This Keeps Getting Fishier

Isn’t it more to the point that a known criminal nut job was able to get that close to President Trump and lie in wait at the fence line for TWELVE fucking hours without being challenged by any law enforcement or protective agencies?

I agree that we don’t have much proof of a conspiracy. At least not yet, if ever.

Still, his being there at the fence line for that long certainly implicates some lax security.

Maybe Trump's employees don't like him. But will Don Jr. be any better?
I should run as a Republican. You'd vote for me

George Santos
Hershel Walker
Donald Trump

All insane.
I may refrain from voting for Democraps. But other I nor any other adult would ever vote for a mutt like you regardless of the label.

You’re insane.
How did he know to wait for twelve hours if this was just a last minute decision for Trump? Could he possibly have been talked into this by his team?

That was my thought also.
People are making a lot out of the crazy dude showing up at Trump's course and Trump was there. It's a Sunday and Trump is a golfer who does not go to church. This isn't hard, not a conspiracy, and not proof the guy was a lackey for an intel service.
It's pretty simple....

Did trump have a rally scheduled for Sunday or the weekend?

If not, he would be home.

If home, then he would be golfing...

if golfing it would not be in the early morning....trump is a late riser.

These are all public things most all people who have watched the former president would know...
It's pretty simple....

Did trump have a rally scheduled for Sunday or the weekend?

If not, he would be home.

If home, then he would be golfing...

if golfing it would not be in the early morning....trump is a late riser.

These are all public things most all people who have watched the former president would know...

Yet we still don't know how a man could lie in wait for twelve hours and not even be questioned by the police.
Lies and dirty tactics like lying about Haitians
You poor baby. Have you moved on from defending Ukraine and Hamas to defending Haitians now?
Thing is, there is already lots of credible video out there from police video to counsel hall recordings of people arguing over seeing ducks and cats and things all being killed and eaten, and it is a FACT that in Haiti, it is as common celebration and voodoo practice to kill small animals, especially sucking the blood from them until they die.
From my link?

Have you tried it again?

Screen Shot 2024-09-17 at 4.20.11 PM.png
It's pretty simple....
Did trump have a rally scheduled for Sunday or the weekend?
If not, he would be home.
If home, then he would be golfing...
if golfing it would not be in the early morning....trump is a late riser.

Gee, you sure seem to know a lot about Trump! I just wonder:
  • How do you know that when Trump isn't rallying that he would be home? You think he has nothing else to do? Link.
  • How do you know that when Trump is home, all he does is golf? Link.
  • How do you know Trump is a later riser? Link. If I were in Florida, morning would be the time I'd want to be out! Further, it used to be common knowledge that Trump only slept a few hours every night, so why would he be a "late riser?" Link us to how you know that.
So they say. This sounds staged to me. Like they convinced some idiot to go stand in the bushes with a gun. They're doing a security check and want to see if agents notice. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble.

There was a woman on one of those murder shows I watch. Diabolical I believe was the show. Real stories. This woman paid a slow guy to come in and say "give me all your money". She said "bang on the door and scream "give me all your money". So he did. Then she called 911 and told them "there's an intruder in my home". She shot her husband, then shot the guy and tried to blame it on the retard.
Biden knocked on her door?
Yet we still don't know how a man could lie in wait for twelve hours and not even be questioned by the police.
I doubt the police would be involved....but the secret service should be patrolling the outside of the golf course too!

Or truly, Trump should not golf at his golf resorts after this assassination attempt. It just isn't safe....they can be so easily researched for vulnerabilities.
People are making a lot out of the crazy dude showing up at Trump's course and Trump was there. It's a Sunday and Trump is a golfer who does not go to church. This isn't hard, not a conspiracy, and not proof the guy was a lackey for an intel service.
The guy was a loony leftist fueled by Democrat hatred toward Trump. You are correct though, it would not be hard for a would be assassin to figure out where Trump would be. If we can figure that out, why can't the Secret Service. So obvious, that vantage point is popular for media types getting pictures of Trump.
I doubt the police would be involved....but the secret service should be patrolling the outside of the golf course too!

Or truly, Trump should not golf at his golf resorts after this assassination attempt. It just isn't safe....they can be so easily researched for vulnerabilities.
One would think if it is so easy to see vulnerabilities the Secret Service would know where to watch. They obviously couldn't care less about Trump's safety. It would help for Democrat politicians, media, etc. to stop demonizing Trump.
How did he know to wait for twelve hours if this was just a last minute decision for Trump? Could he possibly have been talked into this by his team?

What a dumb comment. He waited 12 hours cause he was waiting on trump he had no idea how long it would take. He camped out, waiting to strike.

The only question is, why are these ActBlue donors being radicalized, why do they think assassination of the gop nominee is the right answer or ok?
One would think if it is so easy to see vulnerabilities the Secret Service would know where to watch. They obviously couldn't care less about Trump's safety. It would help for Democrat politicians, media, etc. to stop demonizing Trump.
Trump's Golf course is on Dixie Highway on one side....a very high trafficked public road....Making it more vulnerable than the usual golf resort with additional grounds surrounding the course, owned by the Resort.
Or truly, Trump should not golf at his golf resorts after this assassination attempt. It just isn't safe....they can be so easily researched for vulnerabilities.

What's the world coming to when he can't even golf anymore without being targeted?

What a dumb comment. He waited 12 hours cause he was waiting on trump he had no idea how long it would take. He camped out, waiting to strike.

And nobody ever spotted him and his weapon and called the police on him?

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