This Keeps Getting Fishier

Isn’t it more to the point that a known criminal nut job was able to get that close to President Trump and lie in wait at the fence line for TWELVE fucking hours without being challenged by any law enforcement or protective agencies?

I agree that we don’t have much proof of a conspiracy. At least not yet, if ever.

Still, his being there at the fence line for that long certainly implicates some lax security.



No he did not get shot. Just fell. LOL
Republicans don't want the Feds interviewing this guy. He will spill the beans how through Roger Stone Trump had him hide in the bushes. it was Trump's team who put him up to it.
Oh come on! He was hiding in the trees with the barrel obviously sticking out? Anyone buying that premise?
Then he didn't get a shot off but we heard that gun shots went off.

I knew you were a nutter but always funny when people like you admit it. I can see you have no experience shooting rifles and don't understand that to fire off a shot, you need your scope to have a clear, unobstructed view of the target, so of course, the rifle would HAVE to be sticking out. And Routh wasn't in any trees, he was behind/within a bunch of shrubbery. And apparently the SS fired off a couple rounds at the guy when they detected him; what kinds of rounds or the direction, I have no idea.
The ocean is right next to Trump's property.

Bet you still think the Butler shooting was staged/fake too.
So just to be clear, in your fantasy, the Secret Service, all the local cops who took the guy down, the witnesses, and the prosecutors who charged him are all "in on it", right? :cuckoo:
Oh hell no. Right now the guy is trying to explain to cops that Roger Stone asked him to do this and said it was an exercise. They aren't buying it. He's trying to call but the number Roger gave him is disconnected.
I knew you were a nutter but always funny when people like you admit it. I can see you have no experience shooting rifles and don't understand that to fire off a shot, you need your scope to have a clear, unobstructed view of the target, so of course, the rifle would HAVE to be sticking out. And Routh wasn't in any trees, he was behind/within a bunch of shrubbery. And apparently the SS fired off a couple rounds at the guy when they detected him; what kinds of rounds or the direction, I have no idea.
The ocean is right next to Trump's property.

Bet you still think the Butler shooting was staged/fake too.
WRONG! I have plenty of experience you IDIOT! You don't sit with your gun pointed outward. You certainly aren't looking through the scope. So you wait with your gun at your side for a deer to pop out. When it appears, that's when you get your gun ready, pointed and start looking through the scope. NEVER before.

Didn't they say the guy never got trump in his sights? How would he then even know Trump was coming the next hole unless someone was telling him? How long was he there?

OMG! That's it. This isn't a one man job. Someone had to tell him Trump was coming. That's when he raised the gun.

So was the guy sitting there for hours with the gun pointed out of the bush? What a joke. And you said I don't know guns? That's the pot calling the kettle black. You've probably never hunted anything in your life.

I'm such a hunter, when Trump got his ear shot off, he reminded me of a bad shot I took once and did that to a deer. Poor thing. Must hurt.
Apparent assassination attempt. Are you buying it 100%?

Wow, Triggered much? You sure have a lot invested in this not being two attempts! Wonder what you'd say if they found an armed gunman on Biden or Harris' property? Would they just be stray hunters then? Gotten lost off their course?

I'm worried for you Bobo that you might break down and cry when this Routh guy is convicted of attempting/intending to kill Trump.

You must be really worried that this will give Trump is final needed bump in the polls.

WRONG! I have plenty of experience you IDIOT! You don't sit with your gun pointed outward. You certainly aren't looking through the scope. So you wait with your gun at your side for a deer to pop out. When it appears, that's when you get your gun ready, pointed and start looking through the scope. NEVER before.

Didn't they say the guy never got trump in his sights? How would he then even know Trump was coming the next hole unless someone was telling him? How long was he there?

OMG! That's it. This isn't a one man job. Someone had to tell him Trump was coming. That's when he raised the gun.

So was the guy sitting there for hours with the gun pointed out of the bush? What a joke. And you said I don't know guns? That's the pot calling the kettle black. You've probably never hunted anything in your life.

I'm such a hunter, when Trump got his ear shot off, he reminded me of a bad shot I took once and did that to a deer. Poor thing. Must hurt.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
How did he know to wait for twelve hours if this was just a last minute decision for Trump? Could he possibly have been talked into this by his team?

Trump plays golf, not too hard to finger out
Wow, Triggered much? You sure have a lot invested in this not being two attempts! Wonder what you'd say if they found an armed gunman on Biden or Harris' property? Would they just be stray hunters then? Gotten lost off their course?

I'm worried for you Bobo that you might break down and cry when this Routh guy is convicted of attempting/intending to kill Trump.

You must be really worried that this will give Trump is final needed bump in the polls.

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That's right. Lies and dirty tactics like lying about Haitians is all Republicans have left.
Doesn't take Prof. Stephen Hawking to figure out the guy wasn't there for Trump's autograph or to steal rogue golf balls, stupid.
You are not an actual ASSASSIN until you actually make the ATTEMPT.

Golf balls go rogue ? No wonder my game is shit

Damn rogue balls

Did you know that if they get wet they develop a thirst and will always find water?
Yet another staged event to garner sympathy and attention.
This is what happens when you lie constantly. No one believes.

And this is what happens when you bring drama every day. No one cares.

Remember when a presidential candidate getting shot was a big deal? Not with Trump. Hell, half the country is glad he got his ears shaved. But did it teach him a lesson? Nope. It made him even angrier. We can't have that as POTUS.
This is what happens when you lie constantly. No one believes.

And this is what happens when you bring drama every day. No one cares.

Remember when a presidential candidate getting shot was a big deal? Not with Trump. Hell, half the country is glad he got his ears shaved. But did it teach him a lesson? Nope. It made him even angrier. We can't have that as POTUS.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: I'd say you're about a week away from killing yourself. Right?
Golf balls go rogue ? No wonder my game is shit

Damn rogue balls

Did you know that if they get wet they develop a thirst and will always find water?
I heard the guy was just hunting ducks and geese

References to the claim, which allege Haitian migrants have been eating cats, as well as ducks and geese

Had Trump played one more hole before the guy was caught, he would have had line of site.

No kidding.

From my link?

Isn’t it more to the point that a known criminal nut job was able to get that close to President Trump and lie in wait at the fence line for TWELVE fucking hours without being challenged by any law enforcement or protective agencies?

That's another extremely good point. Nothing about this adds up whatsoever.

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