Will trump try to raise money off the back of this fake shooting ?

Surely not. Surely he is above that crass tactic.

Or is he ?

It would certainly lessen my repect for this great man.

Of course he will, any politician would. And you can bet the commiecrats will as well, touting their gun control agenda.

OMG, he slipped in once, at the very end, after riling up that crowd, he slipped in PEACEFULLY to cover his ass.

Sorry we're not as stupid as you are to fall for this or buy this. He's responsible for the insurrection. Sorry. And we know what he wanted to happen. He wanted Pence to stop the official process and have the Supreme Court decide. He basically wanted to throw out all our votes and have the right wing supreme's decide.

I'm ashamed of you for going along. Darkwind. I'll have to remember Darkwind is a nazi.
He said it originally.

You are a perfect example of how radicalize the media has made people like you.

Have you ever, just once, known the media to say Trump was right about anything? Anything at all since 2015?

There was no inssurecction and after it has been proven time and again, your are so pathetic as to continue to beat that dead horse.

Much like the Russua collusion, or the hookers peeing on him.

There has not been a single narrative from the media you haven'r bought hook, line, and sinker. When they are proven wrong, you parrot their excuses like you parrot their stories.
I don't know who this guy is or how Republicans conned him into going into those bushes with an automatic weapon. Are we ever going to get to interview this guy before the election?

Hopefully the FBI will get to the bottom of this but then Republicans won't believe a word they say.
The guy voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Tulsi and he thought Nikki/Vivek would make a great team. DUDE! Republican.

He's a Dick Chaney or Chris Christie Republican. Mitt Romney or McCain Republican.

So you're saying he's a RINO?

So you're saying he's a RINO?

I think the point is really that the gop is in a state of flux. We have guys like Rove and Bolton who are died in the wool (-: neocons (though I didn't think they'd let W do something THAT stupid). Trump is not a neocon. Then you have Lindsey who runs hot and cold.
It's all we are talking about today. It's better than how Kamala handed him his ass at the debate. This story finally stopped that story. And Taylor Swift's endorsement.

This was a desperate move
wow ! get help commie ..
I don't know who this guy is or how Republicans conned him into going into those bushes with an automatic weapon. Are we ever going to get to interview this guy before the election?

Hopefully the FBI will get to the bottom of this but then Republicans won't believe a word they say.
The guy voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Tulsi and he thought Nikki/Vivek would make a great team. DUDE! Republican.

He's a Dick Chaney or Chris Christie Republican. Mitt Romney or McCain Republican.
He's got that know-it-all Prog smirk. A high percentage of the Progs would be dead without government.
I think the point is really that the gop is in a state of flux. We have guys like Rove and Bolton who are died in the wool (-: neocons (though I didn't think they'd let W do something THAT stupid). Trump is not a neocon. Then you have Lindsey who runs hot and cold.

So you're insinuating this incident was a false flag op, based on what evidence exactly?

He's got that know-it-all Prog smirk. A high percentage of the Progs would be dead without government.

Like this?
So you're insinuating this incident was a false flag op, based on what evidence exactly?

I'm not commenting up the attempted shooting in any way. But I will, since you ask, (-: It should be generating a wealth of good feelings for the former president, but his divisive nature will piss that away.

My comment was simply about the clusterfuck the gop has turned itself into. It has no ideology that is common to the whole party. I prefer non- neo cons, but for me Trump is simply someone I'd vote for or respect anyone else voting for.
Surely not. Surely he is above that crass tactic.

Or is he ?

It would certainly lessen my repect for this great man.

I just found this post from 2016, from a Trump supporter. Thought you'd find it interesting

Every time something violent happens at a Trump/Hillary/Bernie event, it will be "Trumps Fault". Every time some lunatic craps on a cop-car? Trumps Fault !!!,, Future OWS acts of violence, oh, definitely caused by Trump. ISIS kills Christians as usual, Trumps fault, and every time a commercial jet needs to make a crash landing or skids off the runway into the ocean, Trumps Fault !!! and of course, every time a weight machine attacks a Democrat,, Trumps Fault !!! :crybaby::dev3:
Can you imagine if it was Jeb Bush right now with the threat to beat Hillary?

Donald Trump Claims Rhetoric He Also Uses ‘Is Causing Me To Be Shot At’​

In the same breath, Trump condemned Democrats' rhetoric and used that same rhetoric against Democrats, describing them as an existential threat to the U.S.

Trump says it's Biden's fault. LOL
I'm not commenting up the attempted shooting in any way. But I will, since you ask, (-: It should be generating a wealth of good feelings for the former president, but his divisive nature will piss that away.

My comment was simply about the clusterfuck the gop has turned itself into. It has no ideology that is common to the whole party. I prefer non- neo cons, but for me Trump is simply someone I'd vote for or respect anyone else voting for.
Trump is such a drama queen we will have forgotten about this by Friday.
I'm not commenting up the attempted shooting in any way. But I will, since you ask, (-: It should be generating a wealth of good feelings for the former president, but his divisive nature will piss that away.

My comment was simply about the clusterfuck the gop has turned itself into. It has no ideology that is common to the whole party. I prefer non- neo cons, but for me Trump is simply someone I'd vote for or respect anyone else voting for.

Then what did you mean by this:

(though I didn't think they'd let W do something THAT stupid).?

Then what did you mean by this:

(though I didn't think they'd let W do something THAT stupid).?

do you recall invading Iraq? Trump was for it, before he was against .... or the other way around, depending on what version the Old Weird Guy is selling on the day in question.
do you recall invading Iraq? Trump was for it, before he was against .... or the other way around, depending on what version the Old Weird Guy is selling on the day in question.

Perhaps you should be less cryptic in your posts, where only you know what the hell you're talking about.


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