This Keeps Getting Fishier

How did he know to wait for twelve hours if this was just a last minute decision for Trump? Could he possibly have been talked into this by his team?


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Had Trump played one more hole before the guy was caught, he would have had line of site.
So they say. This sounds staged to me. Like they convinced some idiot to go stand in the bushes with a gun. They're doing a security check and want to see if agents notice. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble.

There was a woman on one of those murder shows I watch. Diabolical I believe was the show. Real stories. This woman paid a slow guy to come in and say "give me all your money". She said "bang on the door and scream "give me all your money". So he did. Then she called 911 and told them "there's an intruder in my home". She shot her husband, then shot the guy and tried to blame it on the retard.
He was chased off before he could do anything, so apparent seems the right word
It's not right to set up a slow adult to be a scapegoat just to go up in the polls. Trump doesn't care if people get shot or go to jail for him.

JD admits they make up stories. Why should we believe this fabrication? The timing is too convenient.
Google Trump assassination and every story says APPARENT assassination attempt.

Of course they do, for LEGAL reasons. It is an APPARENT assassination attempt because the guy never actually fired at Trump and hasn't been CHARGED with attempted assassination yet.

Maybe he was hiding in the bushes with his AK-47 just trying to hunt down some Blue Finches for dinner.
It's not right to set up a slow adult to be a scapegoat just to go up in the polls. Trump doesn't care if people get shot or go to jail for him.

JD admits they make up stories. Why should we believe this fabrication? The timing is too convenient.

It's not going to work
People are making a lot out of the crazy dude showing up at Trump's course and Trump was there. It's a Sunday and Trump is a golfer who does not go to church. This isn't hard, not a conspiracy, and not proof the guy was a lackey for an intel service.
You are not trusted. You have gotten back what you spieled for decades on people. Unfortunately, you control 95% of media/entertainment and it is a department of the world government people.
Of course they do, for LEGAL reasons. It is an APPARENT assassination attempt because the guy never actually fired at Trump and hasn't been CHARGED with attempted assassination yet.

Maybe he was hiding in the bushes with his AK-47 just trying to hunt down some Blue Finches for dinner.
Only Fox News doesn't put the APPARENT in their headlines. Interesting huh?
You are not trusted. You have gotten back what you spieled for decades on people. Unfortunately, you control 95% of media/entertainment and it is a department of the world government people.

Sorry but we don't control 95% of the media. 95% of the media was purchased by Republicans and Rich Corporations and now it's censored. That means even MSNBC isn't as honest as, say the Daily Show.

Most viewers of political news watch Fox. So most political news viewers are being lied to, by FOX. Weird how that happens when we own 95% of this shit.

Right wing radio reaches far more people than Fox too. And it's where most of the brainwashing happens. On your car ride to Chic Fil A.
Only Fox News doesn't put the APPARENT in their headlines. Interesting huh?

Doesn't take Prof. Stephen Hawking to figure out the guy wasn't there for Trump's autograph or to steal rogue golf balls, stupid.
You are not an actual ASSASSIN until you actually make the ATTEMPT.

People are making a lot out of the crazy dude showing up at Trump's course and Trump was there. It's a Sunday and Trump is a golfer who does not go to church. This isn't hard, not a conspiracy, and not proof the guy was a lackey for an intel service.

Proud of you for breaking from your cult and admitting this latest assassination attempt actually happened.

Your fellow loons are calling it a hoax.
Doesn't take Prof. Stephen Hawking to figure out the guy wasn't there for Trump's autograph or to steal rogue golf balls, stupid.
You are not an actual ASSASSIN until you actually make the ATTEMPT.

Republicans don't want the Feds interviewing this guy. He will spill the beans how through Roger Stone Trump had him hide in the bushes. Something like that. In other words, he didn't act alone and it was Trump's team who put him up to it.

Oh come on! He was hiding in the trees with the barrel obviously sticking out? Anyone buying that premise?

Then he didn't get a shot off but we heard that gun shots went off. But it was a secret service guy? Blindly shooting into the trees? He didn't approach the barrel or call for backup and they didn't surround the gunman? Instead the guy "got away" and someone got his license?

I bet no one was supposed to get his license.

Florida is conducting its own investigation of the man arrested for an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis says he believes the state’s case should take precedence over the federal prosecution.

There's that word APPARENT again.
People are making a lot out of the crazy dude showing up at Trump's course and Trump was there. It's a Sunday and Trump is a golfer who does not go to church. This isn't hard, not a conspiracy, and not proof the guy was a lackey for an intel service.
Isn’t it more to the point that a known criminal nut job was able to get that close to President Trump and lie in wait at the fence line for TWELVE fucking hours without being challenged by any law enforcement or protective agencies?

I agree that we don’t have much proof of a conspiracy. At least not yet, if ever.

Still, his being there at the fence line for that long certainly implicates some lax security.

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