Who pays tariffs?

The economy is going up … every economists has stated this …they have said, now pay attention, they say from the economy that Trump wrecked they Biden and Harris had turned it around more people are working … more people are slowly pulling themselves out of this trump wrecked economy … that they trump created by his poor judgment… Biden has got the infrastructure’s being to be rebuilt in many states … you talk a lot of Republican lies here but you never tell the truth … look at Vance today whining about Harris tell the country how bad she is by telling you how bad trump is … now today 500 military leaders have come out and said vote for Kamala Harris… that trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country… now you have all Reagan republicans telling you not to vote for trump … you have bush republicans telling not to vote for trump …now you have military Leaders, 500 of them telling you not to vote for trump …to vote for Kamala Harris … what has to happen to you to get you to realize how wrong you are … these are honorable people who have come up in the ranks who are medal recipients… who have fought for this country … now they are democrats because they are trying to tell you lug heads to not vote for trump. Nd why… what you are doing here to support trump is wrong as wrong can be.. when are you going to wake up…

The economy is not doing great. Where do you people get thus stuff? Pure ignorance. Savings are down, credit card debt is way up, real wages are down and they continue to adjust the employment numbers down. You people live in an alternate universe.
The economy is not doing great. Where do you people get thus stuff? Pure ignorance. Savings are down, credit card debt is way up, real wages are down and they continue to adjust the employment numbers down. You people live in an alternate universe.
Real wages are UP jackass and even with adjustments the job gain has been considerable
The economy is going up … every economists has stated this …they have said, now pay attention, they say from the economy that Trump wrecked they Biden and Harris had turned it around more people are working … more people are slowly pulling themselves out of this trump wrecked economy … that they trump created by his poor judgment… Biden has got the infrastructure’s being to be rebuilt in many states … you talk a lot of Republican lies here but you never tell the truth … look at Vance today whining about Harris tell the country how bad she is by telling you how bad trump is … now today 500 military leaders have come out and said vote for Kamala Harris… that trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country… now you have all Reagan republicans telling you not to vote for trump … you have bush republicans telling not to vote for trump …now you have military Leaders, 500 of them telling you not to vote for trump …to vote for Kamala Harris … what has to happen to you to get you to realize how wrong you are … these are honorable people who have come up in the ranks who are medal recipients… who have fought for this country … now they are democrats because they are trying to tell you lug heads to not vote for trump. Nd why… what you are doing here to support trump is wrong as wrong can be.. when are you going to wake up…

The economy is going up … every economists has stated this …

Going up? What does that mean? Every economist? No exceptions?

they say from the economy that Trump wrecked

That the China Flu wrecked.

Biden has got the infrastructure’s being to be rebuilt in many states

Those 8 EV chargers are really something!

now today 500 military leaders have come out and said vote for Kamala Harris

These leaders?




The economy is going up … every economists has stated this …

Going up? What does that mean? Every economist? No exceptions?

they say from the economy that Trump wrecked

That the China Flu wrecked.

Biden has got the infrastructure’s being to be rebuilt in many states

Those 8 EV chargers are really something!

now today 500 military leaders have come out and said vote for Kamala Harris

These leaders?

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you know if you want to be stupid I can't deal with you... the generals I spoke about were the generals that worked under Donald Trump ... I realize you want to sl;ame gays and women thats what you cowards do ...so stop the Bull shit more than 8 charging stations have been installed in this country ... in many states, he new infrastructure Bill has started projects for roads, bridges, and railroads. and yes 500 generals have said do not vote for Trump ,,, all of the people who worked with both of the Bush administrations have said do not vote for Donald Trump ...all of the people who worked with the Ronald Reagan administration have come out and said don't vote for Donald trump ... that says a lot to this country,,, your stupid response is what it is you show how stupid you are ...
Real wages are UP

Back to 2019 levels yet?
yes they are back to 2019 levels and then some The median wage was $38,640 in 2019 according to the government stats ... the average wage is 58,260 in 2023 ... so yeah I would say it's up... Guess you didn't look it up now did ya ... a case of open mouth insert foot ... HUH !!!

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