ice age to get that ice to over 2 miles high. That's what ice cores document.

Earth gets colder the closer one gets to a pole.

One Earth polar circle is 50F colder than the other, and only a tiny part of that is elevation. The real part is 8 million cubic miles of ice.

Google = How cold is it on top of Mount Kilimanjaro?

The temperature at Uhuru Peak, the summit of Kilimanjaro, is always below freezing. It can even drop to -27°C (-17°F) at night! And that's not counting the wind chill.

The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2°C (-128.6°F) at Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983

Why is one "two mile high" reading 100F colder than the other???
Gee, you just admitted the atmosphere gets colder the higher you go. Of course that makes temperature measure pretty fking useless any where except near the surface, dufus.

Nice try...

satellites and balloons are real data refuting the Co2 FRAUD completely. There is, in fact, NO ACTUAL DATA to support the Co2 FRAUD, just FUDGE.
A theory is a hypothesis that has survived attempts to falsify it and has successfully made predictions. That does not mean that new knowledge might not falsify it. Pappadave1 is correct. Many theories have been falsified.
Name one and name the science research institution and working scientists that did it.
Nice try...

satellites and balloons are real data refuting the Co2 FRAUD completely. There is, in fact, NO ACTUAL DATA to support the Co2 FRAUD, just FUDGE.
You are so science illiterate you don’t have a fkin* clue what you mean…this why you keep repeating the same babble.
Name one and name the science research institution and working scientists that did it.

You are so science illiterate you don’t have a fkin* clue what you mean…this why you keep repeating the same babble.
In real life, one must believe you whip tots that make you angry.

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