At least two women in Georgia died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state

Repubicans are not Pro Life. Women are dying because fundamentalist nutjobs are denying women access to life saving care. Here is an example.

Abortion Bans Have Delayed Emergency Medical Care. In Georgia, Experts Say This Mother’s Death Was Preventable.​

In her final hours, Amber Nicole Thurman suffered from a grave infection that her suburban Atlanta hospital was well-equipped to treat.

She’d taken abortion pills and encountered a rare complication; she had not expelled all of the fetal tissue from her body. She showed up at Piedmont Henry Hospital in need of a routine procedure to clear it from her uterus, called a dilation and curettage, or D&C.

But just that summer, her state had made performing the procedure a felony, with few exceptions. Any doctor who violated the new Georgia law could be prosecuted and face up to a decade in prison.

Thurman waited in pain in a hospital bed, worried about what would happen to her 6-year-old son, as doctors monitored her infection spreading, her blood pressure sinking and her organs beginning to fail.

It took 20 hours for doctors to finally operate. By then, it was too late.

This is what Trump has done. This is a result of his supreme court. They tell us they are pro life, but we see a gravestone here that did not have to be made because of people who claim to be pro life.
Oh, bullshit. She'd already killed the baby. Removing some remaining fetal tissue that hadn't been expelled from her body wouldn't have been an abortion. She had an infection that she waited too long to address.
Oh, bullshit. She'd already killed the baby. Removing some remaining fetal tissue that hadn't been expelled from her body wouldn't have been an abortion. She had an infection that she waited too long to address.
The death was preventable. That's all that needs to be said. I am not going to argue about this with a bunch of people who want to cut any help a chid needs after it's born.
The death was preventable. That's all that needs to be said. I am not going to argue about this with a bunch of people who want to cut any help a chid needs after it's born.
She died because she used an abortion pill and had a complication from that pill. That had zero to do with Donald Trump. Why did the hospital refuse to treat an infection? Did they want a martyr? If you believe in doing the right thing as a doctor you should have done it in this case.
She died because she used an abortion pill and had a complication from that pill. That had zero to do with Donald Trump. Why did the hospital refuse to treat an infection? Did they want a martyr? If you believe in doing the right thing as a doctor you should have done it in this case.
Again, I don't care. The death was preventable.
Again, I don't care. The death was preventable.
Yeah it was. She could have left early enough to get to North Carolina for her abortion appointment. She could have NOT taken the abortion pills! The doctors at the hospital could have operated immediately to treat the infection. That death was preventable but Georgia's abortion laws had little to do with it.

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